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Everything posted by hopdrop

  1. Not me personally, but I did some work in Utah a few years ago. The guys I was working with would snorkel the Green River a few times each summer and would clean up. Fly rods/reels, sunglasses, car keys, cell phones, fly boxes, cameras, you name it. Basically anything that could fall out of a drift boat, they'd find. They said most of the rods were broken, but they'd send the better ones in under the warranty programs. Hmmm, the Bow has some deep slow water........
  2. Haven't been in a while, but Varsity Subs (pizza too) is an awesome Mom and Pop place. Only like two tables in the front and that includes the horizontal Pacman machine. Used to get a footlong sub for $4, sweet. Man I hate Subway.
  3. Here's a few more.
  4. Just outside Nordegg.
  5. $1500 out the door. Worked out to $375 a guy. Booze bill was similar.....
  6. Nice pics buddy, I'll try and get some of my better ones up tonight.
  7. The girlfriend's little sister is into alternative medicine (read: slightly nuts), and was doing this like two years ago. I called BS on it, especially when I found out her 'doctor's' 'practice' was in his basement.
  8. Simms would have to do something horrible to lose me as a customer. I haven't had any issues with boots holding up (I'm well over 200lbs and probably fish 80+ days per year), but the felts do wear out long before the boots. Next pair will be Vibram.
  9. I agree, kind of. Ignorance is not an excuse. For things like keeping a fish out of a closed river caught on barbed hooks, hang 'em high. For things like how de-barbed a hook is (I know, the denim test) it's not so black and white. IMHO it's going to take some STEEP fines for the ignorance excuse to disappear. Word will get out.
  10. Usually it's country, lately it's been country that's heavy on the twang. Really any music is ok, with the exception of hard core rap and soccer mom soft rock.
  11. You bet. If you factor in your time, it works out to way more than a buck o' fly. Totally different catching trout on your own flies though....
  12. Honestly, I wouldn't bother with a kit. Any of the ones I've seen are usually poor quality and include a lot of stuff you're probably not going to use. For a vice, try to find a good quality used one. If you decide you're just not into it, you can always sell it for close to what you paid. The few tools you're going to need to get started (scissors, bodkin, bobbin, ect) are actually fairly reasonable. You don't need expensive stuff to learn with, but pay the money for a quality pair of scissors (I like Dr. Slick). Decide on two or three patterns you want to tie (wooly bugger), and only buy the materials for them. Go to a good fly shop and ASK for help. All materials are not created equal, get the good ones. Try to get a good handle on the skills for those two or three patterns before you move on to different flies. The same skills are used in basically every other pattern. Youtube is your friend. Just beware, it's probably not as cheap as you think to roll your own.
  13. Hard luck man. Tough times don't last, tough people do.
  14. If you do go for it, it would be cool to see some pics along the way.
  15. The Viking - bar rag drippings.
  16. That's bull *hit. I get mad if one of my GOOD fishing buddies gets half that close. It's one thing if you don't know, but the fact that you said something and he still didn't see a problem is ridiculous. You should of 'educated' him with a Sage mustache.
  17. Where's your Rambo knife?
  18. Whoever stole them probably got tired of waiting in the 'deli' line. The firearms section at Wholesale is painfully slow, took me over an hour to get a few boxes of ammo at 11am on a Tuesday a few weeks ago.
  19. You should ask member Simpson about midge hooks. I can't recall what he uses, but they're bullet proof. I've seen him pull some LARGE trout straight upstream with them.
  20. What is the ideal hair?
  21. I've been debating about an air horn. The ones that screw on the top of a small can of compressed air. Would eliminate the overshoot problem of bangers, and I'm sure they would turn anything a banger would anyways. Still on the fence about a 12 ga. for camp though...
  22. I use a razor blade. Not the rigid kind, but the flexable ones (get em from a drugstore). It helps if you use kind of a swiping motion. Once you have the bulk of the excess removed, bend the blade between your fingers and do any finishing touches. Sharper is better.
  23. I can't recall what plugs are in there now, but I think these are the third set, each set was different. Doubtful it's the plugs, but anything can happen. I'll do some research and see what the hardcore taco gearheads recommend and give them a shot. Thanks.
  24. All required and recommended maintainance done by Toyota (whatever that's worth). Premium plugs. The tires aren't stock, but I did own the truck with a stock setup for over six months and the milage was the same. I've tried every octane rating of fuel, different brands of fuel, all with basically the same result. I base my milage on GPS distances (bread crumb trails) rather than the odo. to account for the speedo/odo being out of calibration. I've been online looking for answers, all roads lead to a programmer, not interested while still on warranty. I guess it is what it is, a 4wd 250hp, 270ft.lb truck.
  25. WHAT? 99% of my miles are highway, I try to keep close to the speed limit in this vehicle and I baby it. The best I've managed is like 19mpg. All fluids are synthetic, I do have the 6 speed man. though, which is suposed to be SLIGHTLY worse on fuel than the auto. What gives?
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