Why doesn't Hamilton have an NHL team?Because then Toronto would want one.
What do the Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Argonauts and the Toronto Blue Jays all have in common besides being based in Toronto ?None of them can play hockey.
The general manager, coach and six Maple Leaf starters walk into a bar. Nobody is surprised.
What's the difference between the Toronto Maple Leafs and a triangle? A triangle has 3 points.
Why did Vesa Toskala interrupt two people having sex? He wanted to know what it felt like to stop someone from scoring
What do the Leafs and the Titanic have in common? They both look great until they hit the ice!
Why are the owners of the TML considering a name change to the Toronto Possums? A: Like possums, they play dead when at home and get killed when they play on the road .
What did Billy do after the Leafs won the Stanley Cup? He turned off his PlayStation.