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How I Blew My Fishing Day

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Was all set to go - just gonna warm up my lunch when it happened again.

Now I don't mind the first one and the second made me a tad testy, well the third really ticked me off and now four.


Microwaves - the oven of champions. The first one last 15 years or so, the next about the length of the warranty, the next about the same and the last one - 12 hours.


God is this Chinese crap getting to me. And the worst part, is their crap has put manufacturers of decent equipment out of business. You can't buy a "good" one any more - they apparently are all the same crap.


So I spent the afternoon!








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Beeing in the technology industrie for awhile now, I have seen this trend happening.


If you ask me I belive the manufacture know this will happen hence why you only really see 1 year LIMITED warrenty on most product. But hell if you think about it that perfect for the manufacture cause now they got you for another purchase espically if your first purchase was qualitlty and not some piece of junk.


Wow, you just gotta love legal Scams

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I'm sure those infernal machines weren't designed to dry cane... :lol:






I totally agree on the crappy stuff they make these days, my Grandmother has a microwave that has to be better than 25 years old .. I remember when i was a kid she made a big deal out of getting it for christmas because "I'll never use it and it's too expensive" she still uses it today and it's still one of the most powerfull microwave ovens i have ever seen..I'm 31 and have been through about 4-5 myself..

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You're old enough to remember when anything that came from J-A-pan was considered crap. Now Honda and Toyota are most respected for quality. This thanks to an American who couldn't get anyone to buy-in to his ideas on quality. The rest of asian manufacturing will be the same.


When you get you new microwave - here are some fun things you can use it for. http://margo.student.utwente.nl/el/microwave/


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You're old enough to remember when anything that came from J-A-pan was considered crap. Now Honda and Toyota are most respected for quality. This thanks to an American who couldn't get anyone to buy-in to his ideas on quality.


Wow. A Deming reference on a Fly Fishing website. Awesome.


There was a line on this thread about Chinese stuff and landfills. 60 Minutes did a piece last week on how the US (and I'm sure MANY other places) is shipping it's trash electronics to China to be "recycled". Horrifying stuff. Peasants heating electronic boards to recover metal, and breathing in the PVC (Polyvinylchloride?) and bromides from the boards. Lead poisoning from the lead in CRTs. A true environmental disaster. Said it was the most polluted place on earth, and run by organized crime because the entire practice in highly illegal.



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Wow. A Deming reference on a Fly Fishing website. Awesome.


There was a line on this thread about Chinese stuff and landfills. 60 Minutes did a piece last week on how the US (and I'm sure MANY other places) is shipping it's trash electronics to China to be "recycled". Horrifying stuff. Peasants heating electronic boards to recover metal, and breathing in the PVC (Polyvinylchloride?) and bromides from the boards. Lead poisoning from the lead in CRTs. A true environmental disaster. Said it was the most polluted place on earth, and run by organized crime because the entire practice in highly illegal.




A pretty good writeup in the Jan. National Geographic also, the picture of the guy that melts lead solder out of circuitboards then cooks with the same pot was pretty disturbing..

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