this debate again eh...shooting a fullline with the use of a double haul is fairly easy...the biggest tips i can give when casting distance is power and linespeed...chris sepio had a great article in fly fusin a few issues back on shooting line and another one on the double haul....remeber as you increase the amount of line out of the tip of your rod u must move your rod fasted too generate more linespeed and those stops and starts are the most crutial in doing so. liek clive said that fellow was opening up his casting stoke too going from probably a 10 and 2 too almost a 3 and 3, i do a little more sidearm to keep that trip nymph rig of mega streamer away from my head..hauling on your line is a must when shooting line and with the combonation of a god power stroke, stop and starts and a powerful haul forwards and backwards will shoot taht line 100 feet no problem dude.....yes is does have great importance fishing flats in saltwater, lakes and hte bow and other large rivers specially in the winter IMHO