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Worst Day Ever Fishing Thread

Guest Sundancefisher

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Guest Sundancefisher

It is way to cold to fish for some...so let's commiserate.


My worst day fishing was not catching anything on Spring day cause I went bowling for gophers along the highway on the way there. Our van started rolling down the ditch at about 110 km/hr at 5 am. That fishing day sucked big time not to mention the next 365 days of recovery.


The days fishing was so bad cause we never even got to wet a line...


Top that?





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Can't even match that, but I was fishing the bow and my buddy calls me to go to the highwood. He shows up and stupid me puts my rod in the back of his truck and upon arrival all super stoked for some bullies realize that my rod is sitting under his truck bed storage bin and of course its stuck. After lifting it up i saw that there was a crack right down the 2nd peice. We ended up fishing with only one rod.

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That would be the day I woke up in the tent to find a porcupine eating my good waders. (Strike One) Moral? Always pack extra waders. This was the last day of the trip (Strike Two) before I had to head up north to work (which is always a sucky day anyway, right?). So I beat the porky off with a stick, examine waders. Desroyed. &*%^$%^&*^%!!!! Dirty mothertrucker.


Throw on my rubber waders, stumble down the bank to creek, splash entry. Spooked a big bow out from the cutbank. (Strike Three)


Waded up through some decent pocket water, caught a couple whites, a baby rainbow. Things lookin up.


Get upstream. Beavers threw the dam together and the water's backed up a good 2 feet higher than normal. (Strike Four) Opened the dam up to get the water moving a bit better.


Got to the log hole, fish were backed in under the trees due to the high water. Can't cast there. Dam. (Strike Five) Managed to land one decent 17" rainbow. Things lookin up. Ah, I'll go up to the corner pool, catch that big bow.


Crossing the nipple high water (dam beavers!) above the log hole and below the narrows, foot slipped, waders got FULL (Strike Six), started drifting down into the hole I just put the 'bow back into. AHHH! Managed to kick out and get onto some solid ground. Lost a metal flybox full of nymphs and a disposable camera. (Strike Seven)


Dam. Soaked to the nads in 5 degree May air temps 1.5km upriver from the truck. Dam


Caught one more fat whitey on the way down, but as I bent to pick him up, hook popped out and impaled itself rather gracefully into my ear (Strike Eight).


Got to truck, got part dry. Stripped off shirt and pants, tied em to the truck box to dry out. Got pulled over in a roadcheck on the way home (Strike Nine). Try explaining why you're driving in boxer shorts and no shoes in the first week of May to a female (Strike Ten, if you're keeping track) RCMP officer. Ain't no way to do that without blowing the alcohol tester.


What a day that was.

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"Got to truck, got part dry. Stripped off shirt and pants, tied em to the truck box to dry out. Got pulled over in a roadcheck on the way home (Strike Nine). Try explaining why you're driving in boxer shorts and no shoes in the first week of May to a female (Strike Ten, if you're keeping track) RCMP officer. Ain't no way to do that without blowing the alcohol tester."



Was she at least a good looking cop? That would've made it ok, at least in my books.



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perhaps the machine needed to be recalibrated. too funny. i would have liked to have been there for that conversation.


officer - excuse me sir, do you know why i have asked you to pull over

Tako - no

officer - sir, have you been drinking

Tako - no, why

officer - well, it appears you forgot to put your pants on, and why aren't you wearing any shoes? and why is your shirt tied to the box of your truck

Tako - i was out fishing, when this porcupine ate my good waders, so i had to use my rubber ones and then i slipped, because the rubber isnt very good for wading... so you see officer, it was all the beaver's fault, which is why i am driving nearly naked after dark inspite of the 5 degree temperature...

officer - riiiightttt. would you mind stepping out of the vehicle, slowly and taking a breathalizer


Tako (takes breathalizer)

officer- .01. humm there must be something wrong

Tako - no really, i havent been drinking

officer - (to another officer) could you try this, i dont think it is reading right.

different officer - takes breathalizer - .01

Tako - see, i told you

officer - ok sir, have a good night, and please. next time, bring a change of clothes, you really shouldnt be driving around without a shirt, shoes and pants.

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Took my son skiing at Castle. Went fishing in the Crow. Temp around zero, wind blowing Crowsnest style. Couldn't really cast, but could drive the nymphs down and follow with very little fly line. Hooked fish under bridge on like 3rd cast. Went to land fish, landed myself in the Crow instead as the ice sheet broke away. Jumped out, landed fish again, walked up to car. On way to car, my hands stopped working. By the time I got in the car (auto unlock not working, hands not working, so this took a bit of time) I'm starting to get worried. 10 minutes later my hands hurt worse than I could have imagined and I start to get shocky. 30 minutes later I'm ok, and discover I have another pair of gloves and jacket in the back of the car. Sweater is pretty wet, but I decide it's manageable. My pants are a bit wet, but what the hell, they're under waders. Fished the rest of the day, but caught only a few whities (that was the worst part!) Figured the rainbows were laughing at me.


Actually, the worst part was the lecture I got when I told my wife this story.

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Guest bigbadbrent

The reason i don't like to fish in the winter by myself anymore.


I went and fished policemens, it was..cold, very cold. I was wearing my waders and felts. Got to the river, didn't even get a hit. Standing on an iceshelf that i assumed was thick enough (it was a good foot thick) and it snapped, and turned into a slide into the river. I ended up falling below the top of my waders, and filling them. Luckily there was a gravel bar right below me, so i got back on that and headed right back to the car...This is where it gets bad. If you've ever fished policemens after the flood, you know the only way out is you have to walk up a pretty slick hill, and since it was winter, that hill was a block of ice, and subsequently, so were my felts. Not only was i now soaking wet, well below zero..i couldn't make it up this hill..i got about 3/4 of the way up 4 times and would slam on my hands and knees, and slide back all the way down. Ended up throwing my rod to the top of the hill, and have to climb up on my hands and knees by clinging to the dead trees and dead grass


never again will i fish in the winter by myself, or at least with waders on

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Me and my buddy were up on the highwood, we had a sick day of fishing. Come back to the car to find that its completetly trashed and that we can drive. Hide in the ditch while some local drunks go up and down the road looking for us packing god knows what. The other people that came back to find their car found them there with our metal rod tube they stole from our car. Finaly get picked up by a cop who takes us to the police station, makes us wait outside, now its 1:30 am and its cold, says hes going to break up a bar fight, doesn't come back, 2:30 our ride pulls in to the station and we leave.

At least that hatch that evenign made up for it!!

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Yeah but Brent you'd do again in a heartbeat wouldn't ya? I've broken bones, equipment and vehicles, suffered frostbite, hyperthermia and a blown knee 5 miles from my ride all chasin' fish. May not of seemed like fun at the time but you know what lookin' back? I wouldn't change a damn thing 'cept maybe fish more places.

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I've mentioned it before, but it was last August about 2 weeks after I had finally got my license. I was planning a trip to the trunk road for bulls, starting at the Livingstone and then heading down the trunk road to some other spots. Coming down the 532 in my front-wheel drive saturn station, I took a corner a little too fast, hit some loose gravel, fishtaled a couple times but couldn't recover and flipped into the ditch. Bounced, rolled, and landed up right. I remember glass flying around as I flipped. The windows were gone, the roof was mostly caved in, there were large rocks stuck in the door...and I was not even scratched. Luckily it was the lower part of that road, not one of the places where going off would be certain death. After the crash I sat there dazed, it was a really strange feeling. I was hugely disappointed in the day being done at 8 am, before I even wet a line. Eventually a nice guy who worked on the trunk road drove by and offered to take me to the Chain Lakes visitor center, where I called home and was eventually picked up.

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Guest Sundancefisher
"Got to truck, got part dry. Stripped off shirt and pants, tied em to the truck box to dry out. Got pulled over in a roadcheck on the way home (Strike Nine). Try explaining why you're driving in boxer shorts and no shoes in the first week of May to a female (Strike Ten, if you're keeping track) RCMP officer. Ain't no way to do that without blowing the alcohol tester."

Was she at least a good looking cop? That would've made it ok, at least in my books.





Taco said "Dam. Soaked to the nads in 5 degree May air temps 1.5km upriver from the truck. Dam"


Doubt any guy would be in a position to impress any lady!


At least until the body warmed back up to outty temperature!

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Guest bigbadbrent
He did eventually get up with the help of his hands; too bad he was alone at the time! ;)



my scariest day on the river, and i get impotency jokes! GAH!


hahahaha..i know Taco..i just hope i'm not by myself again

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I finally got the chance to fish Loch Leven in Scotland, as I have been to Scotland countless times but never got to fish. Anyway, we drive from Glasgow to Loch Leven...about 2 hours from where we were to find the loch battered by 40 mile an hour winds...temp about +5. Anyway, it is a fishing club and there are no motor boats allowed. the guy at the club says if you can get to the top end of the loch in a row boat, the wind will be pretty much non-existent. So the three of us jump in a row boat and start paddling. We take 10 minute shifts and 2 hours later, get to the top of the loch. Freezing would be an understatement.


There is this small bay and we decide to start chucking. We are all using three nymph rigs and had to take turns 'cause the boat was too small. We fished for about 20 minutes and caught nothing. My uncle, having fished there before, says, lets try that little island about half way back, figuring we could get to the side not battered by wind. So we pack up and start rowing, covering much more ground as we are going downwind. As we get close to the island, the third guy in our party starts casting, downwind. The problem being when he cast back, his line would collapse. On his third cast I hear what cold only be described as a blood curdling scream. He has wrapped his line around his head, catching his lip, cheek and ear with each fly. My uncle and I jump to attention and try to ease his pain and take out the hooks. Not easy, as they are all barbed and the line is wrapped tight. In our haste to help buddy, we don't see the island coming and slam into some rocks at about 15 miles an hour. We now find ourselves pinned against wind battered rocks with a screaming, bloody scotsman now beginning to freak out. I jump out... and pull the boat around the island, then we head for home base. We pull in and quickly got the guy to the doctor where he removed all three hooks. To this day, although the ear and lip healed up pretty good, the guy still has a nice little chunk out of his cheek where the fly lodged.


We got back to Glasgow at about 2:30 in the afternoon. Having rowed for 3 hours, driven for 4 hours and fished for 20 minutes, I would have to say it was my worst day ever of fishing. They say a bad day fishing is better than a good day at work.... I sometimes beg to differ.

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I heard of some guys who drove for 3hr for some lake fishing in the pouring rain. Fished all day, drove home, unpacked the truck only to find they left the rods at the lake. Not too serious unless you like your Sage XP. So back in the vehicle, 3hrs racing in the rain. Look for rods in the dark, not there. Try and locate some locals who may have picked up these "fishing poles". Eventually find the folks who ask "what are they worth to ya". Thankfully $20 was enough to reclaim a Sage/Hardy and a TFO/STH. Now it's after midnight and we eventually found a place to rest our heads. That was a long day. Hopefully not to be repeated.

My partner in this story had his 30ft trailer lifted up and tossed by the wind on the way home on another trip. Totaled a trailer and 3/4 ton truck, but his 12' Lund made it through. He is just bad luck to fish with.

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my worst day... which depending on how look at it is either really bad or not so bad



i went fishing with my brother on his bayliner for salmon. i am 25 years younger than him, so i was probably about 9 or 10. he was taking a client fishing and he brought his daugther which is why i got the invitation. she was about the same age.


my brother rigs us both up and drops the lines with the downriggers and away trolling we go. we each got a rod to babysit. dont ask me how it happened but it turns out my rod goes and i reel in a nice sized sole about the size of a deflated football.


keep in mind this was probably about the 3rd fish i had caught on my own ever... i was very excited and couldnt wait to get back and show my dad what a great little fisher i was...


again, keep in mind i was about 10 and really an only child. not used to sharing.



my brother says, nice fish... i was so proud. it was the only fish caught that day (dog fish dont count)


and then my brother made me give my fish to the other little girl so she wouldnt feel bad.

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Guest Sundancefisher
my worst day... which depending on how look at it is either really bad or not so bad

i went fishing with my brother on his bayliner for salmon. i am 25 years younger than him, so i was probably about 9 or 10. he was taking a client fishing and he brought his daugther which is why i got the invitation. she was about the same age.


my brother rigs us both up and drops the lines with the downriggers and away trolling we go. we each got a rod to babysit. dont ask me how it happened but it turns out my rod goes and i reel in a nice sized sole about the size of a deflated football.


keep in mind this was probably about the 3rd fish i had caught on my own ever... i was very excited and couldnt wait to get back and show my dad what a great little fisher i was...


again, keep in mind i was about 10 and really an only child. not used to sharing.

my brother says, nice fish... i was so proud. it was the only fish caught that day (dog fish dont count)


and then my brother made me give my fish to the other little girl so she wouldnt feel bad.


I was worried you were going to say the last fishing trip looking for perch through the ice ranked the worst for you :-). We still need to go again. Maybe next weekend if the weather shapes up. They were biting for about an hour and a half yesterday between 11 am and 12:30 pm.


Your mention about a guide made me remember a horrid trip with a guide down the Bow about 3 years ago. A buddy arranged for a well known guide to take us down the river. The guide suggested we leave at 7 am from the fly shop and we suggested we go earlier to be one of the first on the water. The guide said that would not be a problem leaving later. Anyways 7:30 am it was decided...then he called to say the night before that he will be delayed till 8:30 am. At 9 am he shows up but forgot the lunches...leaves and is back by 9:30 am. We get down to Mackinnons and are about 9th in line with about 14 boats already launched. We finally get out on the water about 10:45 am. He brought his dog which factors into the story also. He decides that nymphing with beadheads and San yuan worms is boring at that we will hopper dropper fish. 3 hours later...just two small rainbows (worst morning ever). Then I suggest SYW's and he flipped a screw loose. We kept hopper dropper fishing as we flew by the banks...too far to cast easily and was actually screaming at us for our crappy casting. Finally we caught up to another boat which was affiliated with our guide. Their guide had forgotten to bring all their rods and had to borrow one of ours. We were not allowed to bring our inferior gear and also would not let me bring my fly case saying he would not control the boat to benefit my fishing over the hopper dropper. They nymphing boat's fishermen were smiling cause while the gear was crap they caught plenty of fish...our gear was fine but caught squat.


Then finally the blessed lunch hour (albiet delayed cause our guide ate a late breakfast) came. We sat down to eat and I took a bite out of my sandwich. The first bite of the sandwich was good until when I wasn't paying attention his dog came up on me quick and snatched my sandwich right out of my hand and ran. The guide apologized while eating his sandwich saying he should of warned me his dog like snatching peoples food. That was when I should of started laughing hysterically but by then I was totally sick of that dog cause he had it in the drift boat the entire time and it kept running from the front of the boat to the back of the boat tangling in our fly line constantly. I could tell you the days fishing turned for the better after lunch but...well...no it did not. Stayed crappy. 4 hours of pounding the banks for the rest of the afternoon with streamers...1 small brown and 1 small rainbow later and I was happy to be home.


I will never fish with a guide on the Bow again.





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