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Everything posted by alhuger

  1. Holy smokes, that's super impressive. I have no idea the community lakes had such nice rainbows. Almost makes me miss living in arbor lake! Nice fish guys!
  2. Great pics looks like a nice season.
  3. I love loud reels, so count me in that crowd! I really like the islanders but am always nervous when swapping spools out when I am in the water. Too many pieces to possibly hit the water... I can attest to the durability as well, my cousin guides north of Rupert and has fished the same center pin Islanders for maybe a decade now with thousands of salmon fought on them. They still work as smoothly as if they were new. al
  4. Awesome thread. Well, some things I learned this year: 1. Better gear does not make a better angler. 2. I need to stop buying more gear, I need time on the water and I cannot buy it. 3. This sport is like constantly drinking from a fire hose. I am always learning more than I can process. 4. People mistreating fish really, really piss me off. 5. People keeping fish (particularly salmon and wild steelhead) in systems that are in trouble piss me off. 6. I need to stop getting pissed off. Nobody (including myself) likes a zealot :> 7. I will probably suck at this for a very long time and I am not sure I care. It's that much fun. al
  5. I take spey rods (4 piece) on Air Canada flights as carry on all the time. I have done the same on United. Both to destinations in Canada and the USA. al
  6. Bah, c'mon you've fished salmon on center pin reels so you know that drag is for the weak! I think (for the most part) nothing in fresh water that I've fished for requires much in the way of heavy drag and nothing is as as sensitive to pressure adjustments as your hand. I am admittedly somewhat of a newly coined zealot on this. al
  7. I have to agree with Doc, I love the Hardy's. I fished salmon last week on a Ross Momentum beside a Hardy Bougle MK IV. Wow, the Hardy kicked it's ass. No drag, all palm, more fun than should be legal. I am selling all my reels to switch over (except my salt stuff). al
  8. Happy Birthday Marc!
  9. C'mon Rick, I was waiting patiently for your reply. You've robbed my night of the only entertainment I am likely to get. al
  10. This may be better suited to the Spey forum but I'll let a moderator decide that. I am a big fan of the TFO spey rods personally but it's a pretty subjective judgment. I also fish Loop, Sage and Beulah for two handers and love them as well. I think you have the right idea in testing out multiple rods. As for what type, I would base that on the water you are fishing and the time of year you are going. I am sure there are plenty of guys here who would be willing to help you figure out your cast either for pay or for free. My cast is not strong enough to teach from. Toolman often puts together spey nights, dropping by one would give you plenty of opportunity to try new rigs. al
  11. Clive, Particularly in the Shuswap. It very, very large water and has other oddities. Could be that they are keeping the color. It's good to know there are fall spawner strains.
  12. All, This year while fishing lakes I've noticed that some of the rainbows I am catching look like spawners. Not always like kelts either but rather beefy trout in bright orange or dirty colors that look ready to spawn. This has happened in the fall this year (and last year too actually). I know that water temps can be manually adjusted to control the spawning of domestic trout but is it common to see fall spawners in the wild? al
  13. I ordered direct from them and it worked out well when I ordered their floating lines (clear). al
  14. Looks like they found one of the three: http://www.canada.com/calgaryherald/news/s...89-58280a56e574
  15. I think the sentiment is great, I mean who does not support alleviating poverty and helping the disabled? I think the idea of leaching the required financing solely from the oilfields is crazy. However, unless you've read the platform (I have not) I would not judge it solely from the post of one MP. I mean Rob Anders runs his mouth with a sundry of retarded things (with alarming frequency) but his sole views hardly represent Stephen Harper's conservatives (or so one would hope). I am no more enthused about voting conservative than I am voting for liberal, anyone remember the energy trust debacle?? I think for many of us it's a Hobson's choice this time around. I might just vote green. I am that disgusted. al
  16. Happy Birthday Greg!
  17. In addition to what Max said you might have also encountered a kelt, a fish that spawned earlier and has not yet regained his strength and coloring. I do though prefer Max's take on it though.
  18. All, Lately I've been swinging streamers on the bow and I am finding I am hooking up on about 50% of my takes. My technique is to cast, mend, keep it straight and then when I feel a reasonable grab I set back towards the bank. I do not set on light taps but only on substantial pulls. I know from fishing bulls on coastal streams I do not set at all but rather let them hang themselves on the fly. In fact when I set I lose them more often than not. Is my technique for the bow correct? Or rather is there a better way to do this?
  19. I realize this is an old thread but how does one volunteer for the Carseland Irrigation Canal Netting?
  20. You bet, I'll PM you when I am sorted out.
  21. My home waters are in BC although I spend allot more time fishing in Alberta of late. I don't how many of you follow how tragically our salmon stocks are being managed in the far west but here's a decent article: http://www.bclocalnews.com/news/28582394.html It depresses me more than deteriorating board etiquette, crowded water or bull trout being fished in spawn. In fact this issue makes all issues we like to nitpick about here look silly. The chances are very good that our children will never get to see a decent salmon fishery. This issue is part and parcel with the diminishing steelhead returns as well. I only wish more people would vote with this on their mind. al
  22. Your welcome! I am out your way next week for 10 days. Let me know if you want to fish a bit. al
  23. http://www.bclocalnews.com/okanagan_similk...s/28619979.html
  24. alhuger

    Fall Bulls

    The way you're getting your point across is markedly different. I think MTB's point is that Tako consistently posts argumentative positions. It's pretty clear that people on this board share some pretty divergent opinions on any number of issues. Constantly flogging these issues achieves pretty much nothing. al
  25. alhuger

    Fall Bulls

    Very nice, wow. Congrats.
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