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Everything posted by Saltamontes

  1. Take it from me guys, the sasquatch does exist. Years ago, alright, decades ago in my younger years I was out with a couple of buddies out for a drink, as the night progressed and the drinks kept coming I found myself chasing certain young lady whom due to my impaireness looked pretty good. I woke up next morning and yeap, lying next ot me, there she was the saquatch in person, goshhhhhhh she was hairy
  2. I'd love to join you if this takes place. However will have to wait until we have a set date and destination to determine if I can get the time off work.
  3. awesome video man, thanks.
  4. Went through this a couple of years ago. Mom passed away and dad decided to move into a smaller place. I asked around about what was required to sell privately and told dad I would give it a go for a couple of months. I had the property appraised by a realtor, she did not charge this service, but I agreed to list the property with her if I my private sale dealing did not work. I sat at the computer, wrote up all the specks of the house (sq. ft, property taxes, you name it) and ran 100 copies of it and handed them out when I ran two open houses in a month, had numerous offers, even had realtors come by and whisper in my ear that if I wanted they could get me a buyer (of course they expected some kickback, and rightly so), I thanked them but told them I would try it solo first. Within a month I had a solid offer ($500 off the asking price, no conditions). Sold dad's house in a month, paid about $800 for lawyer fees, $50 for advertising (newspaper) and stationary, $50 for a couple of "open signs" that I strategically placed around the neighborhood. The house was empty, come in have a look, check whatever you want, take a copy of the specks, coffee was on, timbits on the table, thanks for stopping by.........I saved dad about $17 k. In turn, voluntarily dad insisted in paying me some cash ($3000) which by the way I did not want to take for getting the deal done. I had a blast, what a rush, the adrenaline ran pretty high anytime someone wanted to sit down and talk numbers, poker face here, did just fine. Realtors provide a service, and they are compensated for it, but at times it is well worth it to try something new for yourself.
  5. NEWSFLASH !!!!!!! Calgary police are in the lookout for two men who stole a semi truck this afternoon. The trailer the two culprits stole was full of the popular viagra drug. When asked about the thieves, the police chief stated: "we are in the lookout for two hardenned criminals".
  6. Interesting kungfool. Do you have to register to view the list of chanels offered? I was surfing through the site and did not find the chanel listings.
  7. Anticipating your fishing trip next morning, you sit at the bench the night before and tie your "sure fly", then next morning you get up extra early and whip together a few more..... then load up your gear in your vehicle and head out. You get to your destination gear up, assemble your boat, you reach for the container you put your newly tied flies in, only to realize you left it sitting on your fly tying table............. GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! Frustrated, you drive to the nearest town to buy some of the patterns you tied, only to find out they are sold out !!!!!!!!!!!! On the flip side, I managed O.K. caught numerous fish with other patterns, but really wanted to try what I had put together for the trip
  8. Tha is hilarious, good one Birchy
  9. That is one big ass fish, can you imagine netting that sucker?
  10. Insane, I guess I better not whine about bushwacking foa a mile to get ot a fishing hole
  11. I don't want to risk damaging the jaws on my vise, so I use some non-serrated needle nose pliers to pinch the barbs of my hooks. However, lately I've noticed that the point in a susbtantial number of hooks breaks off when setting the hook, resulting in many lost fish. I use mustads and tiemco hooks, so the brand is not the problem. Possibly, I am squeezing too hard when pinching the barb, thus weakening the point of the hook. I'm curious to hear what you guys do/use to pinch the barbs.
  12. Hope this works, yeap it is my biggest to date
  13. I'm with Silverdoctor. Pretty much exactly the same thing I do whenever I meet a jackass while fishing. Why allow an "ahole" ruin your day out there. Life's too short to let stupid things and people get in the way of enjoying it. During my first year of flyfishing I was in a secluded spot on the Red Deer casting to a rising brown, not a soul around, just me and my fish. Suddenly out of nowhere three idiots come by floating by, as they notice me casting to this fish, one of them says "there's one", they drop anchor and begin chucking their rapalas to "my" fish. Astonished I stood there staring at them, one of the aholes obviously noticing my anger said to me: "its free country" and continued chucking his nuts and bolts to my fish. I smiled and muttered sum like "yeap, I guess it is a free country, otherwise aholes like you would not be allowed out here". I waded back to the bank, lit my pipe and sat down, they stayed casting to the fish, which by now was no longer rising, ten minutes later after not getting a hit from the fish, they pulled up anchor and continued floating, a couple of minutes later the fish rose again, I went back in the water and within three casts I caught it, still within view, they saw me hook and land a beautiful brown. Oh how sweet that was, I just smiled as the jackasses kept floating downstream. The only regret I have is making that comment when they started casting to my fish, as doing so displayed my frustration for them to enjoy. Since that incident, whenever I encounter a similar situation, I just reel in, not say a word and sit down and laugh as they make complete asses out of themselves, if they stay for an extended period of time, I simply move on. Saltamontes
  14. Hey SJW, I think you might your idea might be a bit risky. Certainly most of us look after our stuff, but you never know what idiot might rent one from you and beat the crap out of it. I think there is a market for this service (rental of pontoon boats), but I would suggest a bullet proof written contract and a huge damage deposit to cover the loss of a unit. Interesting idea though. Saltamontes
  15. Just curious, am I the only one having this issue? whenever I go to this board, it allows me to look at General Chat with no problems, then when I try to go to other categories (ie. Fly tying, etc) within this site, it tells me I need to sign in, which I do in order to read the posts. Sheeeesh, I have actually remembered my password now. Is there an option to automatically sign in everytime I visit this forum?. Yeah, I know, bitch, bitch, bitch................
  16. Been known to leave the stuff in the car overnight every now and then, mainly when just too tired to bring it inside the house after a fishing trip. Since I got my Z-Axis however, not a chance, that baby comes inside the house after every trip. I do keep hidden under the seat my back-up St Croix pack rod, you never know when she might get some action. So far been lucky, never had my vehicle broken into, knock on wood.
  17. Where does one get a National Park Fishing license within the town of Banff? Will the Tourist information office have these available? Does the Bow remain open after the Labour day long weekend? Saltamontes
  18. Lamponious, por supuesto que hablo espanol. Originario de Chile, radicado en Canada de hace ya mas de 30 anos. Fanatico pescador con moscas (secas 99%). Te adjunto un enlace para un sitio chileno de pesca con mosca. Mi sobrenombre, Saltamontes es debido a mi mosca preferida, la cual me ha dado resultados increibles en rios cordilleranos. Buena suerte amigo y posiblemente algun dia nos encontraremos en la orilla de un estero. Saltamontes www.riosysenderos.cl
  19. Bienvenue Lamponious. Be patient, you'll do just fine. An option to consider might be to find a cutthroat stream (watch out for temporary closures due to hot weather). Cutties are generally very willing to rise to a dry fly.
  20. Interesting topic. I hate my job, love to fish, yet in 22 years I have yet to call in sick, yeap, 22 years perfect attendance. 8 1/2 years to go, then retirement it is, then I'll fish til I collapse.
  21. Alright gang, need some help here. I've Been to Banff many times, but never fished within the park. Next month I have a friend coming from Germany for some sort of Medical convention, he will be staying in the town of Banff between the 15th and the 20th of September. He has asked me to give him some insight as to where he can try some stream fishing in the evenings, within walking distance if possible as transportation and lack of time to travel could be and issue. Any suggestions?. I will try to meet up with him for an evening (work permitting), if so, I will have my wheels available, nevertheless I want to have some sort of idea of where to take him/advise him to try his luck. BTW, he is aware of the special license required to fish National Parks. Lakes are pretty much out of the question as the equiment he will be bringing will be limited. Thanks for any assistance, Saltamontes
  22. When the Goldeye are feeding they'll hit almost anything that floats, my advice, use the flies that you don't care too much for (easy to tie) and don't mind getting all chewed up. If you are in town, go to the boat launch by Great Chief Park, or try Riverbend Golf Course, down by Joffre Bridge you should find a whack of them, pretty much any deep pool will have those things. Of course wait till the water clears up, hopefully a couple of weeks. Saltamontes
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