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Who Is So God Damn Insecure And Weak ?

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As I sit here and read this thread with my awesome leg cast, Im thinking to myself... Why aren't all of you on the river on a night like this?


The way I see it, the dude with the barbed spinner was already gone. Worry about people that you actively see fishing outside the regs, then make a call.


"Don't stress over anything that isn't in your direct control"

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But that's what an alter ego does. If he acts like his regular ego, then he's just the ego, not the alter-ego. If you are OO, that would be an ironic twist on the whole alter-ego paradigm. Most people who have alter-egos are mild mannered (like Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, or Clark Kent) and have a more aggressive, wrong righting alter ego. You on the other hand have a no punches pulled regular ego, but if you just happen to be OO, then your alter-ego is much less direct and uses sarcasm, analogies, and sometimes obtuse references to make his point. And I'm sure many different people interpret his points differently. Your points on the other hand are very hard to misinterpret.


So if OO were your alter ego, it would be perfect!! But alas, very unlikely.

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Maybe it is time for FLY FISHING ONLY WATERS ?


that stinks of elitist snobbery.

What about treble hook only waters...


didn't think so.


What we need is education for the new fishermen. bring the ethics we all seem to share to the other branchs of the sport. I think we get more out of putting our energy into education that venting our energy with a pissed off post on an internet forum...


Most people I have encountered that are fishing unethically (ie barbed, baited etc) didn't realize they were doing something wrong and welcomed the education. Some would say "why didn't they read the regs" and I agree, however education late is better than none at all. For the ones that knowningly do it, we will never change them and the law must step in and come down on them hard.

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3 things - A. If the trout you were fishing for are so precious and fragile, WHY are you fishing for them? If you think they need special protection, maybe lobby to get the regs changed to "closed" instead of just fly-fishing. B. It’s apparent you have no knowledge of anything other than FF when it comes to angling so let me put your mind at ease. The rig you showed had a large leader attached to the spinner. Golden trout are known to tough to catch correct. If you threw that rig you showed to a hatchery released fish that was starving, he wouldn't take it. The leader kills all the action of the spinner therefore the fish knows it is artificial and will not take it. If a golden got caught on that rig, maybe it should be removed from the gene pool. The bonus is that the spinner was actual barbed because debarbed trebles have a higher mortality rate (treble hook phenomenon or something like that). Learned it back in LCC. So "Who Is So God Damn Insecure And Weak"? Not me, but if I were using that panther martin up there it would be on 4 lb test on an ultralight rod, no leader, with a couple of split shots 10" above it so I could cover lots of water. C. Does my name bother you or any true Fly fisher persons since it really has nothing to do with fly fishing, but a form of bait. Maybe in my next life I'll be known as "Salmon eggs" from canadian tire.

Everybody has different methods to accomplish a task. For example. I can eat a McDonalds cheeseburger in 4 bites. My wife takes at least ten bites to complete the same task. Does it drive me crazy? For sure (why does it take so long for someone to eat a dam cheeseburger), but until one of us wants to change our methods of attacking the cheesburger, neither will change. Benefits to both methods, speed vs better for the digestion, but it basically comes down to how you personally enjoy your experience at completing the task you set out to do.




Worm dunkers you know who have made a difference. One guy we know is just finished school to be a pharmacist and once your young student. Look at his past. Did plenty for the fish. Dunked worms with him plenty too. Who was the president of the Dixon club who were instrumental in creating Beaver at that time? Dunked worms with him plenty also. We occasional worm dunkers may not be as noticeable as some, but we do what we can.




PS I was reading this thread waiting for one of you to pick up on how the leader was hampering the rig and none of you mentioned it. You guys are posers when it comes to other methods of angling

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WTF! <--poke--< I have no idea what the hell you are trying to say?! <--poke--<






Worm dunkers you know who have made a difference. One guy we know is just finished school to be a pharmacist and once your young student. Look at his past. Did plenty for the fish. Dunked worms with him plenty too. Who was the president of the Dixon club who were instrumental in creating Beaver at that time? Dunked worms with him plenty also. We occasional worm dunkers may not be as noticeable as some, but we do what we can.



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Oh, ok... If it was an inside joke then maybe better shared as a PM so the rest of us knuckle draggers don't get confused :)








It's two individuals that Don and I both know that are around his circle that have done some part for the fish. I didn't want to list their names. I believe Don will understand the message.


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May be its time to relax, it seems breaking the law is in the eye of the beholder. I'm certainly not in favor of poaching but, how often do we all stop at stop signs or exceed the posted speed limit. Personally I think the safety on our roads is a serious problem. Make sure you all drive safely on your way to your favorite fishing (any legal means you like) spot this long weekend & any fly fishers please bring back some photos to share with those of us who must caulk this last holiday weekend of summer.

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May be its time to relax, it seems breaking the law is in the eye of the beholder. I'm certainly not in favor of poaching but, how often do we all stop at stop signs or exceed the posted speed limit. Personally I think the safety on our roads is a serious problem. Make sure you all drive safely on your way to your favorite fishing (any legal means you like) spot this long weekend & any fly fishers please bring back some photos to share with those of us who must caulk this last holiday weekend of summer.




I was going to say it.. but I refrained. Apparently certain individuals here have NEVER once done this..



PS - I'm not a cake fan, but I love pie.

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