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Everything posted by alhuger

  1. I buy pretty much at any of the local shops but I also have gone with Ickyflyworks. The service at icky was rock solid and the flies worked just fine.
  2. alhuger


    Wow, those were fantastic fish, congrats! What do brookies that size fight like compared to a bow of similar size?
  3. All, I am seriously thinking on picking up an Outcast pontoon boat, one of the models which allows you to stand up. It's pretty appealing for a number of reasons but it has one serious drawback that I can think of. It looks heavy. Most of the lakes I fish are walk-in so heavy is not a plus. So, if anyone knows out there, is it too heavy to carry easily? Lastly, and perhaps most importantly has anyone rigged theirs up with wheels? If so I would love to hear about it. al
  4. That's a great fish, congrats to both of you it looks like you had a great time. I would not sweat the zealots, every crowd has them to some degree or another. cheers, al
  5. I am afraid my answer is not definitive but I have always believed that unless it was an area in which the general rule was contravened that up to the high water mark belonged to the crown. I suspect that this differs when you consider maritime law, treat land, etc. al
  6. One of my side projects, which I never seem to finish, is to put togerher a website for people to post their flyfishing photos, journals, calendars etc on. Really the idea was just for my friends. Hopefully it would be somewhere we could all stay in touch and share a little of our water sickness. Well, as it turns out I tend to prefer my spare time being spent fishing versus standing up a website. However, I have acquired some domain names and I would like some opinions on which people think sound better. They are: 1. CHROMEFEVER.COM 2. FLYCRAZED.COM 3. MYLIFEONTHEFLY.COM 4. SWUNGFLY.COM 5. THISFLYLIFE.COM 6. WESTSLOPEFLYFISHING.COM Any preferences? You can pick two! I personally am somewhat fond of 1 and 5. al
  7. I took a peek earlier today, looked good. However, I would avoid it for a few quarters at least. New browsers have a terrible history of security vulnerabilities and I doubt Chrome will fare any differently.
  8. I went salmon fishing a few weeks back and tried a new setup while I was out there and I enjoyed it. I fished it on the bow today and it's just as well put together for our water. The set up is a TFO Deer Creek 12.6 5/6 loaded with a 420 grain compact skagit looped onto SA Floating Monocore .21 shooting line. I fished 15 foot tips in type 8 and a floater from the AF Delta Spey Multi wallet. At least for me this set up is excellent. I would recommend people give it a shot if you have the DC 5/6. Today while checking it out on the bow I wanted to tie on a streamer but all I had were these huge steelhead flies (yes, huge is relative) I've been tying. The one I tied on was about 5 inches long and in pretty garish colors. As it happens though I tied it with a stinger loop and I had no hook. To make do I slipped a green bomber chironomid as the the stinger. On the second cast I picked up a 20’ brown. Cool. al
  9. I fish straight 10lb test when nymphing with no issues and I picked up fish today on 3X in gin clear water in the city. I never have an issue with 3x on the bow. Could be I would hook up more often on light tippet, I have never tried going up in size. al
  10. Amen to that, thanks. I went out this morning and was actually casting T-14 on both a scandi rig and my sgagit set up. I see what you mean on 8 ft being max. I was OK w/ 5 but was reticent to go much higher. The skagit was 12 ft no worries. al
  11. Thanks guys, great answers.
  12. Typically when I think of heavy bugs and T14 my thinking goes straight to skagit lines. Do scandi lines handle heavy sinking tips well? Is this a question relative to the skill of the caster? I know guys winter steelhead w/ scandi rigs and I have to assume it's not only in low water conditions so they must be using T14, no? al
  13. They were on streamers and chronnies. The streamers were a mixed bag and the chironimids were black and red size 16.
  14. I managed to get out after work last week a few times to work on my boat and fish. The bad news is my boat needs more work, the good news though was that the bite was decent. I wish I had more time, but such is life. Attached are some of the pics, they all are more or less the same angle given my one handed photo taking skills are not great. All the fish were nice clean (except one) wild rainbows. al
  15. This stupidity is not limited to Alberta regrettably: http://ourrivers.ca/content/view/118/38/
  16. Guys, I just finished out a day of instruction w/ Gordon (it was short because I have to work today). Do not let the snowfall fool you, the river was fantastic with little to no wind in the area we were and the snow was no problem. Plenty warm. In fact, fish were rising all of the place! So don't sweat tomorrow. I wish I could go actually. al
  17. All, I spent time with Max recently and had a stellar day on the water. I blew out my my previous high for fish landed on the bow and I learned a tonne. I tend to get guides around the world a few times a year and this was one of my best trips to date. If you need help sorting out the bow like I do then this is worth it's weight in gold. al
  18. I think in particular it turns out the minister decided not to grant the IPP consortium a change to the park charter in the area so they have no way to run their power out above ground. In order to get it they would not have to bury the cabling down alongside the river and then under the lake. The local community really rallied behind getting this stopped. It's nice to see community activism actually work once in a while. al
  19. All, I managed to get out for a steelheading trip this last week around Vancouver. I had a great time and managed to get a fantastic guide who specializes in two hander fishing. It was like drinking from a fire hose in terms of learning and was definitely worth it, especially if you have never steelheaded and (or) your new to two hander fishing. I fished a two hander the entire trip with a skaggit set up (both 450 and 550 grain) and fished water I would not have otherwise been able to cover. I cannot imagine double hauling 12 feet of T14 on a single hander 10 hours a day! To sum it up, many casts & no steelies although we did actually see them holding. I can see why it's so addictive, it might be a good thing that I did not hook up. In any event, the guide was truly fantastic, if you are headed that way and want the guide info, PM me and I will pass it on. al
  20. Do you ever tire of baiting people on the board?
  21. Hey Reel, I have done some fishing on lakes with spey rods and I can offer you this, match your line type to the fishing. Remember that many of the lines in question do lend themselves to being stripped much past the head. Often when I am fishing I will strip all the way back to the boat especially when fishing bait fish patterns, damsels etc. I am gravitating towards using a skaggit and a sinking line. The skaggit I can strip in further and it is (for me) likely easier to throw indie rigs for chronies (although I have not done yet, I used a scandi last time). The sinking line should speak for itself. So far I am not sold on the benefits of using a spey for lake fishing from a boat. From shore though.... -al
  22. Rusty, Thanks for the great reply (also, thanks to everyone else so far). Do you know by chance which model you fished in? As for price, depending on the model they run from 1100 to 1450 or there abouts I think. I have actually been toying with the Pac 900 for a long time, they look great but might be a storage hassle for me. I am really looking for something which I can fit *in* my SUV although I may end up changing my mind on that score. al
  23. All, I am thinking on buying a raft for the bow this year. In particular I am looking at Watermasters: http://www.bigskyinflatables.com/WM_Models_and_Specs.html Is anyone here familiar with them or have any opinions about them? I am leaning towards a raft like this primarily for portability reasons. I actually have a boat for larger water (not rivers mind you) and I want something I can fit in the trunk of my SUV. Any input would be appreciated. al
  24. That is telling, any software that is not usable to a complete idiot is a failure. The Apple developers get that. The promise of software is to simplify our lives, when it starts to deviate from that then someone has built bad software. al
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