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Everything posted by bigbrown

  1. who's tying at this seminar
  2. the price of hooks has climbed, due to metal shortages and the exchange rate (you're looking at a 1.20-1.25 exchange at most places)..a certain hook company could not make a bunch of their hooks for weeks due to this..supply and demand... The cheaper the hooks, the less quality control, not 'sticky' sharp, and seem to break a lot more often I think the best hooks you will find are the chemically sharpened ones from Japan...i've never had a problem with them, but you pay for this quality (you have to pay an 18% duty on non-north american made hooks, retailer or not)
  3. i think you summed it up with When you do a search for what you said above on the spey sub-forum, and out of the 7 pages of topics, at least 60%+ contain some reference to this company...it's getting more pushing product, then sharing beliefs... As much as they make great products, they certainly aren't the spey company, and its sad that this forum starts to make beginners believe that (before they've been given the chance to try what else is available), and not fair to the fly shops in calgary that offer just as comparable, or perhaps even better products..but not given a chance
  4. we'll bring it up everytime the oilers fans bring up that they've won 5 cups, most prior to a lot of our births.....it really doesn't matter what happened in the past..you guys are still 9 points behind us
  5. Everyone knows the flame's won the cup in game 6, and the puck was in the net....unlike the oilers...
  6. hope i can make it if the kids aren't torturing me to go outside!
  7. he's also been a proven fake (taping video right next to a road, with his crew and van there), and caught sneaking into a nearby hotel when he was supposed to be 'roughing it over night in the jungle'.. Survivorman is the real deal at least
  8. Fishing the "worm hatch" during runoff is a completely different thing then fishing in the rain when the water is in normal conditions... Posting a picture of fishing an outflow that is pumping out worms during runoff is misleading for this time of year...20 lb test, bobbers and 10-20foot casts..a real challenge. This time of year, the BWO's are just waiting for a shitty day to get started. So have your duns ready if it goes to crap
  9. They are making a sewage line to get to the pine creek waste treatment plant. The berm will take over that one half of the river till its ready, then they will remove it, and put one coming from the other bank half way to finish the pipe. It has affected the fishing considerably downstream after a good rain, as the left bank is extremely prone to becoming muddy. I floated glenmore to police on wednesday after the rain on tuesday, the whole left bank from that berm was ruined from there down to police
  10. Exactly You're fishing for a spawning bull trout (notice the colors, thats how the alberta bulls get colored when they're spawning.) A fish of that size is very old and you're bugging it as it hangs out near what appears to be good redd water. Anyone congratulating you should be smacked, and you should stop searching for bulls this late in alberta. There have been MANY posts about how the bulls are already spawning So everyone reading this, take this as a hint..Leave the old toads alone!!
  11. Couple things, if he just sidled off, he saw you, and was tired of you looking at him. A fish will not move from a feeding lane unless it is interrupted or made nervous. Chances are that it saw you, stopped feeding..then got tired of these bugs that had string attached coming near him. If you were wading, the pressure waves under water could have caught up to him by the time you made that third cast, so again, he noticed you, and wasn't comfortable. Also, you need your first cast to be bang on, the first cast is your best chance before the fish gets on your game. This late in the year, that fish has had lots of bugs over top of him and has probably learnt from his mistake. try a small caddis next time, don't rush the situation. If the fish hasn't seen you, it's not going to leave just for the hell of it unless something makes it
  12. This is the way it should be done, just like the Bow River Masters (which raises a ton of money for the Childrens Wish every year).. A one fly competition is far better then doing anything fancy. Make a 3 person team, every angler gets one fly of each type, plus an alternate (one dry, streamer, nymph, and an alternate of whatever). That's all you get all day, and can only fish one fly at a time. Let them fish the way they want (wading, boat, whatever). You meet at a specific location at the start of the day, get everyone going and meet for dinner somewhere when the day is over to compare. The Masters works because its more about having fun and getting the kids money, then who is catching the most fish. There are no judges involved, the anglers count the fish caught. The problem is when someone is more concerned with proving himself to be the greatest angler in calgary, then making money for charity. Suddenly the whole idea of charity is out the window, and it's a horn blowing competition and people won't be having fun (or will cheat, to make it seem like they're superior to everyone else). For example, see the fourth post on this thread, how a charity event turns into "I will WIN it". I'm sure it's on the minds of many, that this angler has an intention to win, whether being honest or not. Other then that, i'm sure i could make a team of guys that will have fun, and catch a lot of fish
  13. I dunno scott, Van Staal is pretty amazing
  14. so don't flow the city on hot days..worst days to fish the city anyway
  15. Doesn't matter if its a city ordinace, the city doesn't own the waterway
  16. Crazy, The city has no legislation over you if you're in the water. Waterways are under federal legislation, not provincial or bylaw.
  17. Until you've ridden a ferrari, you can keep saying the volkswagens are equal.. Have you ever cast a Z-axis, and honestly compared it to a Ti, right next to each other, on the stream (not on a pond or on grass)...I've cast every rod that sage currently offers, and every rod that TFO offers at the same time and place using the same reel and fly line..the sage FLi is better then any TFO i've ever cast, and it's cheaper then an axiom.. it's not even the same ballpark, hell, the sage isn't even playing the same game. Take a look at all the TFO "9 foots" next time you're at a shop. you'll notice that they're not all the same height, and the guides aren't even placed identically, some you'll notice that the graphite is thicker on one side then the other. So much for quality control and workmanship. my 2 cents, you get what you pay for, give a FLi or a VT2 a shot before you go running back to TFO. I don't make any money saying this, it's an honest opinion formulated after testing it out for myself
  18. buy a sage, you'll thank yourself
  19. disclaimer: not my fish And yes, that is over 10 lbs, and it is super clean
  20. a new account, made with the name orvis only (and what lodge on a certain lake is an Orvis lodge) , and "stonefly" hasn't made an appearance under his normal name big surprise hint, keep your lies to your own 'blog'
  21. I'd reccomend Simms above any others, but of course, they don't increase penis and fish length like wearing Snowbees.....
  22. Actually he did prove you wrong. It does put unneeded stress on the fish
  23. To all those you want to make a difference, Show your support for the environment on Saturday March 29 2008 At 8 pm turn your lights off for one hour. Take a walk out side or play a candle lite board game. Go to http://www.earthhour.org/about to find out more.. (its a really great site) And sign up at http://www.earthhour.org/sign-up It doesn't cost money.. just your support Tell your friends and family...they cannot participate if they don't know!
  24. Orvis or Sage.. its a toss up for me. Just a few comments on the Sage TCR. First, TCR stands for Technical Casting Rod and it is a very fast action rod. Not designed for the average caster. By stating that in order to cast it you have to increase the line weight by 2 or 3 is just promoting the use of a rod that was not designed for you. Rods are given line weight specifications for a reason, they cast best with that line weight. If when casting the rod you feel as though you have to under or overline, you should look at a different rod with a different action, wheither it be faster or slower. A similar situation occurs when people say that the Sage Launch is a crappy rod because it "casts like a wet noddle." (commentor please take no offence) The Launch is a slow action rod, designed for a caster with a slow casting rhythm. This works well for beginners, because they have slower rhythms as they learn. Often the caster will develope a faster casting rhythm and feel as though the rod is too slow. My point being, the sport has seemed to shift away and ignore a very basic aspect of fly fishing. Before buying a rod look at its action.Choice a rod that compliments your casting rhythm rather than fight with one that is either too fast or too slow.
  25. so does Country Pleasures but those three are the only simms dealers in town
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