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I hate to sound like as ass but I say good on ya, he might think twice next time. The fact that the incident evolved that far is a shame but atleast you stood tall.

Guest rusty

Two words: nice throw.


Everyone here is bang on - get the license #, take pics, whatever else - just don't be confrontational and don't get yourself hurt over some idiot's refusal to obey the law.


Watching some halfwit with questionable genetic background who knows the rules and breaks them anyway get completely pwned by a CO is every bit as satisfying as catching a big fish.

  Hawgstoppah said:
I broke a couple of "ethnic" people's rods right in front of them and threw their stringer of 4 dead browns about 40 feet into the Bow once.... that's as crazy as I ever got ... lol :lol:


Boy I would have loved to see that.....


DBT. Good on you. Sometimes something simple gets out of hand quickly, but not normally and you had to say something. I think the jerk was probably showing off in front of his girl friend.


Frankly, DBT, I'm a tad disappointed in you. You could have at least busted the broad in the noggin

with the jar of marshmallows! After all, she started chuckin' rocks. Would've served her right!


You know, odds are that this idiot will keep doing the same thing...you could cut off both his arms and he would still find a way to do it. Seems guys like that are just too stupid and won't stop no matter how many beating they get.


The Report a Poacher # is 1-800-642-3800 and is answered 24/7. Record licence plate numbers if available and if not a description of the vehicle, a description of the individual(s) including any distinguishing features ie: beard, glasses, tattoos, their age and clothing that was worn at the time and the type of gear that they were using. If it was bait indicate the type. Report it asap to ensure the offenders may still be at the location when a FWO arrives. If they cannot attend then this is where your details in the notes comes in. Do not rely on memory, write it down when you get back to camp/home as the FWO may ask for a statement and if you are willing to attend court as a witness. As far as meeting individuals in areas that are not easily described, you bet, just pick a location that is close and known and set up a meet when you phone the RAP line. As far as response times go that depends, are they in the area or helping a neighboring officer with a grizzly complaint. Call anyhow because you do not know where they may be. Finally avoid physical confrontations as frustrating as it may feel, just record the details and make the call.




A guy definately has to try and take the high road in these situations. On the other hand to have something thrown at you and pops after turning your back to walk away deserves whatever comes next. I'm not much of a fighter, never have been but years ago after having some words with some dude who easily could have crumpled me, I too realised it was not worth losing any teeth over but he decided to push me from behind after I turned to walk away. I turned around and he got ready for a shoving match but I promptly gave him a knee in the groin that he will never ever forget, he went down in fetal position and I ran like a little girl. I felt guilty for about 2 seconds, he prolly can't have kids. Some guys just can't resist opening that can.


Still, it sure sucks to have to deal with that crap while you're trying to unwind, even worse I'm sure it taught him nothing.


very unfortunate to result in such an ending, I feel for you cause I know I would have done no different..(lucky if he never ended up as bait)..goes to show, some people are clueless when it comes to alot of things..good show Dr.B


I am so glad this did not happen to me...I would have done something REAL stupid. Makes for a real good story for the grandkids, 40 years from now when you'll only be able to use a hookless lure and you simply count the number of strikes...Granpappy was a foreward thinker!

  Hydropsyche said:
Boy I would have loved to see that.....




3 clients got to see that show... LOL and a bunch of people looking onward from the bridge at southland that day... :lol::lol:

  Hawgstoppah said:
Think of it this way....


It was a damn good presentation!! You got him on the first throw!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


lmao....what its all aobut right

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