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American Fox News Insults Canadian Military

Guest Sundancefisher

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Guest Sundancefisher

Send comments to redeye@foxnews.com


Disgusting stupid comments insulting our fallen heros! Canadians have died trying to help control terrorism after 9-11. Canadians died in 9-11. For Americans to laugh in the face of other countries dying soldiers and widowed families is absolutely SICK!




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Which country waited until they were FORCED to enter into WW2? He picked the wrong topic to laugh about.


Email your complaints!!!!!

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Guest Sundancefisher

This is my letter!


What kind of journalism is this…satirical or not. What is the credentials of these writers? Such amazingly poor and insensitive comments during a time when Canadians are helping to fight terrorism.


Such disgusting and stupid comments insulting our fallen heroes! Canadians have died trying to help control terrorism after 9-11. Canadians died in 9-11. For Americans to laugh in the face of other countries dying soldiers and widowed families is absolutely SICK!


Which country waited until they were FORCED to enter into WW2? He picked the wrong topic to laugh about.


I DEMAND your station donate a significant amount of money to a trust fund for the education of the Canadian widows and fatherless children as a show of remorse. Don't ever think laughter can be used in such a horrible way.





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Fox News Red Eye? Hardly a credible source of anything approaching real news or opinion.


Come on Sun. It would be like us (Americans) sending off emails to "This Hour Has 22 Minutes" because Rick Mercer made fun of us being stupid. From what I saw, the show (Fox Red Eye) was basically a comedy show, albeit in really bad taste.


No thinking person thinks Canada has no army or is shirking their efforts in Afghanistan.


And I take MASSIVE exception to the thought that Americans are laughing in the face of Canadians. Some stupid people on Fox News Red Eye perhaps, but not Americans in general.






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Guest Sundancefisher


I agree that 99% of Americans don't believe it...but shows like this appal me as there a kids affected by war. Unfortunately people do hear these things and some do believe them. They have to be held accountable.


If a Canadian show pick fun on Americans because they do not realize there are no seals in Saskatchewan...or we have had paved roads for a while now...or we are really on a 24 hour clock is different then having a show saying Americans dying in Afganistan or Iraq is a joke. Bet your bottom dollar there is a difference. The backlash would of been monumental compare to what Canada is showing.


Any news can be important. When CNN said the 9-11 terrorists came through Canada...Americans never forgot it. Even after it was proved they did not come from Canada Americans still believe it. CNN never retracted that. People often believe what they hear and some poor kid whose dad just died has to hear this on the news now is just sad.


That was a profound lack of respect presented on that show. Granted it is not a big audience...but in situations like this...smarter heads should of pulled it.

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Thanks for reminding me that kids are affected by war. I only spent 8 yrs in the military, so I forgot.


For Americans to laugh in the face of other countries dying soldiers and widowed families is absolutely SICK!


Your connotation here is "Americans" are laughing at you. Not a stupid comedian on a BS 3 am show on a second (or maybe 3rd) rate news network. So as an American, I responded.


Which country waited until they were FORCED to enter into WW2?

Yeah, we only lost 416,000 lives in that one. Hardly worth mentioning. They were probably all brought in kicking and screaming.


My point is, you want to be mad at the show, be my guest. What they said was reprehensible. But you then took several shots at American's in general. I think that was unnecessary.


Edit: Here are a couple of quotes from your countrymen I found on a thread talking about this very subject:


Just to let you know also, in our constition we do not have the right to bear arms and our country is far less violent than the United States of America. What a joke you people are. I would love to sit face to face with those idiots that you have talking gibberish. We are educated, we have running water, it is not always FRIGID here like that dizzy blond insinuated, and we have a country that we are proud of. Why don't they learn to read. Or better yet maybe they should come up here and go to a funeral of one of the fallen soldiers, and maybe then they'd find out about other countries than just the US. Maybe that is why the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the most hated country in the world. FYI, just to let you know how tough the US Soldiers are, when they have been in other countries they have taken the Canadian Flag and put it over their own flag so that they could walk down the street without being targets. So now who is the idiots.


I suppose constitition is constitution, but I'm not sure.


For the record, in addition to the war they lost to a bunch of pesants in Southeast Asia, they were also beaten by a small force of Canadians in 1812


I think those were peasants that we lost to, but again, I'm not sure.


Anyway, looks like you guys have your share of idiots as well.

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I'm sure there's nothing in that broadcast that Bill O'Reilly hasn't touched on once or twice in his fanatical career.


Personally I couldn't give a rats ass what Fox is spewing out at 3:00 in the morning. The only respectable show they have ever aired is the Simpsons.

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You know what would be awesome? If Fox News and Sun Media could get in a war and mutually annihilate each other (metaphorically spoeaking, I'm not advocating actual war here).


The level of discourse in both countries would then measurably improve.

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There can be no justification for these types of comments. And yes we know that it is a minority, and that the vast majority of Americans would never stoop so low, but those comments are in very bad taste. Whether comments like this come from Canadians directed towards Americans or vice versa it should not be excused as just a joke.

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You know what would be awesome? If Fox News and Sun Media could get in a war and mutually annihilate each other (metaphorically spoeaking, I'm not advocating actual war here).


The level of discourse in both countries would then measurably improve.

My sentiments exactly.


That Greg Gutfeld guy was an editor for Maxim and Stuff before he was on Fox. Not exactly bastions of journalism. Doug Benson is a stand up comic whose career highlight was being on Last Comic Standing and just had his appearance at The Comic Strip in West Ed Mall cancelled "for the safety and security of The Comic Strip's patrons and staff". That was probably half his income for the year.


Consider the sources of this dreck and take it out on them, not on Americans in general.

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CDN bashing on Fox isn't anything new. Ann Coulter is a master of it. She, of course, rarely speaks the truth.







Has she ever spoken the truth?


If GWB was the best they could find to lead their war mongering country for 8 years it should give you an idea of how smart these assholes at Fox news are.


And if my Prime Minister was Stephen Harper, don't know that I'd go casting stones......

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There will always be ignorant people, saying igorant things in this world. I just know that the good people outway those people many fold.


Thanks to our soldiers...you are brave, brave, men and women.


Unfortunately the good are usually the silent majority. I'm with you on that. God bless all the canadian **AND** u.s. soldiers out there keeping OUR land over here free.

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Guest Sundancefisher



Mercer is a professional satirist... You mentioned him and this is what he says.


"They should be ignored," said political satirist Rick Mercer, who hosts his own show on CBC. "If you're going to do satire, three of the most important rules are you have to tell the truth, you can't be a bully and don't be an ***hole," he said, adding: "Being a bully is not satire."...Both Ms. Whalen and Mr. Mercer are aligned in their belief that the Canadian military is not a taboo subject for comedians. However, Ms. Whalen said Mr. Gutfeld's crew reduced themselves "to the level of schoolyard bully talk."


"Their comments were so ignorant that it's just not even worth replying to," she said.




from ... http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...ernational/home


It is great to hear Americans expressing outrage as well and coming to Canada's defense. It was clearly wrong and the guy now realizes it and is back peddling...albiet poorly.


Funny how some have found it amazing something like this actually galvanized many Canadians in the same way. Nice to see some Canadians actually standing up for ourselves and showing some patriotic and respectful spirit as to what sacrifices are occuring.


...anyways...enough said I suppose. Point and fact is the majority on both sides agree it was inappropriate.





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"Canadians should lighten up" ? Stop being "sensitive" ? I don't think so. The line was crossed, I don't give a rat's butt what time this program airs or how many banjo pickin' viewers it has. Make jokes about our weather and igloos, pull our legs aboot how we talk, point and laugh at our funny money and we'll laugh with you. Make fun of the Mounties and we'll have one taser you, but it will be all in fun. But(and here is the line, if you can't see it for yourself), don't ever poke fun at our(or anyone's) troops on the ground, in a war. Especially your war, the one your government forgot for 6 bloody years. Wars and the people in it are not sources of comedy or amusement, period. To mock any military personnel who are actively involved in combat, is outrageous and the height of arrogance. Telling Canadians to "lighten up" is just as arrogant as the four idiots on Fox. That indicates that it is somehow our "fault" for being outraged! The outrage is justified and anyone with "time in" on either side of any border, will tell you the same damn thing.


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"Canadians should lighten up" ? Stop being "sensitive" ? I don't think so. The line was crossed, I don't give a rat's butt what time this program airs or how many banjo pickin' viewers it has. Make jokes about our weather and igloos, pull our legs aboot how we talk, point and laugh at our funny money and we'll laugh with you. Make fun of the Mounties and we'll have one taser you, but it will be all in fun. But(and here is the line, if you can't see it for yourself), don't ever poke fun at our(or anyone's) troops on the ground, in a war. Especially your war, the one your government forgot for 6 bloody years. Wars and the people in it are not sources of comedy or amusement, period. To mock any military personnel who are actively involved in combat, is outrageous and the height of arrogance. Telling Canadians to "lighten up" is just as arrogant as the four idiots on Fox. That indicates that it is somehow our "fault" for being outraged! The outrage is justified and anyone with "time in" on either side of any border, will tell you the same damn thing.





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