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New Trout strain is being accessed in Alberta stillwaters[ RB's Riverance]

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As you no i ask questions,sometimes i get an answer This shows to me that they're trying,like other provinces.T o create a stocking,that might help,with invasives or just add a better fishing experience.I applaud there efforts.MB for instance i stocking brook trout x lake trout [Splake].Iattempts to contol invasives  & growing pop's of coarse fish..

Hi Brian, these are not a locally developed strain but out of the U.S.


Alberta has heard some positive things about these fish from colleagues in other places in Canada and figured we would try them here in the province to see if there are better tolerances to environmental conditions (not so much diet) in many of our stocked ponds.


Our hatchery folks will monitor performance of these fish over time.




Take care




Classification: Protected A

From: brian rousch <brousch@shaw.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:29 PM
To: Shane Petry <shane.petry@gov.ab.ca

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Hi BrianR, 

There needs to be a bit more clarification. I get that you have been emailing with shane@gov.... dot dot, but I can't really tell where your post starts and his ends..?

Quotes around the emails from shane@ would be great.


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