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Everything posted by Parry
Anyone Think That Sasquatch/bigfoot Is Real?
Parry replied to birchy's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
ive been fishing and came across a foot print, but i think it was someone planting it as t here was a single foot print and no others.... i also happened to notice it as my foot was coming down and actually smushed it.. oh well, i continued to fish of course every twig branch or russeling of the grass had me looking over my shoulder -
The highwood has always historically been a heavily fished river..... i just think in recent times people have become a little more adventerous and started fishing the canyon section alot more... truth be told i agree that it is one of the most jaw dropping locations in alberta but ive never found the fishing to be all that great. Atleast in the canyon section. If you want to see crowded, go fish Stauffer on a weekend... lol, i can stand passing or meeting people every 30-40min but ive had days on that creek where ive walked for 40min and couldnt find a free pool, had to turn around and try my luck elsewhere
Any oil company with production and exploration ventures in sask... especially in the area's east of Fort Mac
How Many Spring Creeks Are There In Alberta?
Parry replied to unclebuck's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
i think he is talking about creaks that are open year round. There is another one around the caroline area called Clear Creak. It supposidly has Brown,Brook, and Bull however when i attempted to fish it i found nothing, nothing, nothing in terms of fish and fishy looking water. Mind you i did find 2 dead bloated cows beside the stream. However i did talk to an old fly fisherman who said that the fishing is awesome if you can make the trek to the point at which is comes to the surface in the middle of a farmers field. I was to discouraged to look for it, as i found it pointless to waste time on a stream when the raven, and prairie creek are only 20min max away. -
22 / 2 = 11 + 7 = 18..... wheeeeeeeewwwww wheeeeeeewwww i love my life and to think i was starting to feel guilty.
There should be a rule in there about red deer and the fact that you can walk 5min in any direction and run into a liqour store... or 3 for that matter.
I dont like cheese
One day i hope i can enjoy something much like that. Glad you shared! Dustin
Alhuger I know that Azerbaijan is not part of the Middle East in fact I don’t even think I said it was. However any country that boarders Iran in my books is pretty damn close. My parents live in Baku and in fact over 90% of the people in some form or another are of the Islam religion in which I did make reference to. In all honesty I thought that the majority of the people were Persian. So I am to believe because a country was previously controlled by the Soviet Union and is located in Eastern Europe that it should not be Middle Eastern. Sorry but even if in the books say it is not middle eastern I would go so far as the say that fundamentally it is in many regards. As for Lebanon your right I am arrogant in the sense that I do not know much about the country, sorry if I made a misjudgment. As for the last part of your comment, I believe it was intended as an insult but I will not take it as such as I agree that the world would do a lot of good to broaden their horizons and learn a little more about the world we live in. Once again I revert back to one of my previous posts and apologize for making the comment in the first place. Dustin
One bad experience? I was just simply referring to one experience, who is to say that I dont have more? As Rocknbugs said my opinion is my opinion. In all honesty I respect the Muslim community a lot and have seen both the good parts and the bad with my family living in a country that is full of Muslims. I said that it was a racist remark, and said I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I was simply pointing out that I think there is a double standard in society. If I were racist I would have followed through with my comment or worse. This thread from the begging set the foundations for a heated amount of responses, so please don’t belittle me. I wasn’t calling the culture out on anything, I was calling this society as a whole out. By saying Muslims countries are way out in left field I simply mean that some of the things they practice in their culture is barbaric in the world that we live in today. Call me westernized but to put someone in jail for naming a teddy bear ANYTHING even if it is the name of a god is stupid, its a name for Christ sake. I by no means intended to piss you off Din as ive read your replies in many posts and harbor no ill feelings toward you. I think that even replying to the original topic was a mistake and I do offer my apology for that. Dustin
Nono i complete understand that. I know a white person can be muslim if they so wished. Sorry i guess it just came out wrong. I was implying that i believed they came from a muslim country, that country being lebanon. After reading the sentence and the whole comment it sounds foolish. Sorry
I think this is absolutely stupid. I am by no means racist, but many of these Muslim countries are absolutely way out in left field. This seriously leaves me speechless... I think there is a huge double standard in society now a days and especially in North America in which many of us are bending over backwards to accommodate many of these people because of laws and restrictions. I remember one time I was at the mount royal library and there was a large table that had been un occupied but with 2 back packs sitting on it for over a hour. When my group finally arrived I decided to move those bags, not books, not binders or anything just 2 backpacks sitting there completely un open to the floor so that I could discuss my group project with my members. About another hour passes by when 3-4 Muslim or Lebanese not to sure as to how one can tell the difference come up and start getting in our face. One of them proceeds to say that I better not have touched his bag because he knows how us "****ing Whiteys" like to steal.... it took every ounce of restraint I had to not punch him in the face or tell him that why would I want to steal his bomb from his backpack... Now I understand that this was a racist remark, however so was his. The unfortunate thing here is that if I were to report what he said, nothing would likely have happened. However if I said what I wanted, I would have caused a *hit storm and the end result would likely me being expelled. I just think its ridiculous the way our culture has gotten and really think something needs to be done. Going to jail for naming a teddy bear Mohammad... give me a break.... I have to travel to Baku, Azerbaijan this Christmas and only wonder what trouble I am going to get into... Mind you I am told the culture over there is amazing, sometimes this world scares the *hit out of me. Sorry if I offended anyone Dustin
Hey does anyone know when the Forestry Trunk Road (Highway 734) was created around the rockey mountain house area? Or does anyone got a website that provides information on this? I found some info on wikipedia but it didnt have any exact dates as to when it was constructed. Thanks Dustin
I’m a student at the University of Calgary in the school of Business (Haskayne) with a major in finance. This requires me to learn long stupid formula’s and tons of theory that is so dry that by days end you want only to be in some nice place like New Zealand fly fishing.... one day... Anyways.... So I was required at the begging of the year to choose a non commerce option so I picked up and environmental History class which has quickly become my favorite class so far this year, anyways recently we had to write a large paper on a subject of our choosing dealing with something that has a relationship to Environmental History... So I ended up choosing the effects of human impact on the Bull trout and needless to say I am having one hell of an enjoyable time writing this paper. God knows I never thought I would say those words. Anyways I also posted this to find out if anyone else on this board goes to the university??
Best wishes to you on this day of your birth
I was also thinking that at this area, you could go in groups of 2 and if a couple people decided to hit the same stream just drive a far distance from each other and walk towards each other, meet 1/2way exchange keys fish to the other person car/truck and you save some serious walking time that way . Id have no problem doing that, but im sure some people would look at it as an insurance risk ect... I know a nice little stretch that takes 6-7hours to fish/walk but when you get to the confluence and the road its a good 3-4hour walk back to your car, and in 30degree weather it is hell. But the fishing down there is well worth it, when its on its on.
I agree, i think the castle/carbondale area would be best. A Campground like Beavermines would be awesome, or even someplace like castle falls would be great however i could see many of the members spending hours casting to the 30inch bulls that cruise that pool for hours on end
Haha Dam you guys! Now I will be spending a whole summer fishing every lake I see in sask looking for these gems ! Well now that my foot is in my mouth you have sparked my curiosity.... Nah I wasn’t really referring to the lakes anyways as my love for fly fishing is in the Eastern Slope streams... cant tell me sask has any of those haha just playing. On a side note however alot of my family is from sask and I once got to drive a Bailer.. That was pretty damn cool, oh and a ridding lawn mower... haha I bet they were laughing there asses off when a couple "city" kids were doing there chores for them and having a blast doing so.
For sure sask. Im a true albertan but sask doesnt have much to do but cheer for Football and watch the wheat grow.... Everywhere else has hockey and various other activities. Hell i dont even think sask has any good flyfishing . So i would love to see sask win.
I would love to do this and would recomend some of the campsites around the castle area, maybe like beaver mines, or i know in the back country there are a ton of open campsites you are able to just drive into that would have enough room for a lot of people. This area also makes driving to the various lakes / crowsnest/ and other great streams/rivers very easy.
Watching "team Toolman" On Fishing With Dodger..
Parry replied to birchy's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
I think this is getting a little out of hand :S... id rather have a weekend of camping, and just some good all around fun with a little competition on the side. I dont want anyone trying to coach me or tell me what i am doing wrong. Granted i love to learn but this is taking the fun out of it. That being said, if anyone wants to plan a camping trip count me in. -
Watching "team Toolman" On Fishing With Dodger..
Parry replied to birchy's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
im in -
Watching "team Toolman" On Fishing With Dodger..
Parry replied to birchy's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Ok if you can greate a Model of the Raven with overhanging willows i am completely down . Haha jk i would love to test my skills as that seems to be one of the only ways to really improve. -
Watching "team Toolman" On Fishing With Dodger..
Parry replied to birchy's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Fundamentally Toolman this has become a pissing contest; a whose is bigger then whose competition. I don’t know how this all started as I never once insulted anyone's fishing ability. I just stated that it seemed that this all-star cast of "Newbie" Fisherman was composed mainly of the most outspoken members of this board, for 1st years anyways. Granted I am sure they are definitely some of the best New Fly fisherman out there. As for me or anyone saying they are better then anyone else in this board, that is just absurd. I will be the first to admit that I bet you would work me up and down the bow river, and that you are a better nympher then I hope to ever be. Everyone here has his or her strengths and weaknesses. I would gladly have a competition for shits and giggles, as I am sure it would be just that and a great learning experience for many. However I get the feeling that you are taking this post in a negative light and I assure you that there was no intention of that in the first place. I would love to be able to have a competition casting to a rising brown stuck tight to a low over hanging branch and a log jam, im sure I would out perform many in that occasion. But a set competition, 1 hand 30paces, no backing, no stripping. I think that is getting away from the point, let alone putting a wager on it. Anyways that being said, I hope this goes from a pissing contest into something more enjoyable. Or I could be complete wrong in assuming that, and just keep quiet. Dustin -
Watching "team Toolman" On Fishing With Dodger..
Parry replied to birchy's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
This sounds like it could be a fun time. I would say we all take a weekend this summer/spring out of our busy lives and head down to the crowsnest/castle river area. Set up a big giant base camp where we can spend the whole weekend exchanging good stories over a couple wobbly pops or some scotch on the rocks for those who crave that? Id chose the castle river area as it has PLENTY of prime fishing water for Rainbows, Rockies, Bulls, and Cutts. We could do a competition of 4 people per team, which would allow 2 sub-groups to hit 2 separate bodies of water. Set up some guidelines over the weekend like biggest bull/rainbow ect… of course a camera/picture would be required. I think something like this would be awesome and could become a yearly “adventure” much like the bow river clean up. But I would hate to see the planning go into something like this and have it fizzle out like the K-Lakes tourney. Id be down if anyone else would want to.