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Everything posted by ggp

  1. BWO Hook-Dry Fly 18 or smaller Thread-Olive Tail-Betts Tailing Fibers-Medium Dun Wing-Dun hackle tips Hackle-Blue Dun
  2. I started RVing with gas engines the icon says it all...I now have a 3/4ton diesel (cummins) which I bought new in 93 and haul a 10ft camper with, it is still going strong...Too make a long story short, the diesel out pulls out hauls out performs in every way including fuel consumption...Last year my wife and I bought a new 5th wheel, 32ft. and rather than put a hitch in my truck for a one way trip to it's new home we rented a truck (one ton GMC duramax diesel with an Allison transmission and the trailer towing package) What an impressive beast it was...set the cruise at 110 kmph going over the Coquihalla and it never slowed down over any of the hills... touched the brake pedal on the down hill sections and the engine brake took over...Needless to say if and when I purchase a new truck it will be a diesel...Gearing in the rear end is critical when pulling anything, whether it be a gas or diesel engine...My brother in law has a newer Cummins and he has nothing but praise for it...he also pulls a 31 ft 5th wheel...If you are buying larger than 33ft I think a one ton would be a better bet, but if you stay 33 or below then 3/4 is fine...really depends on weight of trailer/fifth wheel.
  3. Hook-Mustad-34007 size 4/0 Thread-red Tail-yellow over white kinky fibre Accent flash-yellow Collar (gills)-red body fur Sea Eyes-with 3/8" stick on 3D eyes (red) Head-Magnum rabbit (yellow)
  4. Awesome day...Looking forward to doing it again...and that is one prize brown!!!!!
  5. ggp

    Midge Tutorial

    No I fined that it holds up fine the way it is, however Sally Hansens certainly would not hurt.
  6. Hook-mustad 79580 size 6 Body-Bull Elk clipped to shape and colored with red Wet n Wild Nail Color Arrow-Red hackle stripped Thread-Heavy black for spinning the body and red 6/0 for the head :D
  7. Thanks for posting 126barns...good to know that we have inspired people on the east coast...keep your posts coming, I for one would love to know more about fly fishing the salt in your part of the country...and keep posting those flies of yours (they are great).
  8. WOW!! Your going to have a great time...looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing some great pics.
  9. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
  10. What's this 90's stuff I got Cortland lines that date back to the 70's and they still outperform anything SA puts out today :D
  11. I'm with you :lol: Cortland the only way to go.
  12. I too have checked it out...You raise a very good point...anyone who has hooked a good fish after stripping in a large amount of line will know just how quickly you can burn or even cut yourself as the line at your feet is peeled off by a running fish if you are not careful or until you are able to play the fish from your reel...Imagine a line the texture of sandpaper...in my opinion it will cut exposed skin.
  13. Thunder Creek patterns are some of my favorite for Bull Trout, Brown Trout, and Big Bows...This one is tied on a 2/0 hook and is deadly for big bulls.
  14. Art Michaluk Sedge I met Art through my long time friend and fishing buddy and although I didn’t know him all that well he made a large impression on me, so I wanted to honor him by posting his Sedge pattern. The Sedge came into being while he was camping at a lake north of Kamloops. I have seen lots of imitations in books of his pattern, however none have captured it correctly. My pattern is close, but no one ties it the way Art did. Art clipped the hackle short under the eye which I chose not to do. Hook-Mustad 94831 size 10 Thread-black Tail-Elk with the natural curve upwards Body-Olive Dub Wings-Elk-two wings one slightly ahead of the other with the natural curve of the Elk down and melding with tail to form one wing Hackle-brown saddle
  15. Well baring a miracle, and with only half an hour to go till nine...I think it's time to congratulate Don on his victory and Terry for second, and every one else for sharing such great patterns.
  16. You are correct regs are regs and should be followed and enforced, who said otherwise?
  17. This implies that only salmon spawning streams are the ones that have fly fish only regs on them and that is not the case...and as far as snagging is concerned far more fish especially salmon are foul hooked casting and retrieving streamers thru them on sinking or sink tip lines, when they are stacked up as you have suggested...And I am just curious as to were I have made reference in my original post to the B.C. regs. and nymphing slow pools for salmon? For that matter where have I mentioned in said post, fishing in B.C. ?
  18. For me beads are more for attracting fish, than weight...If I need to get down, I wrap the shaft of the hook with weight when tying, and I keep my flies as sparse as possible, or I will add weight to the leader (where applicable and legal)...In still waters the weight of the bead becomes more applicable, especially when suspending a fly or flies below an indicator...beads were not widely used when I learned to fly fish, and we still caught lots of fish...so I guess when all is said and done, fish can and will be caught with or without beads.
  19. A brand spanking new outfit consisting of a Sage 9ft. 6wt...a Hardy Marquis 6 reel loaded with a Cortland fly line and backing, all of which fell out of my canoe when I wasn't paying attention...a pair of sunglasses, and a fishing hat...I guess when you consider how long I've been fishing, that's not to bad.
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