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Everything posted by cgyguy

  1. Hi Shredneck I would suggest looking for winter storage outside of the city. Strathmore has some good storage at reasonable pricing. I know there is a storage outfit south of Strathmore on Glenmore trail. They are cheap but the name escapes me. Out of town storage should be much cheaper! try Airdrie, Strathmore, etc! Good luck Cgyguy.
  2. You might also want to try the lower portion. MacKinnons to Carseland is a little longer but has great water to fish, and will be nice and new if you've never been. Same sort of flies, lots of nice drifts, and lots of nice holding water. My two cents worth! Cgyguy
  3. I agree! I have a 1648 with a 30 hp jet and have used it in bC on lakes like Whitetail, Premier and Whiteswan Lakes. I find my boat very very stable on the flats. Easy to stand up in, not a lot of wind resistance, and overall comfortable. Only thing is you need a trailer and its always nice to have someone to assist you putting in and taking out. River fishing is awesome in these boats as well. My 2 cents worth... Cheers Cgyguy
  4. That's just awesome! I have one of my son holding a 22 inch out of the Bow when he was about that age! 20 Years later and he still talks about it! Great memories! Congratulations on creating one!
  5. What a great show! We went by the set on the Bow a couple years ago. Too bad they moved it, would have been fun to see it all set up!
  6. Hi folks, I have been busy fishing the lower Bow MacKinnon to Carsland all summer. A couple years ago there was a movie set alongside the Bow above McKinnons that was being used for the Hell on Wheels series. Does anyone know if it is still there or? Many thanks! Cgyguy
  7. This is going to put a lot fo people out of work. I just can't beleive that this is STILL going on. Very sad. I know that there is many that rely on this industry (camping, fishing, hunting,lodging,etc). Gong to be very tough to see anything good come from this in my lifetime. IMO
  8. Another jet boat!?
  9. Actually, I think having the lower stretch of the river only accessible will be nice for those of us who have tin boats and jet motors. If the motor boats fish the lower section, and the drifters fish the rest, this should reduce any conflict for a lot of fisherpersons. The river above should get let pressure from the boats (hopefully), while the guys with the motors can fish the many areas below without pi##ing off the drifters. Room for everyone. Cheers
  10. Going to cram up the river a bit this year, I'm sure....
  11. I go to ALL of the stores. I do so, knowing that the service at some of the above names stores can be suspect. I choose NOT to discuss my needs with any of the store employees UNLESS they ask if they can help me. Otherwise, I take it for what it's worth and move on to where my shopping is appreciated. It does give me a chance to see what these stores are offerring, but it doesn't warrant me buying something there, unless I am treated as a customer. Otherwise i usually end up buying my stuff at Fish Tales as they have always been a pleasure to deal with. My .02 cents worth.
  12. Thanks guys - great info! Will giver it a try! Cheers cgyguy
  13. Well at this time, i have NO desire to do any walk and wades, so.....time to fix some leaky waders. I have about 3 pairs that all leak unfortunately, but are also all still in good condition. I have one pair of neoprene that are leaking, and 2 pairs of summer waders that also leak. I have never attempted to repair, (replace them with new ones), but i think it is time to fix them for spares and for extra pairs when someone needs them. My question is; what is the best tried and true method of fixing leaks? Any helpful advise is most appreciated! thanks Cgyguy
  14. Thanks for clarify CJ. Sorry to hear about you bad timing with this dude. Sounds like you were more than patient in this situation, and worked real hard at avoiding the incident altogether. It is really a sad day when people disrespect each other especially in the fishing world. I have always recommended to been non confrontational, however, in this case, your actions sounds like they were more than warranted. Really sorry to hear about losing the clients and such, but you sure as hell didn't lose the battle, and it sounds like your clients were very understanding of the situation. Please pm me so I can hire you as my guide for a day of fishing, if not this year, let me book next year. I look forward to it. Seriously. Cheers Ralph aka Cgyguy
  15. Wow... wonder what his clients thought of this? Agree, the guy in the Lincoln was out of line. But, you can't simply pull a guy out of his truck and give him a beating....can you? I hate violence and just one of those blows to the guys head could have done some serious damage, or even killed the guy (if it was as violent as you say). I will keep an eye out for red lincoln but would like to know who the guide was, so i can stay clear of him and not make him mad. I wonder how the clients took any instructions afterward from this guide and his temper. Not cool.
  16. I LOVE my Meiser 5/6. Dutchie recommended I look at the the Bow River special 12'6" and I am and was NOT disapointed. Now for a few lessons more from Toolman and maybe hire Dutchie for a day learning as well, I will be in good order! Tight lines Ralph aka Cgyguy
  17. Yes PLEASE PM me as well!!! No good if we don't know who it is!
  18. Great spot to be shooting a series. I will have to watch Hell on Wheels now! Thanks guys.
  19. Went for a boat ride up from Mac's and came across what looked like a movie set or something set up for a tv series along the south side of the river. I am sure most of you know what this is being used for (series?), but was hoping someone could tell me? I don't often travel up that way tending to stay downstream, so have never seen this. thanks guys cgyguy
  20. Thanks BCube, guess i was wrong about the launches but I do know that Johnsons is closed as last weekend it was closed at the top of the road and there were about four or five semis with trailers parked on the hill. Looking down the hill, i could see the river running through at the bottom of the hill effectively isolating Johnsons from access. Hopefully the trucks were working on this aea so we can get our put in or take out back. Thanks, cheers.
  21. Folks, Was down last weekend to Johnsons Landing (now an island), and also checked out the boat launch at Carseland Bridge (which would be extermely difficult to launch). I have heard and seen reports of Police being wiped out as well as Mackinnons. My questions are: is there any place to launch a boat below Fish Creek Park? Is there any future plans that anyone knows of to rebuild these boat launches and take outs? Any information is muchly appreciated! Cgy
  22. Hi Tex Ralph here (the guy with the house in Windermere). I sufferred many many years from vertigo first then anxiety afterwards. It got so bad that I could not even pay from my gas because I couldn't stand in a line up for more than a minute without getting wobbly knees, and feeling like i was going to fall over. It debilitated me for a long long time. I explored ALL of the treatments and also had a CT scan, blood test, BPVV treatments, water ear flushes, you name it, and NOTHING worked. The thing with this, is that you really have to know what is causing your vertigo. CT scan is a good idea, as well as BPVV, treatments. I had a nasty cold prior to my vertigo but did not have any significant head injury that I could remember. I sufferred for well over 5 years and was unable to: fish, be in a boat, public speak, get groceries, attend meetings or any social functions. I felt like i was becoming agaraphobic. I would not wish my illness on ANYONE as it was the absolute worst thing to deal with when you just dont know. The good news is that I have been vertigo free for about three years now with very little recurrence if any. Turns out one of my friends was a therapist at Foothills and vertigo and anxiety were his specialty. Although I had been to my regular doctor many times to try to get myself fixed up, he did not or not could not offer me any resolution to my illness. My friend suggested that I ask him to put me on some Atavan to start. This pill was taken subdermally and seemed to help for the very short term, however, it did not cure it. After speaking to my friend again, he sugggested an SSRI, which is a pill for lack of seratonin in your chemical balance. I began taking Celexa for my illness and within a few weeks felt like a new man. I have been on the medication since, and am afraid to go off of it. I do not wish to be like I was again. Not sure if your illness is related to a concussion, and I would recoomend that you investigate that first, and also check for chrystals that maybe be off setting your inner ear balance, but failing those, I would recommend that you investigate the SSRI drugs for lack of seratonin. It may help, as it sure did with me. They do take awhile to kick in (about six weeks) but you should feel better within a couple weeks. Best of luck with this Tex, it is NOT fun at all, if you would like to discuss this offline please text me and I will be happy to offer you my experince with the latter. All the best of health Ralph (cgyguy)
  23. Unfortunately, May 12th doesnt work for me as we will be away. Anytime berfore or after works just fine. Let me know if I can assist either way. This is a great idea and an awesome opportunity to clean up our waterway. Cgyuy
  24. I would be availbable to haul bags of garbage to take out points with my jet as well. Weekend works best for me. I think this is a great plan and one that I would support wholeheartedly. We could bring a bbq down and enjoy a hot dog or something on the grill, and make it a day of getting to know new friends and doing something positive and productive for the river. Count me in, Cgyguy
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