Over the past several weeks I have been waiting in anticipation, of a large run of Pink Salmon (I have heard this story over and over for the past several years, only to be disapointed by the actual numbers that return) And as a member of the Oyster River Enhancement Society which is a volunteer salmon hatchery dedicated to the preservation of Salmon in the Oyster River watershed, it has been quite sobering to see this decline. In the past I have not seen many anglers release their catch, so that these fish may continue their journey to the spawning grounds, however this year I am pleased to see more and more people doing just that!!...Good On Them Sport fishers are by no means the largest contributor to this decline, but it sure is nice to see some doing their part in the survival of these magnificent and extremely important fish...Anyway, to make a long story short, there seems to be a good return so far this year!! Here are a few pic's.
Sea Run Cutties