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Guest Sundancefisher


That has got to be the worst example :-) imho


How about the Italo and Henry fishing out of season and remarking on camera how great the fishing was and commenting on the lack of other fishermen!


Or many, many times the host holds a fish out of water while discussing at length anything possible...even the importance of getting a fish back in the water quickly. Henry is bad for that often. Or them Dimestore fishermen having orgasims on TV everytime a fish bites... that was just scary or creepy I suppose.


The best example of mistakes is this guy... oldy but a goody...










This is my favorite!!!







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That is so very Canadian. Have they watched the Junos ever? (okay, stupid question, noone would ever admit to watching the Junos). Every second comment is a political statement about something.


This is a good example of a left wing response - "I'll tell my mom on you!" I cannot imagine how much inferiority someone would have to feel to actually send in a complaint for something like this. However, I could very well see a few of the people on this board doing it.


BTW - have to laugh at Dalton and the rest of the bleeding heart Canadians that so strongly felt Obama was the right person for the job. Free Trade is just the start. For all the sarcastic and arrogant Canadians that feel so much superior to our neighbors, see how you feel when you have no job because your best customer decided to shop at home.


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I've seen his videos a few times.. Is that dude for real? Or is he kind of like Super Dave Osborne?

Bill Dance? Lord, he's been around forever. Ex-pro bass fisherman, I bet he's been on for 20 yrs now? May not be the type of fishing you guys do up here, but the old boy knows his stuff. I wiki'd him and he "consults" on the building of lakes.


I like the way he barely reacts when the hook drives into his finger, like a #2 treb with barbs. Ouch! I scream like a pig when I get a #20 nymph in my finger (with a trout trying to go the other way)


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How about the Italo and Henry fishing out of season and remarking on camera how great the fishing was and commenting on the lack of other fishermen!

we booked a guide down near tampa fl. 15 years ago, he related how henry & italo were famous down there for fishing in a marine park that is perm. closed to angling.


Or them Dimestore fishermen

was salmon fishing near campbell river a few yrs back and they showed up to fish the area we were in. after about an hour we left, we could not stand it anymore.

i'm glad that show 'went away'...they were embarassing. i often wondered if it was some kind of inside joke or fly fishing prevention message...



speaking of inside jokes...there's someone on this thread that needs to 'go away'...



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1.This is a good example of a left wing response - "I'll tell my mom on you!" I cannot imagine how much inferiority someone would have to feel to actually send in a complaint for something like this. However, I could very well see a few of the people on this board doing it.


2.BTW - have to laugh at Dalton and the rest of the bleeding heart Canadians that so strongly felt Obama was the right person for the job. Free Trade is just the start. For all the sarcastic and arrogant Canadians that feel so much superior to our neighbors, see how you feel when you have no job because your best customer decided to shop at home.



The first part I strongly agree with. To actually waste the time to complain about something so ridiculous is beyond me. Something tells me, from what I've seen of his show, that he's not the sort that would even show up at a polling station. Propaganda my ass.


The second part, not so much. I've heard a bit about Obama's outlooks on trade, etc, but last time I heard, the US has been outsourcing piles of manufacturing, etc. to foreign countries for a number of years. And I also hear that non-renewable resources are still exactly that. And I've also heard that the US imports most of what it uses in terms of oil, etc. Something tells me that when you have to buy something from the neighbors, chances are you don't have a pile of it yourself. And when the Middle East finally tells the US to "stick it up your ass" where will they look? America most certainly cannot just turn off the switch on a petroleum based economy as though it were a lightbulb (though alot of people seem to think so). I guess that's where Sara Palin comes in, with her "God says we need a pipeline", and "Drill baby drill", to convince everyone that it's ok to spud in the ANWR. Or that the US just needs to "Grow more corn for ethanol" , you know, to put in 40% more energy than you get out of it. And mine that farmland just a little bit more.

Given the current economic climate I'm sure bringing all those outsourced jobs home might take a bit of doing, possibly a year or two(??). I can't say that I am not worried about what's coming down the pipe in the next while, because I am. But I'm also pretty sure that it's a pretty tangled web all around. I recall hearing that most other countries, such as China and India would be pretty "insulated" from any fallout of the US recession. Whoops, wrong there also. I've heard alot of things about GM and Ford, and the pile of trouble they're in, not surprising for anything that is unionized to that extent. I recall reading that GM is the largest health-care provider in the US. Alot of overhead riding on alot of people that don't make you money. Also pretty hard to sell cars when the credit dries up for the already over-financed. It'll be interesting to see what happens when most people can't afford the very thing that is most common, and most defining to, the middle class.


Anyways, its a pretty intertwined world these days, and I know that there are alot of people out there that seem to think otherwise. We should all be worried I think.

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was salmon fishing near campbell river a few yrs back and they showed up to fish the area we were in. after about an hour we left, we could not stand it anymore.

i'm glad that show 'went away'...they were embarassing. i often wondered if it was some kind of inside joke or fly fishing prevention message...


speaking of inside jokes...there's someone on this thread that needs to 'go away'...


I think they're still around... there was a clip posted on the Lethbridge board: http://goneflyfishin.ca/forum/index.php?to...msg2352#msg2352


According to their website, they mishandled fish and ruined the quiet across Canada again in 2008.


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Sorry for the tangent everyone..


Bill Dance is awesome.. Saw a couple times when I was younger at my Grandparents house. They had cable..


The hat, the falling out of the boat, the hookset that could pull a Mack truck out of the ditch.. Couldn't get the other videos, but I can just imagine...

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And how is it possible that the Dimestore Fishermen show is even worse now WITHOUT the drunk/stoned hippy (Devon Funk)?!? That's my question, because I saw it on that Newfoundland Superstation...NTV or whatever, and wow, couldn't even watch that Jim Hoey on his own for more than a couple minutes lol...brutal show

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Guest Sundancefisher
Ya its the only show you have to watch muted..


If you truly sit back and think about the Dimestore Fishermen you have to call them geniuses. They are loud, obnoxious, average fishermen that are making a ton of money not caring what we think :-)


Still, interesting they did poor in Canada but good in syndication. Are they on the Comedy Network or Fishing Network? I would think the joke is on the Americans eh... rickr...cause they like them. :-)


As for Bill Dance having faked bloopers...I really don't think so. He would be way more animated if it was acting. He acts more disgusted and ticked off when he makes a mistake. Realizing this guy has been on air for over 20 years he is bound to do stupid things now and again. Problem for him is it is caught on camera.


Italo suggested a guide when I went to Niagara Falls. The guy was a complete utter idiot. I felt really, really bad having set other up to fish with him.


When fishing Belize, I had a guide that was familiar with Henry fishing the flats there. He was not impressed with Henry's flycasting and fishing skill. To be honest he said I was better but just laughed when I asked if I was good. :-)


I could probably put together a list of blooper that I didn't catch on camera...excluding the hook sets in flesh. I have had fish take my rod off my lap, I have fallen numerous times wading, I have broke fishing rods when startled by a bear, split waders, fell backwards walking in with a float tube around my waste, caught no fish while everyone else does, broke fly rod while walking, tangled in bushes, caught myself, hit myself with flies, lost gear, missed more than my share of bites while not watching my corky.


Still, wish I was paid to do that! :-)





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I could probably put together a list of blooper that I didn't catch on camera...excluding the hook sets in flesh. I have had fish take my rod off my lap, I have fallen numerous times wading, I have broke fishing rods when startled by a bear, split waders, fell backwards walking in with a float tube around my waste, caught no fish while everyone else does, broke fly rod while walking, tangled in bushes, caught myself, hit myself with flies, lost gear, missed more than my share of bites while not watching my corky.




I can relate, someone could make a mint by just setting up a video camera whenever I hit the water.

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