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I know the only knot I ever use is the improved clinch and sometimes the palomer knot...


Stumbled across this and thought he has some valid points on how nymphs will drift when dead drifting with an indicator...not sure how it would work if you tie double/triple rigs from hook shank to eyelet...would prolly have to got eyelet to eyelet...




What type of knots do all of you use? And is it worthwhile to consider other knots??

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Mostly clinch and improved. I used to tie some palomars, but not so much any more.


I'll try this though. I will probably do the extreme hook up knot on the front (worm) and the regular hook up knot on the other two. I'll still tie to the bend on the hooks on the worm and whatever I have second (probably a winter stone). I have a place in mind to try and I'll let you know how it works.

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Man.. the one time I tried running a 3 nymph rig I got tangled up so many times I said "screw that jazz" and went back to 2.


I used to have that problem too. But I gotta say that I just don't get tangled up that often anymore. As long as you wait on the backcast, and the wind is reasonable they just seem to unfurl. Be interesting to see it that holds with the hooks oriented differently.


Want to have some real fun, try 3 flies and a swivel.

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its all in the practice birchy...it does tangle more than a double but if u are fishing a double with splitshot u might aswell fish 3 because u have 3 hinges in teh line anyway...it will come dont sweat it


i found alot of times this year when i started or added a 3rd fly too the clients rod and didnt tell them they didnt tangle much or anymore than before...once they found out..tangle city....seems too be abig mental thing dealing with a 3rd hook flying by ones head...

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I use a clinch almost exclusively, for some reason my improved clinch doesn't hold as well as my clinch. I forget what it's called, but I know someone on the board had a good knot for chironomids, a loop to keep them horizontal in the water.

For a long, long time all I could tie was an overhand loop, hence my tag here.

For tying leaders, I use nothing but blood knots.

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I use a clinch almost exclusively, for some reason my improved clinch doesn't hold as well as my clinch. I forget what it's called, but I know someone on the board had a good knot for chironomids, a loop to keep them horizontal in the water.

For a long, long time all I could tie was an overhand loop, hence my tag here.

For tying leaders, I use nothing but blood knots.


I use the loop knot for almost all my flies now........I find it has better breaking strenght than a clinch or improved and it's just as easy to tie..........I think it does allow the fly to move better on the tippet and is more effective for drys or nymphs........



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I'm with ADC on this knot. Used an improved clinch for years. Worked OK on stream fish that are generally small but on big honking lake fish it just didn't cut it. After using the loop knot for 2 years and landing some decent fish with only ONE break off - I'm sold.


See: http://www.fishing-khaolak.com/knots/leftys_loop.html


catch ya'



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I use a blood knot for leader to tippet and an improved clinch to the hook. I hear that the dbl surgeons is a better knot but I rarely break at my leader to tippet connection so have no reason to learn a new knot.


I've been eying the loop connection for a while now, I'm thinking especially on lakes a more natural presentation.

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I use the loop knot for almost all my flies now........I find it has better breaking strenght than a clinch or improved and it's just as easy to tie..........I think it does allow the fly to move better on the tippet and is more effective for drys or nymphs........





thanks al...i'll be giving that one a try tomorrow...strength tests at my desk last night gave me some confidence to give it a go...:)

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I've always used, a tucked blood to the hook for co-polymer and mono, and a grinner or uni on flurocarbon, for the cast itself I use a surgeons to create the tapers as this gives me a drop at every knot should I need it, they've never let me down yet and I've had some big fish on very light leaders, I took a 22lb spring salmon on a 4lb tippet a year gone last april, I was fishing for small brownies, when this thing just hooked itself and took off stripping all the line and 170 yards of backing, the rod I was using at the time was a 6# Hardy Angel, and it stopped the fish, but it still took 45mins to land it, but the knots held okay4.gif

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I took a 22lb spring salmon on a 4lb tippet a year gone last april, I was fishing for small brownies, when this thing just hooked itself and took off stripping all the line and 170 yards of backing, the rod I was using at the time was a 6# Hardy Angel, and it stopped the fish, but it still took 45mins to land it, but the knots held okay


I bet that was a memorable fight, Fishie. Good on ya. 45mins. Wow.

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:) Believe me it was, I had it confirmed before I returned it, but unfortunately no camera that day didn't think I'd need one, take one everywhere now, it's kind of scary when al your line and backing goes screaming off the reel, you just live in hope the rod can handle it, I know that leg shaking terror now, but luckily the reel was also a Hardy Angel and the drag is second to none for playing fish, I always set the drag so it is just as stiff as the tippet poundage, it works well that way limiting snaps :)
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