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I was blissfully sneakin' along a little creek in the southern half of Porcupine Hills lookin' for the next likely spot to toss a soft hackle when I realized I'd stepped into something and big caliber too. :unsure: Looked around and saw Very VERY fresh bear sign everywhere, ground all tore up from a grizzly diggin' for ground squirrels and me with no bear spray or anything because this creek's a good 10-15 miles from where them damn bears are known usually to hang out. Talked to the lease rider after and he said 1 or 2 grizzlies cross Highway 22 and spend part of the summer and fall in the Pockies and have for the past 3-4 yrs. Think I'm gonna start packin' bear spray and pull my head outta my anal orifice when fishin' nongrizzly country.





Stepping in griz doo not nice. Makes you nervous real fast. The worst part is you know you are probably being watched.


One Taco = 437 gophers ... with less hair as a bonus :rolleyes:


Circa August 1-5, 1966 .. I was walking up a cutline to the Skyline Road to be picked up and came across rather fresh griz tracks imprinted in the soft mud on the trail. I set a record getting to the top of the hill.


Speaking of non bear country. A friend lives near Monarch and had a black bear go through the yard two weeks ago.


2-3 years ago a grizzly was spotted then trapped and collared very close to the town of Milk River. At the time i was working on a waterfowl project on the milk river ridge. we got the frequency for the collar but we never did get a beep out of it. eventually the grizz found its way back to the waterton area. the collar was found just outside the park later that fall. could you imagine the days when grizzlies roamed the prairies?!!! later



  dryfly said:
... with less hair as a bonus :rolleyes:


Hardyharrharhar... I ain't bald I'm just taller'n my hairline....My Old Man told me yrs ago "don't worry about cultivating hair on yer head, it'll just grow wild on yer butt anyway" :lol: :lol:


Yep nothing like hiking into a remote fishing spot and coming on a big pile of steaming grizzly crap. Then running into an outfitter who says, "Oh yeah there's a few grizzlies around, but their all okay. " Whatever that means.


.....and so you don't need to ask me the question of why I won't tent it and prefer my big honkin' trailer then eh Taco?!


Yikes. I fear the day that I'm the one to stumble upon fresh bear stuff. I fear that I may never wander into the bush again and I don't want that. We carry bear spray, make lots of noise, keep the dog close, are always aware but I worry we just don't do enough and an encounter is almost inevitable. I think at that point I'd have to worry about stepping in my own sh*t vs a bear's. :blink:


I make lots of noise and have all the doodads you mentioned Lynn, maybe that's why so far all I have run into is the steaming piles of bear doo, and no steaming (mad) bear. Let's all be grateful that so far we can laugh about this sh*t.


I've run into 72 with her cubs on the Bow 3 times now without incident - scary part is the cubs are curious and mom is a little disattentive. Thats the type of scenario you never want to be in so be very cautious if you come across cub indicators. I have also run into 2 different Black bears as well this year - with our waters opening folks really have to assume they will run into a bear and plan with that mindset if your fording into this area.


Follow the advice in the "griz" post Dave just re-posted in the "ask the experts" section - Bear spray is really a last resort - best advice ever, is to keep making noise (like singing in the shower at the top of your lungs noise, if your not completely embarrased, your probably not singing/yelling loud enough) and travelling in groups - do these things well and you should never have to use your spray.


Couple other tips off the top of my head...

1) Replace your spray EVERY year (I keep the oldies in my pack as back ups - just in case)

2) If you smell a horrible smell like rotting meat - get out of the area for at least a week (there is likely a kill site nearby, we found one at Wolf Lk accidentally)

3) If possible fish opposite sides of the river with a friend (watching each other backs)

4) If you keep a fish, seal it in a freezer baggie (two for good measure) and be wind aware when moving.

5) Leave Poochie at home

6) Know what a bluff charge is and how to react to it.


PS anyone hear about the Americans attacked in Romania, the woman killed was actually trying to help the first attack victim - there is a harsh lesson there.

  LynnF said:
I think at that point I'd have to worry about stepping in my own sh*t vs a bear's. :blink:




I told my wife a story I never really told anyone before, becuase I didn't want her to be afraid every time I go into the woods. I got sniffed, yes SNIFFED by a griz once. Kept my cool, though.... however, you know how they say you can get so scared you pee your pants? 'Tis true :blink::blink::blink:

  Hawgstoppah said:


I told my wife a story I never really told anyone before, becuase I didn't want her to be afraid every time I go into the woods. I got sniffed, yes SNIFFED by a griz once. Kept my cool, though.... however, you know how they say you can get so scared you pee your pants? 'Tis true :blink::blink::blink:


Okay...I'm done laughing now Brian. Now I want the whole story on that one - sounds fascinating if not terrifying!

  Hawgstoppah said:


I told my wife a story I never really told anyone before, becuase I didn't want her to be afraid every time I go into the woods. I got sniffed, yes SNIFFED by a griz once. Kept my cool, though.... however, you know how they say you can get so scared you pee your pants? 'Tis true :blink::blink::blink:


That's insane dude!! Seriously?!?!

  Hawgstoppah said:


I told my wife a story I never really told anyone before, becuase I didn't want her to be afraid every time I go into the woods. I got sniffed, yes SNIFFED by a griz once. Kept my cool, though.... however, you know how they say you can get so scared you pee your pants? 'Tis true :blink::blink::blink:


No effin way!!!!

I would have passed out and been grizzly appetizer.


I have been around sharks plenty.. While I have tons of respect, I can't say I'm scared of them and don't let their presence stop me from fishing where I want. I just take precautions. Bears on the other hand HORRIFY me. I'm sure it is a familiarity issue, but whatever. Your ammo is what, pepper spray? What about a sawed off 12 gauge? Or two? Or better yet a grenade launcher. I have a hard time seeing myself fishing in grizzly country. Maybe I can bring Hawgstoppah and let them sniff him! You game Brian?

  rickr said:
No effin way!!!!

I would have passed out and been grizzly appetizer.


I have been around sharks plenty.. While I have tons of respect, I can't say I'm scared of them and don't let their presence stop me from fishing where I want. I just take precautions. Bears on the other hand HORRIFY me. I'm sure it is a familiarity issue, but whatever. Your ammo is what, pepper spray? What about a sawed off 12 gauge? Or two? Or better yet a grenade launcher. I have a hard time seeing myself fishing in grizzly country. Maybe I can bring Hawgstoppah and let them sniff him! You game Brian?


The solution is very simple rickr... Make sure you bring at least one person with you, and make sure you're a faster runner than they are! If you bring a group.. make sure you're faster than at least one of them! :lol:

  Pipestoneflyguy said:
Couple other tips off the top of my head...

1) Replace your spray EVERY year (I keep the oldies in my pack as back ups - just in case)

2) If you smell a horrible smell like rotting meat - get out of the area for at least a week (there is likely a kill site nearby, we found one at Wolf Lk accidentally)

3) If possible fish opposite sides of the river with a friend (watching each other backs)

4) If you keep a fish, seal it in a freezer baggie (two for good measure) and be wind aware when moving.

5) Leave Poochie at home

6) Know what a bluff charge is and how to react to it.


PS anyone hear about the Americans attacked in Romania, the woman killed was actually trying to help the first attack victim - there is a harsh lesson there.


My responses:

1. If you have to use more than one bottle of spray, rethink where you are.

2. I hope its not poochie

3. That way you might be able to sacrifice your friend while you run away like a little girl

4. We don't condone keeping fish do we? Isn't this an elitist fly fishing site? If you keep one, you deserve to be bear bait.

5. Bring poochie with you. see 3, or even 2

6. Run away screaming like a little girl?


Seriously, thanks Pipestoneflyguy. I really do appreciate the tips. I just need to look up what to do for 6 that doesn't require an underwear change!


If something like that happend I don't think I'd be around to tell the Story. According to the spike in heart rate i had the other day when a beaver sounded the alarm while my back was to the water. I though something came out of the tree line directly behind me, little bugger got me the second time too.

  Taco said:
Hardyharrharhar... I ain't bald I'm just taller'n my hairline....My Old Man told me yrs ago "don't worry about cultivating hair on yer head, it'll just grow wild on yer butt anyway" :lol: :lol:


i feel your dad's pain... :blink:


Well for those of u who want to hear the story... I was on the Livingstone... I had wandered ahead of the group by about a pool or two (heading downstream)... I had gone around the pool in the bushes to avoid the trout spooking, and gotten into a position to cast back up into the pool for some nice cutties that I had seen rising. No sooner do I start my casting in this pool, than from about 15ft away from the bushes on the other side of the pool a bear pokes his nose out, and comes through pretty much right there. At this point I don't have time to do anything but attempt to remain calm and not do anything stupid.. I'm hoping it goes away, I keep casting.. it walks around behind me so I transfer from casting over my right shoulder to casting over my left.... becuase hooking a griz in the arse is probably NOT a good idea... and then he sniffs my ear... then down the whole right side of me... and then kinda wanders over to the bank, and sorta sits down.. like he's watching me fish.. by this time I had peed my pants... :blink::blink::blink:


It felt like an hour but it was probably only 30 seconds he watched what I was doing and then left. I guess he figured I was a crappy fisherman and wasn't gonna get him dinner that day... actually I didn't let my fly sit in the drift for more than a second... I was picking it up right away once it landed... I didn't want to hook one... probably the only time in my life where I desperately did NOT want to hook one!!


The guys coming downstream did witness the bear sitting on the bank and leaving, but not the sniff job I got. I still get the hair on the back of my neck standing up when I think of that. :blink:


That’s how legends are made until you added the peeing the pants part HA HA man o man that is one awesome story Brian thanks for sharing and I think he left you alone cuz of your funky pee stained waders LOL




I seriously have every hair on my body standing on end right now. If that ever happened to me I swear to God I wouldn't live to tell the story. I don't know how you remained that calm yet kept casting (wow...is that the sign of a die-hard fisherman or what?!) but kudos to you for keeping your wits about you.


So....do you fish in Depends now? :lol:


brian, that is a legendary tale!!!!! the man just kept on casting people!!!!!!! :o


i think it also shows that bears arent going to just come charging out of the bush at you, they would rather make you piss your pants the easy way!! LMAO


i wonder how many bears have seen us anglers that we just had no idea was watching us.


Lynn, you have probably been close if you fish the racehorse area often enough, just that the bears saw you first and avoided you.


Dont fall victim to the Bearanoia!






That is crazy Howgstoppah - you are most certainly a bow river ninja ! - your a steely-eyed-missle man in my books, You did exactly what you should do, reality is most folks don't have the courage to stand their ground - I wish I had your guts, in the same situation I don't know what I would do - everytime I see a bear all I can think of is how each time I encounter one my statistical odds of it not ending well increase dramatically. If peeing the pants was the only loss of control you had,...well thats nothing - half of Birchy's posts make me pee my pants LOL


The reason I reccomend more than one can of bear spray is that people often "blow their load" way to early and empty their can before the bear is even in range. Also, there are some experts who believe the use of bear spray may actually provoke a more severe attack, or even elevate a bluff charge to a defensive attack. Using your can may make you the center of the bears attention so having a bud grab and use that second can may prevent a mauling or give you a defense option if your alone and a bluff charge is followed by actual aggression (assuming you dumped you can on the bluff)


Avoidance through noise deterence really is the best method. (actually #3 on Rickr's list seems pretty foolproof LOL)


heres a good link to more info (closures, warnings, guidelines, safety etc etc) Parks Bear Info - if your heading into the Nat parks this is well worth reviewing before you leave

  clarki said:
brian, that is a legendary tale!!!!! the man just kept on casting people!!!!!!! :o


i think it also shows that bears arent going to just come charging out of the bush at you, they would rather make you piss your pants the easy way!! LMAO


i wonder how many bears have seen us anglers that we just had no idea was watching us.


Lynn, you have probably been close if you fish the racehorse area often enough, just that the bears saw you first and avoided you.


Dont fall victim to the Bearanoia!







This is what I've been wondering. Those grizzly's we saw at K Lakes last week.. we would've had no idea they were there if a car load of people didn't stop and tell us. I bet they walk by fisherman all the time and the fisherman don't even know!! Crazy.


Almost makes me think it would be somewhat safe just to ignore them and go about your business. I guess unless you unwittingly get between a sow and her cubs... or the cubs walk on the other side of you.

  clarki said:
brian, that is a legendary tale!!!!! the man just kept on casting people!!!!!!! :o


i think it also shows that bears arent going to just come charging out of the bush at you, they would rather make you piss your pants the easy way!! LMAO


i wonder how many bears have seen us anglers that we just had no idea was watching us.


Lynn, you have probably been close if you fish the racehorse area often enough, just that the bears saw you first and avoided you.


Dont fall victim to the Bearanoia!






As a victim of Bearanioa, I stand in absolute awe of Brian's story. As someone who prides himself in his ability to spin a yarn, I think I have a pretty good idea of when I hear something I can't top, or at least try to. Brian, you have left me without a story in reply. That is no small feat!! You just kept casting?? OMG!!

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