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Everything posted by Lawrence

  1. Good start dude!
  2. Hey rick as you know I did do a bit of the north section of the FTR last year and have brought back a little knowledge of the area starting from the blackstone down but I'm game to do it again
  3. Have a good one buddy!! Let the beer run freely man!!
  4. I have one day that's stands out, and it was fishing the bow in early september. A buddy and me decided to head out of town but when we woke up and saw that it was pretty miserable out we decided to stick around in town just in case that it got too bad. The weather didn't get any worse than it was but the light rain that came down all day brought on one of the biggest BWO hatch I seen of the year with A LOT of fish keying in on them. Our day was mostly spent down by the extender bridge working the water from downstream of the bridge too all the way up past the islands and caught many fish on (18) bwo's. We also did some nymphing aswell and pulled in more with 18 PT's. Together we easily pulled in 50 to give an idea of the stellar day we had, but honestly more came to hand than that. I can't wait for the next wet rainy day!!
  5. You may have seen alot of these but here's my contribution Shore lunch on the ram Camping on a cold september night on the blackstone Fishing Lower K
  6. more fishing!!
  7. What about season's greetings??? I'm pretty sure I saw that one somewhere. Have a Merry Christmas everyone!
  8. I'm thinking it just might be saturday for me
  9. I have allready broke my 3 in two sections, My 5 in one and my 6 twice in two sections. everyone I can think back and come to a conclusion of why it broke.
  10. in the stonefly contest last year I had tied a stone with all electrical tape
  11. right on Glen!! Sweet fish
  12. I have a contribution that I was trying to get done for the cross board swap, I sent to flytyer to get some critism on it and if he would be so kind to take a pic of it would be great as I can get everyone's opinion on it. But if not you'll have to do another one if the wet fly contests cause by then I should have a decent fly to show
  13. it might be not that cold out tomorrow however the ice flows in the river will make fishing pretty damn difficult makes for some good acurracy pratice for your casting
  14. I'm thinking the cataract creek area, there's alot of water in all directions, still and moving water. Should be some interesting stories at the end of the day with beers and burgs!
  15. I'd be down for that,
  16. we allready have our tree up! I put my new rod and reel case and box under it allready. But of course the good are allready in my bag and ready to go!
  17. ed, for oiling your reel you should have received a little tube of oil, if you didn't I have four of them. drop a dab of the lubricant on each of the cork pads and the rest of the moving parts and you should be good to go
  18. I would like to get in on this as well, is there anywhere I can find this book?? and are we doing the same exact copies and materials?
  19. that was the last caffeine drink out of one rockstar and two timmies. I'm a caffeine junky Glen I would take up that offer but I would have to borrow your spey as I allready bought my new rod for the year
  20. rod reel and fly line 850
  21. Got myself a new bully rig Same one just in a blue And the new TFO Axiom fly rod in an 8wt and this rod can cast Sweeeeeeeeeeet!! Christmas came early!
  22. Yeah Glen that was pretty funny! I set the hook and then it was like dead weight and thought hmmmm snag but then it was moving so I was whooooaaaa man this is a hog................... of a rock! Anybody check out the new and improved Timmies streamer technique
  23. good times and some great pics dude
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