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Everything posted by Parry
Id Like to start first off by saying what an amazing Fish, and anyone of the members on this board would be hard pressed to pass a fish like that up who was actively feeding. Gongratz guys in an amazing fish, and a beauty at that. 2nd off, i guess i must be shot because i have caught numerous Brookies in their spawning colours, Oh noooo. Fact of the matter is that this fish is a member of the char family and im sure many of us have seen them with magnificent spawning colours at any time of the year. Once again, if you have a negative opinion about something someone has done why dont you privately message them, EDUCATE them because maybe they just didnt know, rather then look like a monkey flinging feces. Dustin
Nice pics dude, Glad to see that your back.
First Off, I'm 23 and been fishing in the back country for years. Ive seen many Bears but a cougar? If you have alot of cougar stories then i am quite sure you are fishing in the calgary zoo. You do not see cougars, they see you especially in the bush. Maybe you account driving and seeing a cougar as a story. Im not saying you dont see cougars in the bush as its does happen, but a few? and above that who the hell are you to suggest some "Jack Ass City boy" stay on the bow? The average person would no suspect a bear to be this near to the city, let alone know that glenmore park has had a resident black bear show its self directly in the city a couple years in a row now, or know that Cougars have been seen in the last year as far down as Bowness. Instead of insulting people, maybe try and educate them? as many of the useful members of this board have done in previous posts. For all you know this individual could very well be a part of this community and rather then you berate him, maybe you should offer him a speedy recovery. I already know Individuals like Taeke have offered insight into this area about being Bear Aware which i am grateful and sure many others are as well. But we do not know the facts of this encounter. Its one thing for a person to say they would never run from a Bear, but what if Its being very aggressive and charging, sometimes emotions and feelings take over and one reaction is to Run for your life. We are after all only human. My 2 cents Dustin
I got out for about a Hour today before i had to run off do banking and pay for my university and such. Was doing really well with the hopper dropper with small nymphs down a good 2 -3 feet from the hopper, had 4 hookups, 1 to hand at 18-19 inches and numerous takes that i was either to slow or not paying attention. I had read in a previous post that you said you were new to fly fishing, or were learning. Make sure that your getting solid drifts when your using the nymph and like you had mentioned above with spooking the fish, fish the shore lines. All fish i had today were in less then Knee deep water along higher banks or on the edges of runs that most people would step in and fish from. I always work my way out and fish the shallow water first before i move into the main run. You would be amazed at how many fish you get from those areas and not small ones either. Hope that helps man
Remember A Little Curtesy Goes A Long Way
Parry replied to Lawrence's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
This one time i was fishing a prime stretch of water, like i mean awesome. Was getting some mad fish. Then this guy shows up with spacers in his ears and long hair and is all like "Dudeeeeeeee sweet bigguuh feesh" casts like 3-4 casts in and catch's a 26incher. Needless to say i was choked. Haha jk, on a serious note thou it happens, but like you said LK, alot of these people are especially new to the sport and have no idea of what we consider common courtesy. So personally i would like to thank you for starting a thread like this to inform those just learning that there are some un written rules and to never be afraid to walk up and chat to some fellow anglers as for the most part alot of people are willing to share a great conversation and share a pool with ya. -
There are some GIANT fish in Glenmore, i know a couple people who have pulled out 8pound Browns, and even heard of my friend getting a 15+ pound Trout. That being side, these fish are almost always caught when the ice is just coming off the res and fishing in the summer is generally slow as the fish tend to go deeper.
Tako, some times *hit happens there bud. Not much you can do if a fish inhales the hook and gets it in the gills. I wouldn't really blame him for the blood as im sure all of us have caught fish that have died as a result of being hooked. The best we can ask for is a quick and safe release and im sure this young guy knows that. Then again a little reminder never hurt
Oh no lol that has nothing to do with it. Ive been fishing on days that have resulted in me walking for 5hours straight back to the car haha. Im pretty sure it has something to do with the waders thou. Ill have to try my old ones on my next long hike/fish trip and see if i get any pain. Thanks for the info thou guys
haha i sware enough as it is when i loose flies. Dunno what i would do if i lost a couple of these bad boys Purely amazing, great job
Ok so i just had a question in regards to Wader size. My dad moved out of country so i took over his Breathable Waders. My dad is a lot bigger then me so the waders are over sized for sure. Anyone who has seen my fishing on the bow has prob had a chuckle at my expense but thats ok. Anyways Yeterday me and my cousin walked from the Confluence to the Race Track (VERY FAR WALK) and near the end of it i could barely walk as my right hip was in extreame pain. THis has only happened one other time, during a long walk in the same waders. Now im only 24 and its happened to the same hip so should i assume that some how the waders are causing this, because after long hikes and long days working in the field ive never had problems. Has this happened to anyone else? Maybe my leg is getting to much movement in the waders and getting resistance causing the pain? i dont know mabye im just spouting off nonsense. Dustin
haha i used to check that old site out every couple days, i think thats where i developed my addiction to fish porn .
I have yet to try them, was going to place a order back when he was offering his feb discount deal but every time i went to message him his inbox was full .
Shesssh been so busy with everything in life i havnt checked out the site in what seems like months. I havnt hit the river at all sense the season ended, and man oh man am i really to hit the water. Anyways hope everyone is doing fine and all is well. Dustin
Any chance you can get some kinda category up there that only college/university students can bid on. I would love to be able to make a donation and support the cause but most of the prices are WAY outta my price range. , anyways im glad to see all the support, this board really is full of some genuinely good hearted people.
Calgary got away with murder that game, complete bull *hit.... plus the fact that edmonton does what they always do, play 2 or 3 great games and then forget their hockey sticks in the locker room the next. What a horrible night in hockey... Toronto won, Montreal Lost, and Edmonton lost..... the only saving grace to my night was the fact that Colorado beat Vancouver ...
Stories Of The "strange But True". What Is The
Parry replied to a topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Haha i sat here and had to ask my self if you practiced catch and release this day ;) JK!!! -
Stories Of The "strange But True". What Is The
Parry replied to a topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
I know an old guy from the rocky area who had a double hook up on a nymph rig, while he was bringing it in across the pool 2 bull trout ripped both the fish from his line. Im pretty sure he said that the line broke i cant quite remember. As for me personally , hmmm i guess it would be scary and stupid on my part. When i was little, around 9 or so me and my brother had some rainbows we kept so when we were gutting them the fillet knife we used came in a wooden case. Now on this knife you could not tell the difference between the handle or the cover. So me being the smart arse that i am, tried to "freak" my brother out and whip the "cover" off at him while i held the handle.... In theory it was supposed to work that way, instead a Very sharp fillet knife flew towards my brothers head, Luckily it turned and the Butt end of the handle hit him square between the eyes. What followed as a crying brother, and soon a crying me after i got the piss pounded outta me. Needless to say i never tried that joke again -
haha poor us.... i unfortunately have a Security and Investment Analysis midterm next wednesday and have yet to crack the text book guess i know where my weekend is going to be spent... i dont even know why i bother to pay rent sometimes as my life seems to be spend at the university as well. Tako, and BBB what are you guys taking? we should meet up for a game of pool or a pint at then den some time
My worst Trip of fishing would be in B.C. on the Island... Was a very late morning so I finally went to the fly shop to get some flies and a licence ($45 for 3 days or a day, something stupid), Got some flies ($4.50 each I almost cried). Finally hit the River.... walked about an hour downstream.... Nothing and then it hit me, My stomach and me were not friends on this day, not only did I wish I had TP, but a bathroom would have been awesome. Oh did I mention that at this point I found some of the nicest looking water I have ever encountered, the hour before was shallow and about 2feet deep across the entire section. So as I am running back to my car of course I trip and fall, so now I am soaked and running. I make it back and am in such a hurry that I don’t bother to break down my rod and slam the door shut on the tip... SNAP, so the other 2 days of fishing I was going to do were ruined.... Ok so the next day we decide to do some salmon fishing out in the ocean as my fly rod is out of commission. So im out with my brother, his friends (Boat owner), and one of my friends... so we start trolling and im like Oh I had a bite... im quickly insured that it wasn’t a bite and us trout fisherman have no idea what a hit looks like... so we continue on and I see the other rod doing a similar motion. Of course I’m given the same response. So about 20min later we notice that the boat is taking on ALOT of water... I mean ALOT; oh *hit we have a hole... So we start GUNNING it for shore and me and my friend matt grab the lines and start bringing them in as fast as we can... Oh look at that each of the rigs has a small Red Fish? Or Rock Fish? not to sure what they were... Go figure, us trout fisherman eh... So we are going to shore and the water reaches the battery and boom, we are no better then a floating log or sinking log haha. What makes this funny is my brother 26, does not know how to swim which is ironic as he works on an off shore rig in the North Sea. So he is screaming for the flare gun, bellowing on the whistle as my friend and me are laughing hysterically. So we grab the oars and try and make some distance before we go down and loose everything. Turns out that we didn’t have a leak, however on salt-water engines there is an intake line that brings in salt water to cool the engine? not to sure I don’t know much about boats, and then spits the water back into the ocean. While ours was busted and the water was coming directly into the boat at a steady stream, so when the battery finally shorted out the engine stopped and so did the water. Needless to say we were the laughing stock of the fishing camp and every time anyone walked by our camp they were blowing the whistle. Funny to look back at now, but at the time I wasn’t to pleased
haha, glenbow whats the chance that you take orders now with the discount and take payment a month or two from now when i got the money ... of course i dont want to fly's now but would love the price....
haha i must say that last's nights game was one of the most entertaining games i have watched all season , i hope saturdays is much the same, however to watch the flames loose 5-0 at home would be just a tad more special . Enough about Godard, i just hope he is back for saturday so him and Zac can have a little re-match from last year. That being said i was really impressed with Sanderson and Penner last night, if those 2 boys can start getting a little more points it will make up for Horcoff being out
Except he cant do anything in the shoot out, and every once in a while makes some nice plays? Ovechkin outshines him by far, and as for play makers Thorton and Savard are second to none..... and if you wanna get into who is the best in the NHL Lecavlier is stunning... and i think is just coming into his game. Now for me saying Hemsky, its because i am a oilers fan and am more then entitled to my opinion on who my favorite player is, and just so we keep the record straight... Hemsky will always be a better hockey player then good old Dion. I can even begin to mention Zetterberg and Datsyuk... im just saying that phanuef should have not been on that list and is only on there becuase he is a flame... or flamer.. not quite sure which Go Oilers!!!!
sorry i didnt read the whole amount of replys i am a tad drunk but Phanuef!!!!! why in ****'s name would you put that idiot up there..... i could name a ton of people who deserve to be up there besides that idiot. Mind you we are in calgary but come on!!!! anyways my vote goes for Ales Hemsky .... or Chris Higgins for sure some of the 2 best hockey players to watch in the NHL... ok but i am drunk so night
Hey was just curious as to how the fishing around the Bowness area in Calgary is? I can honestly say that I have never fished it. However recently my Aunt and Uncle purchased a house that has the lovely bow river right in their backyard. So I was thinking that my summer, or much of it would be spent learning every run, riffle, and fish that resides in their little stretch of heaven. Any who, any advice on this section of the river would be awesome. Thanks for the help guys Dustin
Taco... funny you mention that story, the same thing happened to me a couple nights ago