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Since there has been some talk about CO's checking licenses in some other threads, I thought I'd make a thread to sort of survey FFC members. So how many times have you had a Conservation Officer ask you to present a license? I've been checked 2 times in the three years that I have been 'of-age'. Once was on the Bow, when a CO pulled over in his boat to check the licenses and flies of myself and the 3 other people I was fishing with. The second time was on the Highwood, when I had finished fishing my favourite stretch of the canyon and walked back to the car to see a CO's truck there. The officer asked if I had my license, I said 'yeah' and reached for it, and he waved me off saying 'it's ok, I just need to know you have it'. He was a nice guy though, we bs'd about fishing for a while until he took off to check other anglers.

All the CO's I've met, in these situations and calls I made to RAP, have been really nice guys who work hard, but there is simply too large of a workload placed on too few officers.

  snakeman said:
Since there has been some talk about CO's checking licenses in some other threads, I thought I'd make a thread to sort of survey FFC members. So how many times have you had a Conservation Officer ask you to present a license? I've been checked 2 times in the three years that I have been 'of-age'. Once was on the Bow, when a CO pulled over in his boat to check the licenses and flies of myself and the 3 other people I was fishing with. The second time was on the Highwood, when I had finished fishing my favourite stretch of the canyon and walked back to the car to see a CO's truck there. The officer asked if I had my license, I said 'yeah' and reached for it, and he waved me off saying 'it's ok, I just need to know you have it'. He was a nice guy though, we bs'd about fishing for a while until he took off to check other anglers.

All the CO's I've met, in these situations and calls I made to RAP, have been really nice guys who work hard, but there is simply too large of a workload placed on too few officers.


I have never been checked in Alberta but I did not get many days on the water last year either in AB, maybe 15 trips? In BC I hit the water maybe 50 times and I got checked 6 times, all in Region 3.


once in 30 years. I was in still in my truck beside the N Ram when the CO came up to chat He was in the area because elk season was opening. As a second thought before he left he asked to see my licence. I have been survived by the young people on streams like the Crow and Blackstone but never asked for my licence.


I have been fishing here for a year, and fishing in Ontario before that. I have had a licence since I was 16 and am 37 now so that is 21 years, spent atleast 1-2 days a week on the water, and have been asked once if I had my licence once. When the OPP came alongside for an Safty equipment check, and ask to see it but when I reached in the tackle box they waved it off unhitched and went on their way.


So Been asked once out of 21yrs but never had to produce it. Kind of worriesome really.



I just must look that honest. ;)




4 times in the last 5 years fishing in Alberta .. & I log alot of hours fishing.. no doubt the CO's are overloaded with work, there is alot of water to cover and people fishing every inch .. the labor situation here doesn't help.

Guest Rocknbugs

Twice on the Bow and once at Lower K. in the last 8 years.


I got pulled over one time up at Dickson Dam and was asked to see my gear, when he saw the fly gear he said, If i knew you were a flyfisherman i would'nt have pulled you over, you guys tend to be alot more honest.. I think this is probably the general feeling among most CO's ..

Guest bigbadbrent

Twice in 2 days on the bow at the same spot, only once did they ask for the licence, as he snuck up on me, while the other guy i volunteered it


This year I was asked twice, the first was at Bullshead and the other time was at Upper K but the lady at Upper K did not find me to funny when she asked how the fishing was and I told her I caught my limit of Bulls :blink: So she checked my licence and my barbs :lol: .


I have been FF for around 15 or so years and have been check maybe a dozen times but the best stop was in the Canyon on the Highwood when the CO asked if I wanted to take a fish ID test. So I did and he told me I was the first to get them all right LOL it was not much of a test with only the basic trout and whitefish on it but It was strange back in those days to even see anyone else down there let alone doing exams streamside.


Since I started flyfishing hard 10 years ago:

3x a license check in the Cypress Hills area, almost every time I fish there somebody has stopped to chat.

3-4x in the Oldman area (above 22).

Never on the Crow, but some of the CO's I know have stopped to chat.

Once towards the upper Castle, may have stopped 'cause he recognized me.

2x on water between the Oldman and Calgary.

Once in Med Hat.

A couple of times in various parks around the province (excluding Elkwater).

Since the split, I've talked to more park guys thaan F&W, although the F&W folks have always been quick to respond when I call them, whether its bears, cougars, or poachers.


I remember lots of stops when fishing with my dad... but I think its because it wasn't common to see black anglers in the bush in S. Alberta in the 70's, 80's, and 90's...


About 5 times in 15 years. Twice on the Oldman, once on the Crow, once at a stocked pothole lake, and once driving through a check stop setup in the castle area on a cold day near the end of the season. They were checking hunters, so the CO was a little shocked when we said we released everything. Once he took a peak in the truck and saw the gear he chuckled. Guess he didn't expect anyone desperate enough to be fishing on a freak'n cold day that late in the season. Never been checked on the Bow.


Never in AB when I was underage, and never since I became of age. Come to think of it, I've only ever seen a CO in Alberta at Fish Creek. Got checked once on a special regs stream in BC last year, where I do 10%-20% of my fishing. The guy had a bit of a hike in as well so we were kind of surprised, but it was still great to see the effort.


Once in the 6 years I have lived in Alberta and it was last year on the Highwood. It was kind of funny as my wife and I were fishing the other side of the river at Sentinel and the CO called us to cross back over so she could check. As we made our way back across, very slowly, it was within a few feet of her that she got an embarrassed look on her face. At that time my wife was 7 months pregnant and not too speedy at crossing, especially that spot. The CO said she would not have bothered if she would have noticed that she was pregnant. It was good to finally be checked.


Seems like every time i go out.


Been fly fishing for about 4 years.


Went once to Blackstone got checked.

Crowsnest checked 2 out of 6 times.

Many trips to Livingstone checked 3-4 times.

And once at Chain lakes, in my early years but i'm not going to talk about that one :rolleyes:


Once last year on the upper bow near Canmore. Twice on the Highwood at the end of the season last year, but both of those time I offered and they said not to worry about digging it out of my vest. Interestingly these last two times it was a F+W guy, not a CO. Anyone know what the difference is?


I was checked atleast 2 maybe 3 times on the upper bow last year. And probably 5 times in various places in K country last year. Bout the same the year before...... rarely get checked on flowing waters though. Also been checked 4 times in the past few years in JNP.... once in Banff but I don't fish in there that much. 3 times ice fishing on spray lakes over the last 2 winters. Once in BC but again I don't fish there much and not really the popular places. I have to say that the officers in the Northern K country/ Canmore seem to be doing a good job....... or perhaps I look like a poacher.


Strangely, over here in the UK. we only tend to get them on the public holidays, they generally check all stillwaters and lakes, the rivers don't seem to be policed as well as they should be, the water bailiffs tend to hit the easy access areas but the beats and swims the illegal fisherman use are normally out of the way and inhospitable to get to so they don't bother, typical really,

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