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I Love/hate This Time Of Year

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I hate this time of year. It's been too damn cold for too damn long. I try to go fishing, but I get disgusted with frozen guides and cold damn wind in my face. But I love it because I start thinking about the year to come.


Late March is when I always begin to dream about trips in the late spring and into the summer. Where do I go, old reliables or something completely different? How soon do I make the long drive to the Hat to see how big the trips got this year? I always go too soon because I can't help myself. Sluggish fish and freezing temps, but the allure is too much to resist. I drive back home every year saying "I'm not going next year until May". But I'll be there again in April this year!


What about the summer cuttie adventures? Do I play it safe with tried and true rivers, or just throw a dart at SW AB or SE BC and the first time it lands somewhere I haven't fish, just say "let's try there!" I always intend to try the new water, but seem to have lots of difficulty driving past tried and true, particularly when no cars are there!


I always have 3 or 4 camping trips in mind, but I can never seem to pull off more than one. My wife seems to think I'm supposed to spend time with her (whatever), and for some reason does not like it when we camp by a river. Something about me never being around. This year will be different though. Or not.


Is this the year I finally make the FTR trip I've been dreaming about since I read Mitchell's Trout Highway book? Please, honey?


It's like this big, wide open slate waiting to be filled. I know I will fill it, but have no idea where to start or where it is going.


I can hardly wait to find out.

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I feel your pain...

It's hard for ladies to share their husbands with a fishing rod.

It seems like adventure time is limited so we keep going back to what we know...this is the year to break out! You have permission to go somewhere completely new and find a new treasure complete with willing Cutts. I think I have to go find some Chrome this year

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Hey Tex!


1) You said, How soon do I make the long drive to the Hat to see how big the trips got this year? ... But I'll be there again in April this year!


Right. Take an auger and report back. :P


2) Better hurry! That's a ton o' stuff to jam between the last spring/summer snow (June) and the first summer/fall snow (July or August).


Heck, Rick!! ... the days started getting shorter in 13 weeks! ;)





PS: Nice story Rick. Thanks. We ALL have these thoughts about spring and summer and getting out more. I gotta get out more.



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What an awesome country we live in !!

You never know what you`ll get.

I have about 100 ft of snow between me and my boat right now.

Anyone remember the dryfly fishing april 1 last year on midge .

I'm going crazy here waiting for the dry fly to start up.


And yes I do remeber the midges last year, and the pmds and the caddis and the stones.........

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I can't stop think about doing my first float of the season. I get an extra week of holidays this year; 5 weeks, plus 2 week of flex days. Plan to break my record from last year of 32 floats/season on the Bow. Also want to hit some new water in BC...It's going to be great. Let the melting begin....

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I can't stop think about doing my first float of the season. I get an extra week of holidays this year; 5 weeks, plus 2 week of flex days. Plan to break my record from last year of 32 floats/season on the Bow. Also want to hit some new water in BC...It's going to be great. Let the melting begin....


Me too! Got lots of vacation that I plan on using to assault some trouts this year. I missed out on alot last year due to personal circumstances so I've got a lot of built up fishing frustration in me. I'm focusing on tried and true and favorite spots and lots of early season on the Bow. All I remember is how last year the early season dry fly action was epic.....I need to be around for that this year.


Nice post Rick. Want me to talk to your wife for ya? I could amuse her with a bottle of wine or 85 if you like....but then you'd have to find me on the river somewhere - and I don't think I'd be amenable to leaving at that point <--poke--<

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