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Everything posted by Lawrence

  1. to be honest I don't actually know the precise measurement of that fish, I just thought it would be funny to post a small fish amongst all the high 20's I'm thinking it was close to 10" though
  2. Okay okay, here's a real stumper! and that's paul bunyan's hand
  3. I'm in #8
  4. I was wondering about these as well, delicate on the floss??
  5. This thread is too touchy feelly for my liking!
  6. Mine's still stuck together, its in there good like the sword in the stone! I tried everything and even tried using wire cutters up against the ferrules and tapping with a hammer, after a liitl.e scrapping I decided that its hopeless and if I want to get it unstuck and back to a four piece I'm just going to have to head to springbrook
  7. I agree, there has been numerous patterns that are out there that are just tweaked out versions of another persons pattern, that someone else has tweaked from another and so on and so on. I think that an original pattern would not come from the materials it was made, from but the technique used to make the fly.
  8. Welcome back Gary!
  9. I lost my clicker thingy on my bauer last year and i really don't have the urge to get it replaced. If really needed I just make the sound myself as needed......ziiiinnnnnnnnng.
  10. I couldn't get past ten seconds of that vid
  11. constipated???? I really don't have an answer
  12. Sweet fish dude!
  13. Brilliant! I'll think I'll have to pick that mag up. Yeah marrying wings is what I was looking for. I'm going to have to pick some goose up, and I've been mounting wings with some spare turkey that I had kicking around for practice. So far I like the look of the flies, just need a little more practice as some of the wing fibers are splaying out a bit
  14. Okay I got a few to ask here so I'm going to go point form In your opinion what would be the best feathers for wings? Are there some feathers that hold together more better than others? I just got a skin and wondering where should I be plucking my feathers from for the wings, shoulders?? I just got a golden pheasant skin and beofre I start butchering it is there some procedure to seperating different feathers from each other? eg. get to some of the more patterned feathers underneath the front feathers that are more one plain color.
  15. Sedge Extreme waders - six months and allready into a 1/4 of a tube of aqual seal. Not very extreme
  16. they're about this long o-----------------------------------------------------------------0 put fingers to screen
  17. What size of hooks?? That biggest one looks like it could use a stinger hook or tie them on a carry stevens hook
  18. danica comes to mind
  19. Good on ya dude for carrying some of that trash out with ya! Nice report too
  20. I got some good ideas on some winged wets will post a pic of my third attempt, I will need to pick up some new materials for the next ones
  21. Is this going to be on a (your) existing site?? I have someone that may be able to help out but needs a little more info
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