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Everything posted by admin

  1. Nice looking bulls guys. Very healthy looking.
  2. They used to even be called garbage trout. Catch one, and throw it on the bank. The bulls eat the brookies, whites and grayling people wanted to fish for. It's one of those things that may have been the norm at one time, but looking back it was a stupid thing to do. 20/20 hindsight....
  3. NP, it's dead simple and if you lose a few, no biggie.
  4. I have not fished there for quite a few years, but last time we went, we stayed in a campground just outside the park on the north side. I think it was 3km out. We hit a couple of the lakes there but got skunked. We headed out to the Waterton resivior and headed downstream from the dam. The fishing there was pretty good, it was only about a 20 minute drive from the campground. Map info here
  5. LMAO - I love the gospel Bob. You should write a book of em.
  6. Agreed. There is nothing constructive to come from flaming. I'm sure most of you were educated on how to handle fish properly. I myself had to go through a period of leaning proper handling, having been taught "cruder older" methods of handling fish. Look back at your older pictures, many will see a few gill grippers and lip rippers. I see a lot worse than this every saturday morning on many conventional fishing shows using barbed hooks and lipping fish to the horizontal position. People see this behavior on tv and assume it's the norm. Perhaps a couple nicely worded posts would let these guys know people are watching and would like to see them improve upon their handling practices. The thing is, because they are in the public eye, they are setting an example. Peer pressure is pretty powerful.
  7. Yes, adding a layer of mottled thin skin, or wing flash creates a killer look to the shell back.
  8. Trout and whitefish love eggs too. I don't use a lot of eggs, but I have been told by a number of authorities that fish key in on round objects floating downstream. If you can find the Gummie Eggs or the Otter eggs, they are a perfect looking eggs - Gummie Eggs
  9. Try this one. Snocone / Ice Cream Cone Just use super stretch floss in different colours - Olive, red, green, black, or the glow in the dark colour. This is the pattern developed by Kelly Davidson from one of the BC fly shops. I think it was Babcocks, but I can't recall 100%.
  10. The bags work well. Basically any bag materials come in will work. I use the scud back materials because it is easier to work with and is precut. You can tie a lot of scuds with a single package. You also get a choice of colours to use. You could also try the dollar store and look for transparent hair elastics. they are small, but will work very well for scuds.
  11. I'll leave up my software so you can get your collection started.
  12. I don't think it would be dense enough. You would be better off learning to spinn. The deer hair brushes would however be good on say a caddis imitation. Another note on this tool. In the newest issue of Fly tyer, there is an article in there which shows you how to build your own version of this tool. If you have some wood working tools, it would be a snap.
  13. I don't sharpen my hooks. If the get snagged and bend out, they get thrown into the trash. I find I only do this with the thin wire dries. I keep my flies simple for the most part, so it isn't a big loss. It just means I get to tie more. I haven't had a fish bend out a hook, it's usually a log, tree fish or stone fish that do it.
  14. Steelhead Rainbows by far.
  15. Fly source is the new tool of choice. http://flysource.net/ You can even post your pattern files on here for download. Alexandra.fly Just right click and save to your program files/flysource/flysource files/flys directory. You can also add fly tying material to the program. Kevin, the creator is working on a newer version as well that will further improve the program. I have about 1200 patterns right now, and use it for reference a lot.
  16. I like the sound of using a red bead on this. Also I would have liked to use some blue Flashabou. That would be hott.
  17. Great pics. Glad to see the trip was such a success. What does it cost for a licence down there? I'd like to check it out sometime.
  18. Personally, I would have a replica done up. Just get the measurements of the fish and a couple good pictures. You won't need to worry about the conidion of the fish either. JMO on the subject.
  19. Great pics GB. Aside from the few unexpected expenses and mishaps, I'm envious. Beuatiful fish, even the Whites looked great.
  20. I ussually tie it in the length of the hook, and double back the tag end to really secure it.
  21. Good point about the long handled net Pipestoneflyguy. I found one at Crappy Tire, a crystal river one that was only 25.00 and does the job perfectly. Just make sure you tie it onto the boat somehow, or you'll be chasing it.
  22. I moslty choose hooks based on the shape. Any new hooks are pretty good quality. Partridge and Mustad Signatures are the top quality I use. I use a lot of the Eagle River Hooks from Superfly as well. They have a better price than the similar Tiemco and the quality is the same. I also use a lot of the regular mustad hooks, but stay away fro the older mustads because I find them to be a poorer quality. These would be anything older than 10 years. most hooks now adays are chemically sharpened, so that's not much of an issue for me.
  23. Here is the next best thing to actually being able to go fishing. http://www.pishtech.com/ - Download the free version.
  24. I have the Outcast 9 ft as well, and bought it at the FH on sale last year. It wasn't overly expensive (550 I think) and is very stable. It also has a sturdy construction, and you can mount a small trolling moter on it if you want. You sit out of the water in a comfortable seat and I have never gotten wet at all. Make sure you get a pair of long oars, it makes rowing a much less taxing event. Double action pump is a must as well. An anchor should also be shomething to consider. I wouldn't personally take it out in very windy conditions. I'm not afraid of it tipping, but rather having to row back against the wind.
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