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  1. admin

    El Toro

    Sweet looking slab Glen. I must say i love tha handle given as well.
  2. WHAT!!! Get off your ass and get tying. Dave, do you need a challenge to get you started?
  3. Prayers to the families who lost their sons. It's tragic because it's preventable. Going over the weir is a death sentence, even with a PDF. Hopefully the city (taxpayers) don't get sued for the bouys. It was an act of God that removed it, and as the article stated, it was too dangerous to replace it. Being that the group wasn't entirely familiar with the season's of the Bow, and that they had floated to river 2 times prior in the last month, they likely didn't think twice about the dangers.
  4. Another site that you might find helpful if you are a stillwater fisher is the Atlas of Alberta Lakes. http://www.sunsite.ualberta.ca/Projects/Al...teristics4c.php
  5. There is also an Alberta Specific site. I use the site posted above quite often and it is a good souce of information. http://www3.gov.ab.ca/env/water/basins/BasinForm.cfm
  6. Here is an edit i did a while back with an Elk hair Caddis. Just goofing around with editing video and putting a fly to music.
  7. Click here if the movie does not play.
  8. Jan Siman makes a great dubbing block as well, and you can get them through any of the Calgary shops. They may have to special order it for you though. It's distributed through Superfly in Canada. They were on demo at the Calgary FFE 2 years ago. There are lots of things you can do with them.
  9. Sounds like good advice. I have most of those stocked already. Max, the midges you use, are they a thread midge like a Chironomid pupa or are they more of a dry?
  10. Road trip to lake Diefenbaker. That is one massive fish. It's good to see that the guys who caught it practice catch and release on their larger catches as well.
  11. Ya, thanks for the heads up. You'll see my name on there as well.
  12. If you have a few bucks to spend, there is a Dyna-King Barracuda Deluxe Vice with a Pedestal Base for sale. The guy is asking 350. Dyna-King Barracuda Deluxe Vice
  13. I'm looking for a few suggestions on flies to tie to stock my box for my next trip to the bow. What are your top patterns?
  14. Here is a fly I came up with a couple years back. It's been successful on a huge variety of species, and it's dead simple to tie. It's caought Rainbows, Browns, Brookies, Bulls, Whites, grayling, Crappie, Pumpkins Seeds, SM bass and even a couple chub.
  15. Sweet looking Brookie. I had a nice one on my line today close to that puppy.
  16. Awesome. It's great to see some justice.
  17. I tie them in by the tip and double back the feather so that it sweeps back. It goves you a nice result. You can also strip off one side to get a smoother collar.
  18. Short and curlies from a redhead - I seen these for sale on eBay uk advertized as fly tying materials w/ special fish attracting properties. the crop sold for about 70$ canadain. $$ Fake eyelashes, tim hortons' stir stix, coffee beans and Bamboo. The NLFT have an Iron Tyer comp every year that produces some very interesting looking flies.
  19. I have never seen them for sale, but I do have a few. The herls aren't very full, but they take on dye nicely. Todd from Upstream adventures dyes them for using on his spey flies, and I think he carries a stock of natural whites. You could try sending him an email - http://www.upstreamadventures.com/
  20. You could get away with the 6wt, but I've broken a rod hauling in a decent pike on a 6wt. I've landed quite a few too. RIO toothy Critter leaders are nice for pike.
  21. Great shots there in your collection.
  22. A 6wt is a bit light for pike. Lac La Biche area has some monsters in there. I would want an 8wt min for the area. You could be looking at a 20-30lb pike. I had some of those out of Jackson, even some monster walleye.
  23. I'm not sure if you all had a chance to listen to Jim's broadcast. http://www.askaboutflyfishing.com/speakers/jim/jim.cfm Scroll to the bottom and stream or download the podcast - 1 hour 25 mins. Lots of great information in there.
  24. the WP10's are nice and not that expensive. If you're in the market for a new camera, it's worth looking at. I've seen them well under 200.00 on ebay. The olympus is also a nice one, I beleive it is also shock proof and can be dropped with no ill effects.
  25. There are a couple otions to consider. You could always use the lifehacker method - http://lifehacker.com/software/gadgets/fri...tyle-252183.php Also on eBay, some inexpensive camera bags have been popping up. If you have the money to buy a waterproof camera like the optio WP10/20, go for it. They are a perfect fir for fly fishers.
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