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Everything posted by Saltamontes

  1. I'll be passing through Calgary in a couple of weeks and I want to pick up a pair of these, I understand this is a new product (vibram sole) out there. Can someone guide me as to where I can find these, if you know for certain who has them as my time will be limited so I'm looking at stopping by the store/flyshop buying and heading out right away, no time to go from flyshop to flyshop. I understand there are numerous shops that carry Simms products, but like I said, I am only interested in the Vibram soles, I would like specifics, none of "so and so" should have them. BTW, is Bowriver Troutfitters open these days, I heard they were temporarily closed. Thanks for your assistance, Saltamontes
  2. Got mine a couple of days ago. I ordered the L size, they fit fine, I'm 5'8, 190 lbs (If I were 3 in taller, they would fit like a glove). They look tough, nice looking waders, pretty impressed, can't wait to put them to the test. Thanks speyghillie.
  3. Don't miss out on a bowl of homemade Congrio soup and a "chupe de locos", oh man am I getting hungry now. If you hurry, you can make it to tomorrow night's soccer game in Santiago, that place is gonna be nuts, tickets might be hard to come by though. The Chilean huasos v/s the Uruguayan charruas, my money is on the tricolor, if they don't win, I'll eat my XP. Enjoy your stay, and bring me a Cristal. Saltamontes
  4. That looks awesome, Just one question though, I didn't see any valves to inflate the toons.
  5. oh yeah, one more thing. YOU BASTARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. While you are down there say hi to my aunts and uncles. Oh yeah, don't forget to have an empanada with a glass of Casillero del Diablo.
  7. Does Bass Pro carry Simms gear?
  8. Location? easy to find? do they carry Simms products?
  9. Got my copy for Christmas, thinking of taking it to some printing shop to get it "spiral bound" (coil binding) anyone had this done to their copy?
  10. Alright, a bit of background, then a couple of questions. I was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a couple of days ago. I had noticed I was constantly extremely thirsty, then felt the urge to urinate all the time, my eyesight has deteriorated a bit, I now wear reading glasses, and have lost some weight (25 lbs) in the past 6 months, all symptoms of diabetes. I am 47 year old latino, a smoker, but have always been very healthy, no history of diabetes in the family. Here is where I am a bit puzzled... After a 10 minute visit with my doctor, a prick to my finger and getting a blood sugar reading of 13.7, he says to me we'll have to put you on insulin. He ordered a full set of tests, which two days later confirmed I am a diabetic. My question is: Why am I being prescribed insulin? when I asked my doctor he said "because you are not overweight", I'm 5'9 and weigh 180 lbs. Needless to say I'm not happy with this. I understand there are other forms of treatments out there (pills), why is insulin the first thing that my dr. prescribed? I can accept the diagnosis, it is the treatment that I am having a hard time accepting. If any of you have any experience dealing with this subject, please voice your opinions and comments. I am scheduled to go for some diabetes classroom training in a couple of days, and I will have plenty of questions. I am considering going for a second opinion, the diabetes is there and that cannot be denied, but to me anyways, the treatment seems a bit drastic, I would have thought perhaps an alternate treatment (pills)would have been the first choice and then if this did not control my sugar levels, then insulin would seem like the step to take. Saltamontes
  11. Do they have a sizing chart? I'm 5'9, waist 36 and wear size 9 shoes. I currently wear Patagonias waders in size large. Would a large Scierra fit me alright? Saltamontes
  12. I took up flyfishing 8 years ago, I am self taught and get by, known to catch the odd fish here and there. A couple of weeks ago I took my girlfriend fishing, it was her first time flyfishing so I thought with her being a newbie, it would be a good idea for her to experience some success. We went to a cutty stream out west, I took her aside and spent 30 mins showing her the basics of casting and reading the water, after a bit of practice she could shoot the line 15 - 20 ft, enough for this stream. I brought a rod (my back up) along but did not fish very much, it was her outing. By the end of the day she had caught 16 fish, varying in size, she (we) had a blast, she felt the line tighten time and time again, needless to say the girl is hooked. I loved the outing, watching the look in her face as she stood on the edge of a pool waiting for a fish to rise to her stimulator was priceless, a look which later on in the day became known as the "Hannibal Lector" look, too funny. Anyways, now I have a problem, a BIG problem, she really liked my precious expensive rod, my Z-Axis with my Orvis Battenkill LA. We are now pricing out waders and wading boots, rods and reels, and everything else required to look the part. So, I might have just kissed my Axis goodbye (I do have other rods), unless of course one day she is not fishing and might allow me to use it, on the other hand, she might just understand the need to get new expensive gear. I light of these new developments, I feel compelled to make some decisions regarding spending at our household, heck, one of these days I might just have to remortgage the house to finance the addiction. Saltamontes
  13. I've had my Danvise for a couple of years. Pretty sweet, no complaints. It is not fancy, but built very strong. I love the full rotary feature, although at times I don't quite use the rotary feature to its fullest potential. If you look around you should find a good deal on one. I got mine for about half the retail price from some fly shop in Ontario a couple of years ago.
  14. It's a Tacoma 4x4 2007. I never thought of it, but they are high enough for a water bottle to roll under. Off to Home Depot now.
  15. I got up this morning, looked out the window and saw the blanket of snow that covered the ground. "I guess I won't be trying to catch a fish today" I said to myself. I reached for my truck keys, grabbed an empty 5 gl water container and headed off to get a few groceries and some water. Stopped for the water first, then went to Safeway to get a few things. As I returned to the truck with 5 grocery bags in my hands, in hindsight, I should have but didn't realize that while driving around town the water jug had shifted, and was now leaning against the door. As I opened the door, down came the bottle, with catlike reflexes, I tried to break its fall with my right leg, bad mistake, as I tried to keep the bottle from falling, I struck my shin against the running board, it frickin' hurt (got a bruise the size of a softball on my right shin), now it doesn't end there.... as the bottle hit the ground next to the truck, I notice the cap pop, now the bottle is pissing nice clean purified water all over the place, I quickly throw the groceries on the back seat, and as I am going to reach for the stupid bottle, I see it roll under the truck, now spilling more precious water all over the ground, I peek under the truck and see the bottle now all the way across on the passenger side of the truck, I run around the truck to catch it, but by the time I get there, the bottle which seemed to have taken a life of its own, had come ot a stop and was now rolling back the opposite direction, once again under the truck and out the other side, so here I go, now running around the truck again, to my relief I catch now the damned 3/4 full bottle of water, I reach down for it, and as I'm getting back up, I slip on the snow and down I go, landing on my right elbow, now it is bruised. At the time I didn't think it was funny, but the onlookers must have thought differently. I dusted myself off and home I go, finally. As I go inside the house, my kid looks at me and "what happenned to you" "are you OK dad?", he laughed (I did too) as I shared my little adventure and showed him the scuffed up water bottle. By noon, I figured I could do some things around the house, you know those minor repairs you just haven't gotten around to for one reason or another. Oh yeah, the bathroom sink doesn't drain very well, let's play plumber. I target the P trap, which after some arduous work I manage to remove, man was that thing tight. I examine the thing and notice a substantial amount of buildup on the inside. A wire brush does not do the trick, so I take a screwdriver to it, now IT will break up the calcium buildup. So here I am fiddling with this this, then suddenly, I feel the scredriver between my fingers, yeap, pushed it right through the wall of the P trap. So off to the hardware store I go, and within minutes I have a shiny new piece in my hands. I get home and quickly install it, I let the water run and it leaks like a sieve, I tighten the nuts a bit more and the leak persists, it is then I realize the new piece has a crack in it, so back to the hardware store I go to get a new one. Finally, I am home again, new piece in hand, I install it and to my dismay, it leaks. Now, the new piece is fine, it has no cracks, so I tighten it more, it leaks still. I put some muscle into it, yeap, I snapped the new piece, just as I noticed I have now broken the seal that joins the drain pipe to the main, you now, the one right tight against the wall. I guess I won't be trying to catch a fish tomorrow, I got me sum more plumbing to do............... In hindsight, I should have just stayed in bed all day BTW, the new stuff/fittings are crap, paper thin, nothing like the old stuff which is much thicker and stronger, unless of course you take a screwdriver after it.
  16. When I was a kid, I did some baitfishing in the ocean back home (Chile), caught fish, but never really got into it, other activities such as tennis, soccer swimming took priority. In my teens I did some bait fishing at the local pond and did get some little trout. In one of those outings I noticed a "kid" (who is now a man and a very accomplished fly fisher and who just happens to post here regularly) here swinging this stick in the air very gracefully and getting fish to come up to the surface to take his offering. I was intrigued, but never did find out what he was doing. I didn't fish for decades after that. Got married, had kids. My son was into many sports and one day out of the blue he mentionned he'd like to try fishing. I went to crappy tire and picked up a spincasting rod for him, while there I looked at fly rods, thinking that in order to keep him company I should get myself some kind of fishing rod. I bought the cheapest fly rod I found, paid $30 for a 7-8 wt, which I matched with a $20 reel and a # 4 line from Walmart, note here I did not have a clue about what I was shopping for. I took junior fishing and left my "fly gear" at home. Next day I went to wallyworld and picked up an assortment of flies, all dries, and headed off to the local pond. To my amazement, little trout were coming up to eat my cheap wallmart flies. By the end of the outing I had caught my first trout. Next day after junior found out I had a fish on a fly, he wanted to give it a try, we took turns sharing the fly rod, a kept catching little rainbows, junior kept missing the strikes, until eventually he hooked and landed his first, that was 7 years ago. We have since blown a substantial amount of money, rods, reels, boats, waders, vests, fly tying materials, you name it, we probably have it by now. Oh yeah, gotta add, I am now getting into rod building, sheeeesh! there is no end to this obsession. Anywho, those were my humbling beginings. I stumbled across fly fishing acidentally, and I love it, and it all happenned when my kid said "dad, do you think we could try fishing some day"?
  17. Definitely a great spot Don.......... if you are fishing fo crappies
  18. I should try this approach: Sage rep: Thank you for calling Sage, how can I help you? Me: mmmm, I broke a couple of pieces of my rod Sage rep: oh that's too bad, we can mail you a couple of replacement pieces at $50 each. What model is it? Me: it's a Z-Axis, 4 piece 590, I broke the top two pieces, so that will be $ 100 right? Sage rep: that is correct, will do. Two day later, another call to Sage: Sage rep: Thank you for calling Sage, how can I help you? Me: mmmmmmmmm, I broke a couple of pieces of my rod Sage rep: oh, that's too bad, we can mail you the replacement pieces at $ 50 each. What model is it? Me: It's a Sage Z-Axis, 4 piece 590, I broke the bottom two pieces, so that will be $100 right? Sage rep: that is correct, will do. Muaaaaaaaahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!! Somehow I don't think this would work, but the wobbly pops are making me think weird stuff tonight. Thought I's share it with you
  19. A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. A pretty, young, student nurse appears to give him a partial sponge bath. "Nurse", he mumbles, from behind the mask. "Are my testicles black?" Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, "I don't know, Sir. I'm only here to wash your upper body and feet." He struggles to ask again, "Nurse, please check. Are my testicles black?" Concerned that he may elevate his blood pressure and heart rate from worry about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and pulls back the covers. She raises his gown, holds his manhood in one hand and his testicles in the other. Then, she takes a close look and says, "There's nothing wrong with them, Sir!" The man pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her and says very slowly: "Thank you very much. That was wonderful, but, listen very, very closely...... "A r e - m y - t e s t - r e s u l t s - b a c k ??"
  20. I'd be O.K. with a sighting, in fact I'm sure I'd welcome it. I would hope I'd have enough sense not to do something stupid like reacting agressivelly towards this unknown thing, but hearing loud gutural noises/uncontrollable screaming in the middle of the night, or having "something" hurling stuff at my camp in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere would definitely be a different story, sort of flashbacks of Jason from friday the 13th, creepy. No siree, neither Yogi nor Bullwinkle would chuck stuff at my camp, it would either have to be some type of unknown life form or some kind of sicko out there. Now if I heard dueling banjos in the background, I'd reach for my Chuck Norris or Ninja Turtle outfit, of course, waders would go on first.
  21. I've lived in central Alberta (Red Deer) for the past 30 years. I like the idea of not living in the bigger city, if I feel the need for those ammenities the larger centres offer, I'm just and hour and a half away. The only setback of the area is that there isn't much fishing, yeap, definitely down south is the place to be.
  22. Holy smokes you guys, this is pretty interesting stuff. I always thought that if there is such a thing out there, I'd love to have an encounter with it, after reading these stories, I'm not sure I'd want to. Keep 'em coming.
  23. Like I really needed a new activity to blow money on, I'm about to enter the sinister world of rod building. I ordered a book and my first blank (kit) and I will be shopping for tools and a diversity of materials required to put these things together. I surfed the net and found lots of sites that sell what I need, I am however, looking for a shop in Calgary that carries supplies and tools for this hobby. I prefer to have a look at something in my hands prior to buying it. Next time I am in the city I intend to swing by and have a peek. Any suggestions?
  24. Sunglasses, gosh, I seem to loose a couple of pairs every year.
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