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Everything posted by gentlemang

  1. Dont buy a magellan unless you want to spend a lot of time learning how to use it. They are not very user friendly. They do have lots of options but not for the electronically challenged. Garmin makes some great machines and are user friendly. just my 2 cents. Greg
  2. There was a guy in my store the other day wearing a Flames tshirt. I walked over to him chuckling and asked him if he needed a hand with something. Then I said something like "I think its kinda funny that you are wearing a Flames shirt and looking at the golf stuff." He didnt seem very impressed, or he just didnt understand my joke. Anyway, I thought it was hilarious that a guy wearing a flames jersey was shopping for golf balls, when the whole team is going to be golfing now. Maybe its just me. Greg
  3. Here is another picture of the same glove. I had the opportunity to use these gloves today. I went down to the river about 8:30 am, fished until about 11. I had to clean the ice from my guides several times. I was very pleased with the gloves. I had to rerig a few times and I found that they did not really inhibit my ability to tie on flies. I would not have been able to fish that long this morning without them. I went for lunch and then went back to the river and spent all afternoon on the water. The gloves did get wet but I found them to be quite warm even when wet. When I took them off at the end of the day one of my hands looked like a prune because the glove got fairly wet, but still warm. I would recomend this to anyone on a budget. Very effective. Thanks Greg
  4. Here is a picture of the gloves that I purchased and modified. You may be able to notice that I sealed the fingers that I cut with aqua seal. It doesn't really look all that pretty but it definately will help the ends from fraying or splitting.
  5. Thanks for the tips. I have opted for a discontinued pair of neoprene gloves that were on clearance for $10. I cut a couple of the finger tips off so that I could use them. I couldnt justify to myself $50.00 for gloves that Ill use a few times a year. Now its warmed up and I haven't had to use them yet. Thanks again for the feedback. Greg
  6. Hey guys, I came accross this video. I really enjoyed it. Thought that I would share. There is quite a bit of hotspotting in here, so sorry if you are offended by a video showing where the 30" browns are. http://www.putlocker.com/file/CC2B643CF84FF37C# greg
  7. I was out this morning for a couple of hours and decided to leave after I couldn't feel my fingers anymore. I was fishing 10 min and standing with my hands in my pockets for 10 min and so on. Does anyone have any recomendation for gloves or other hand warming devices? Normally I would just suck it up, but this morning was a bit too much for me. thanks Greg
  8. Thanks for the feedback.
  9. I own a couple of domain names and have recently been approached to sell one. Can someone give me an idea of a fair price. Currently there are no websites associated with the name, just the domain name itself. I have owned it for about 10 years and paid my hollding fees ahead by a couple of years. I maybe have $250 into it. Thanks Greg Oh yeah. The Domain is gentlemang.com
  10. Great video. Loved the slow mo shots of the fish jumping. Inspiring me to have to go to the river, right now!! Thanks for posting.
  11. I am not too sure who I am going to vote for yet. But I definately know who I am not voting for and that is the NDP. I do not agree with the party's principles!
  12. For what it is worth. I am a newbie. I joined this forum specifically to learn more about fly fishing in southern Alberta. I agree that giving away spots is not appropriate, however I do appreciate that some of the members post what flies are working. The comment about buying a book, ok, I bought a book, several in fact. The book helps but I also like to know from the members what flies they are using, how to rig them and when. When in fishing season, I look at the reports often, not to find the hot spots, but to learn about the hatches, flies and techniques. I prefer to do my own exploring for spots, it is more fun that way. The one thing that I do find aggravating about this site is the need of some members to constantly attack others. If I wanted to see drama, I would watch a realtyTV show. I thank the memebers that post information about how to and what to use, during x water conditions. This is the reason that I am on this site. I have read Rickr's nymphing primer a few times, and find it very helpful. This is the type of information that I would like to see more of. One opinion. Thanks Greg
  13. Let's occupy the Peace bridge openning, wearing waders, vests and carrying rods to protest. Seriously, I would be willing to donate some flies for this auction. I have a bunch of dry flies and some other stuff that was sourced from Springbrook, and my store has gotten out of the bulk fly business, so I bought them. Greg
  14. Don't know if you are still looking or not. I bought my last computer and a note pad for my sister in law at Staples. I really liked the warranties and the prices. I did quite a bit of research prior to buying. I bought the extended warranty for both. I have always done this and over the years it has paid for itself several times over. The notepad has a warranty that if I drop it in the toilet and crack the screen I get one free replacement within the warranty period of 3 years. A new laptop for $500.00 can be a great mahine. Stick to your budget. I wouldn't recommend refurbished. Just my opinion.
  15. Great fish. Great year so far.
  16. Picked up the book that you guys have recommended. I found it at one of the local Fly shops. What a good piece. My compliments to the authors. If the fishing wasn't so good I might take some time to build a net.
  17. Those are some great ties. I have just started tying myself. first few wire. Worms last week. Went and caught a whitefish on one that day. I would like to see some pics of Mr sanjuanworms and anyone else's so I can have a better idea of what to do. Thanks Greg
  18. Thanks for the tips. The line is one of the better SA lines, definately not an entry level line. Ill see about digging up the receipt. If not, ill take your advise and see what I can do with it on my own.
  19. Earlier this year I purchased a spool of Scientific anglers 5 wt foward floating line. I like the way that it casts with my rod, but I am noticing that the end 5 to 6' is not floating very well. I have cleaned it a couple of times but I did not notice a difference. I did not see any cracks in it either. Any tips to revive would be helpful.
  20. Terry those are great looking nets. I may PM you when I get to building them if thats ok. I have one project that I need to finish first before I can start the net. Headscan, thats a good idea and I am actually embarrassed that I didn't even think about doing that after veiwing several on the web. BBT I will definately look into that book. Thanks for the tips. If anyone else has some pictures I would love to see them.
  21. I am thinking about building a net. I can make the template and everything with no issues. My question is what is the best wood to make a net out of? I was thinking something like cherry or maple. Looks like a pretty straight forward process to me. Any recommendations or tips would be appreciated. Thanks Greg
  22. It is active now, quite a few people on there. Just PM BiggyJ your pin.
  23. There is a book, you have probably heard of it, called "Alberts's Trout Highway, Fishing the Forestry Trunk Road" by Barry Mitchell I just picked it up, seems to be a pretty good read so far. Covers most of the water in the foothills. Might give you a bunch of ideas.
  24. This is good advise. Sounds like something simple, a cable connection problem, if you were not hearing any clicks or anything and then it started later. Batteries don't recharge themselves so I would suggest it is something else, like Jeff recomended check and clean all of your connections, make sure they are tight and then put the volt meter to them. Good luck Greg
  25. When I am out on the river I usually work the same 300 yard stretch for a couple of hours. Usually starting at one end and work to the other and repeat a little deeper. I think that i have probably spooked the fish there, but I am hoping that they return after about an hour which is usually the time it takes me to go to the other end. I try to be as stealth as I can, however at 6'2" 220 stealth is not really the word I would use to describe. A lot of time I see other anglers in the same 20 or 30 yard position for several hours is this a better approach? Can someone tell me how long it takes the fish to return to a feeding position after being spooked? Will other fish take their place after a shorter period of time? Or should I constantly seek new water and fish multstretchesaches in the same outing? Thanks Greg
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