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Everything posted by regdunlop

  1. Sweeettt!!! I love the Rizzla strike indicator!
  2. Spray and bangers serve two different purposes. I carry spray in the event of a charge, and bangers to scare them off from a distance. The spray sits in a holster that I keep on my wading belt (worn even when I'm not using waders). I also bought an air horn that I carry when out by myself. It can be recharged with a simple bike pump and I think it works as good or better than yelling every couple of minutes. I've also considered getting a gun, but not sure what to get.
  3. Did you check upstairs at Bass Pro or just the "fly shop". Seems to me like they had quite a few options upstairs close to the hunting section, but I didn't really take a close look.
  4. They're cannibals too. I once had one hit an 8" bull while drifting the Elk. It was awesome to see the big bull take runs at the smaller one, probably trying to stun it.
  5. Why is that? Lower quality?
  6. I thought you might be "that" Leroy. Welcome to the board! Fly Tying the Angler's Art is a great, and very educational show. Worth getting up early to watch for sure!
  7. Nice looking sticks! And congrats on hitting one with the new rod. First fish I ever caught on a rod I built was a whittie too. But I've been known to catch my share of whitties so no big deal!
  8. Thanks for the advice guys. It looks like we'll be hitting the Bighorn this time around. I'll post a report when we get back. Definately going to check out the green sometime though. The photos I've seen of the canyon section look unreal, and I've heard the cicada hatch can be sporadic at best, but if you hit it right it doesn't get much better! Tight Lines.
  9. I know there have been a few reports from a while back about the Bighorn. But has anyone fished it in March that might be able to provide some insight (flies, methods, fly shops, accomodations)? A couple of buddies and I are trying to plan a few days of floating down there at the end of march. If anyone has any info on the Green river as well that would be excellent (I've heard it can fish quite well in the early spring).
  10. Sorry for the hijack, but I just noticed Rustehookz' avatar photo. F'ing Hilarious man!
  11. I'd be interested if newbies are allowed to sign up. Can you give us an estimate on the cost of the clinic? Thanks.
  12. I've stayed at the Sportsman a few times, but last trip one of the guys we were with ended up getting insect bites all over. Said he itched like a dog with fleas for a week. Probably won't stay there again!
  13. Even if you don't have time to take the course at FishTales I'd still recommend you head down there and talk to Wayne. He teaches the course and is a virtual encyclopedia when it comes to rod building (sorry Don...assembling).
  14. Sooner or later Darwin will get these guys! Pretty impressive though.
  15. If it makes you feel any better Rickr my streak is going to end this month too. I was 11 for 11 so far this year, but I haven't been out in December and now I'm out of town and not back until the new year. Oh well, guess I'll just start up again in Jan '09.
  16. I've heard good things about Glenbow's flies. He's also a sponsor link on this site I believe. http://glenbowflyfishing.com/
  17. Thanks for the ideas guys. I'll give them a try.
  18. Was out this weekend and saw a ton of small (size 12-16) light green stoneflys (Lime Sallys?). Anyone care to share a pattern that they use for these guys (nymph or adult). I can't seem to find many patterns online other than a lime trude. Thanks.
  19. The Darwin theory will take care of those guys.
  20. Great Pics! Did you fly with Air Tindi? I think I recognize the dock in the last picture.
  21. Great Pics! Did you fly with Air Tindi? I think I recognize the dock in the last picture.
  22. A buddy of mine has a little 6'6" orvis trout bum 2wt that he really likes. Great for really small cutty streams in the mountains.
  23. Maybe it's fished out already. Did you try a few casts?
  24. Have a look at www.delica.ca. Great forum with tons of info on these awesome vehicles.
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