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  birchy said:
That's right too! You're from New Brunswick.. might actually need to use both arms for you! :drinked:


Maybe Brownstone could give ya a hand!



dunno buddy..I was born on the banks of the Miramichi (not literally.. about 200 yards from in a hospital) but moved to the Rock when i was like 2 so Im gonna claim dual citizenship on this one since a Caper ain;t nuddin but a Newfie who never had change for the ferry .. I'll let you two have it out .. but I'll warn ya those herring chokers are wirey bastards

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  maxwell said:
..cant waite too get on night *hit so i can do a little morning fishing!!!


I thought you guides all made a killing in the summer and didn't need to work in the off season? What's this work crap? An attempt to contribute to society? Oh that's right, you really don't work in the summer so you have to practice working in the off season. Must be for when the day comes that some little punk whipper snapper takes your job and all you're left with is a couple of spent roaches and your frickin nipple ring. Kind of like "make pretend" in preschool only for you freeloaders it's make pretend for real life.


Since we're on the topic of being a low life scab on society, how about if you a-holes learn how to pay tax, especially on your tips. (That is if you even make tips considering this "Max" guy is probably nothing more than some fabricated internet dude you and your :vdaylove:HOMO :vdaylove:buddies put together.) Once you learn how to fill out a tax form why don't you move on to getting some liability insurance, a license and a few safety courses. Did you hear that? I said safety courses! Do you know what those are? You goof balls couldn't save your own scrawny little necks let alone those of your so called "clients".


Ha, clients, there's more BS. I've always loved you idiots using the "Clients" term. I'll tell you something. If I hire a guide I'm not his fricking "Client", he's my whore. Yes you got it, my river slut, pond hooker, stream hustler, sewer slut, water tramp......arrrggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!


Like the old saying goes "Fly Fishing guides only exist because it's illegal to shoot them."


Maxwell, if that's even the name your seventh set of adoptive parents gave you, the correct sentence is "Would you like some fries with that?" not "wan sum fries?" Remember that for your next shift.


I also think you might need a fresh start after hanging out with Toolman for so long. You may want to try here:





Disclaimer - this post is in no way a negative reflection of the wonderful job our Alberta boys are doing guiding on the waters of south western BC. Keep up the good work boys, if it wasn't for you there probably wouldn't be anyone to hire in that neck of the woods.)



(Jus passin da luv)


frick meng that was da burn of da yeeeeeer..... when i see u at the expo i might haveta take u out back n pop a cap ur ur azz doe...... :$*%&: <--poke--<


i do pay taxes.. lotsa taxes.. the more i claim tips n whatnot the more reciepts i give too! gotta love that almost everything i buy clothes, gear, food, truck parts, fuel and the list goes on all helps me get a sick return! god bless the guvrrmint... :ridemcowboy: i guess i could live off of UIC but what kinda person would i be Pacres:el:toro .. plus its kinda fun too work for half the year <--poke--<


and that line about


"Ha, clients, there's more BS. I've always loved you idiots using the "Clients" term. I'll tell you something. If I hire a guide I'm not his fricking "Client", he's my whore. Yes you got it, my river slut, pond hooker, stream hustler, sewer slut, water tramp......arrrggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!"


i think some "clients" get that in the panflit ro whatever my outfitters send em in the email.... :goodvsevil(): but seriously 99.99999999% of em are dope cats!

  maxwell said:
frick meng that was da burn of da yeeeeeer..... when i see u at the expo i might haveta take u out back n pop a cap ur ur azz doe...... :$*%&: <--poke--<


You thought you were going to get off easy eh?

It' not like being a guide when you're part of this thread.


:wave_smile: Long live the Shack Nasties Thread :wave_smile:


Now let's pick on Max a little more. Maybe we can make him cry. :crybaby:





cast ther, cast ther, cast ther.. dont forget teh mend.... STRIKE.. dont worry u will get the next one, cast ther, and ther, right over ther, little further, nice cast EH! (yankees laugh cuz they love the EH part) strike! dont worry u will get teh next one.... cast ther , cast ther, and there n ther




read ther, n ther, laugh ther, n ther, next page, read ther, laugh ther, post ther, read ther, post ther, next page, read ther, n ther, talk abotu it with friends the next day, then read ther, n ther, witty comment ther, dotn for get the emoticons, read ther, n ther....


What the hell you talking about? I have one one the 15 weight as we speak. I'm on the yacht on the coast. You really think I write all this crap from Edmonton?


And YES that's Tiger on the deck. Man his wife is hot in bed.



weres teh casting pond, suction cup rod wacks, guide, fly tying desk, hot biatches, load of beer.. u call yourself a flyfisherman.. go rant, brag and rave on some golf forum LOSER!

  maxwell said:
weres teh casting pond, suction cup rod wacks, guide, fly tying desk, hot biatches, load of beer.. u call yourself a flyfisherman.. go rant, brag and rave on some golf forum LOSER!


Deck 1 - 300 metre salt water surf casting pool + naked chicks and beer everywhere.


Deck 2 - 800 metre simulated spring fed creek meandering through 4 different climatic zones + naked chicks and beer everywhere.


Deck 3 - Original House of Hardy (moved piece by piece from England) + naked chicks and beer everywhere.


Deck 4 - Marijuana grow operation (hey ya gotta pay the bills somehow) + naked chicks and beer everywhere.


Deck 5 - African Safari deck. Bag yourself a predator; lions, cheetahs, hyenas and leopards for the taking. Elephant in season.


Deck 6 - Tropical rain forest with 230 different species of fish for the taking + naked chicks and beer everywhere.


Upper Deck - Tiger woods, what a loser, built the golf course to distract the cool guys...don't need pirates on board if ya know what I mean.


Of course the ship is completely coal fired.


Any other stupid questions guide boy?

  SanJuanWorm said:
Meh, I catch those on my 36 foot tandem 2 man spey rod. They come in rather easy.



laughed so hard I think I touched cloth there.

  Weedy1 said:
Deck 1 - 300 metre salt water surf casting pool + naked chicks and beer everywhere.

Deck 2 - 800 metre simulated spring fed creek meandering through 4 different climatic zones + naked chicks and beer everywhere.

Deck 3 - Original House of Hardy (moved piece by piece from England) + naked chicks and beer everywhere.

Deck 4 - Marijuana grow operation (hey ya gotta pay the bills somehow) + naked chicks and beer everywhere.

Deck 5 - African Safari deck. Bag yourself a predator; lions, cheetahs, hyenas and leopards for the taking. Elephant in season.

Deck 6 - Tropical rain forest with 230 different species of fish for the taking + naked chicks and beer everywhere.

Upper Deck - Tiger woods, what a loser, built the golf course to distract the cool guys...don't need pirates on board if ya know what I mean.


Of course the ship is completely coal fired.


Any other stupid questions guide boy?

nope that jsut about sums it up... thanks

  Brownstone said:
what about the rod racks? I got a set you can have cause ive lost faith...just lemme go a round with Tigers old lady and they are yours ..


I don't need rod racks. What the hell do you think the women are for?


Sheeesh man.........


Welcome aboard Max, I've been looking for a guide. Keep your hands off of Elin.


Gotta go, it's massage day.

  maxwell said:
but the rest of teh woman are fair game? if so we gots a deal!


Yes, but you have to call me Captain. :captn::


There might be a couple of more requests I have but I'll let you know once your on board. :whoot:


I'll summon the chopper. Your instructions will follow.


  rehsifylf said:
By taking, do you mean shooting?


Hey, whatever your style man. If the day ever comes where I invite your insulting ass on board we may be able to have one tranquilized for you for a few hours . I wouldn't get all excited about the invite though and just so you know there's no sheep on board so don't get all crazy thinking so....












Actually I've reconsidered, your invited. The deck hands are looking for a new guy to replace Barnacle Billy. Somehow he's disappeared.


You have to call me Captain though. :captn::


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