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Everything posted by Inconnu

  1. The Fishtales kit sounds like it was made locally for local tying, that would be a great start I would think.
  2. Don I know what you mean and though the best course of action for me was to just go in and actually talk to someone, about 60% of the time you talk to some fluffy thing who gives you a spiel by rote. Still I would say you need to go in and tell them what you need.....can you even get a phone without a camera anymore? I am looking for a new local cell for one of my daughters and I have to go and make the rounds again myself. Good luck.
  3. Beacause the materials tend to be so prolific I would suggest one of two courses of action. Either check for a local flyfishing club and join them or ask at a fly shop. They will be able to help you with tools etc. you do not need a top of the line vise, actually I have an older one you can have if you like. Nothing fancy but it will work until you decide to move to a better one. Pick two or three local patterns and buy the materials you need to tie them, again you can check with the shop ast to some easy patterns to start with. The materials you buy for them will also be useful for other patterns as well and doing it this way you get just the stuff you need and there is less confusion than with a lap full of materials you do not know how to use. So for example, maybe pick up hooks and materials for a black Woolly Bugger, Haresear Nymph and say a leech pattern. That leaves you with a small handful of material and three patterns to work on until you are comfortable, then move on to something else. Pick up a book on tying even if you join a club as you will want to learn what you can even when there is nobody around to help out and check here often for help as well. Let me know if you want the vice, you can PM your address and I'll mail it to you....Kerry
  4. Birchy if you go to Canadian Tire and pick up a wax toilet gasket it will give you enough dubbing wax for the next two decades. It is soft beeswax and I have been using it for probably 15 years now. I think it will cost you 2 to 3 dollars if I remember correctly. Use a sucrets tin or something like it and put a bit into that and store the rest, or gice it away....
  5. Fish also use darkness as cover and will often appear in water with no apparent cover in the dark, not just in the summer months either. Brownstone is right though, you shouldn't worry about it, just go out while you can!!
  6. Many other unpleasant aspects of TV are already creeping in to society, so I have to believe it is not stretch of the imagination to say it will/may/might affect people, the public, us etc.
  7. I've heard rumours of a North American version of the Euro.....just lunchroom talk though. Thanks for your answer Don....Kerry
  8. It is obviously a double-edged sword for us, particularily those who work in the export/manufacturing business. Don do you have a feel for how retailers/manufacturers are doing with buying products from either Canadian or U.S. suppliers? One of the fellows at work was saying Dodge has dropped prices on trucks by up to $5000.00, but on a smaller price scale how about other items? I really can't believe the retailers were making that extra $500.00 for a camera bought in Canada, at least some of it must be in the wholesalers prices as well? I think that though retailers bear the brunt of the public pressure to lower prices, they have to send thier customers reactions to their own suppliers who probably purchase from someone in the U.S. taht sets base prices? The financial relationship we have had with the U.S. is definitely changing and not all for the better....
  9. Perhaps a good name for that fly "The Defensive Linebacker?" I will keep the hounds tied up then LS, wouldn't want them retrieving you prematurely!
  10. Most of the deer/elk family has hollow hair, some more than others. Short of going to brush out those Grizzly's at Discovery wildlife reguge or wherever they are living these days, you may find it difficult to find. I have a couple of patterns here tied with moose body hair wings upright and divided that float pretty high.
  11. :lol: :lol: That is exactly how I feel going home from the last nightshift....the other is how I feel when I get home and have to drag my butt to bed!
  12. Thanks Toolman! I only ever read one article on them and never did see them.
  13. Apparently the property/ownership was negotiated many decades ago when the RR was the most important form of transportation in Canada and was considered a link that bound the country. Basically the RR wrote its' own ticket when it came to negotiating the parameters of who ran the RR, who owned the land it sat on etc. etc. You may notice that there are Railroad Police here and there. They have the same power as the RCMP if I remember correctly, when it comes to problems arising around RR property. The trespassing thing was also established to try and keep people off the tracks. There are many people who are killed or suffer near misses every year in North America. Not to totally defend the law but without it everytime someone who was say inebriated walking home on the track was struck and killed they would be open to lawsuits not to mention kids and adults who like to try and race trains across trestles (I can't imagine why I ever....I mean why anyone would ever do this.) etc I can't imagine it would be very easy to see someone in time to stop a few thousand tons of steel. At anyrate that is how I understood the issue when reading about the RR in Canada though I have no idea why I was doing that at the time.
  14. Yep I went into shock when I opened that page, but a stiff shot of scotch helped me regain my nerve and I was able to go on! Nice fish by the way!
  15. Of course it's good. I am sort of ecclectic in taste so country is okay at times, but I think we need to come up with our own that reflects the fact that it could be a wife walking oout the door with a fishing rod in hand leaving Dad with the apron on. Put it to Blues and call it "The I never should have bought her lessons blues!"
  16. When I tie a pattern I do a dozen for me, a 1/2 dozen for my spare box and a 1/2 dozen for CFR. There is a point around the 7th fly where once past it, I can tie the same pattern all night. I like the change to a new pattern as much as the next tyer but I also like to learn the one I am working on well enough that I don't have to focus entirely on what I am doing while I tie.
  17. A number of years ago there was a company manufacturing hook shanks...basically that is what they were. They were eyed at each end so materials would stay on but of course there was no hook point. It seemed at the time there was a trend towards this kind of fly fishing at the time. I do not know if they still make them or not.
  18. Some of the issue seems to be with timing. Most of us tie through the Winter, which to me seems to be when they should have a good inventory in place. I have asked and found that some flyshops will only order tying materials in the Spring when many of us do not tie. I have discussed this with managers before but I am not sure I made any headway. Do most of you folks tie in the winter as well?
  19. I received the same letter except that they also mentioned that travelling along railway tracks is a trespassing violation. Many of us may not know this but the Railroad police are Federal and can fine or arrest you if you venture on to their tracks so just be aware....info only from me not meant to offend anyone....Kerry
  20. I don't think there is anything wrong with reporting it to CP. It may be nothing and while we are waiting for someone who may know what we are looking at, there could be an accident. If I was a safety person with CP I wouldn't mind someone being a little over cautious and hey this way we may learn if there is really a problem for future reference.
  21. Beadhead haresear and Pheasant tail nymph same sizes.
  22. It was CN I think for the most part. Still I think it is up to us to report what we consider to be a potential problem which is what you are all doing here....I sent a note as well. Thanks for the report fisher26!
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