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Everything posted by gentlemang

  1. I happened to be talking to a very experienced Alberta fly fisherman the other day and he mentioned that there have been a couple of high runnoffs in the past 20 years or so that have devestated the spawn for that year. I was wonderng if we are going to have one of those years this year with all of this rain and snow still in the mountatins, or has the start to the runnoff been slow enough that the spawning will not be effected? Just interested. Greg
  2. Anyone have any experience with Albright Fly rods? Looked at them and they seem interesting. Would like some feedback, if anyone has owned one, or fished one. How would they compare to a top rod like Sage or RL Winston? Thanks Greg
  3. Thanks, I googled it and looked at some pictures. Sure looks like a burbot to me, after seeing the pictures. Appreciate it. Greg
  4. Its unfortunate, but looks like the store is going to be down for 3 weeks or more. Greg
  5. The flying wedge has some different flavors other than pepperoni and cheese. Thier Carnitas pizza is great, if you like spicey. I also like Chicago deep dish, mainly because I love toppings. Greg
  6. gentlemang

    Sad Day

    I was out yesterday for a while, fishing in town. I was dragging some nymphs and snagged this monster. When I say snagged I mean quite litterally. I have not seen a fish like this before. the head kinda resembled a catfish and the tail resembled and eel. When I dragged the fish to the side of the bank I thought that it was dead, It hadn't fought or moved or anything, I thought it was a tree branch until I could see it. The eyes were glassed over and the scales did not look healthy. The fish was not moving at all and seemed kind of stiff. I kept it in the water while went to take my hook out of the side of its head, you can see it in the picture by the gill. when I grabbed the hook to take it out the fish moved, scared the crap out of me, because as I said it sure looked dead. After I got the hook out the fish moved again, but only a bit. This fish was over 24", and I was sad to see this one on its death bed. Hopefully it revives but my guess is that it wont. Sad day on the river, Greg
  7. http://www.brbc.ab.ca/index.php?option=com...=66&Itemid= I found this while surfing around. Comments? Any one familiar with this project? Greg
  8. I just filled up today @1.13/l and got 5 cents per litre back in canadian tire money. I didn't need to fill today but I am guessing that the prices might go up for the weekend. If they don't, I still don't have to fill for a bit anyway. Greg
  9. Jason: You may want to consider one of these for your pontoon. Seriously, though. you can find aluminum angle or tube at most auto parts stores, And you should make sure that you put the battery in a plastic battery box. You could also get a transom mount trolling motor and guide it with the foot pedal, would solve that problem, even if you are using the foot pedal as a joystick. Greg
  10. If you decide not to get an Ott lamp, at least outfit with a full spectrum bulb. I use Reveal bulbs in my reading lamp, bright soft light. Greg
  11. Thinking about buying a pair of these. http://www.simmsfishing.com/site/freestone...U: Any thoughts, rants or raves? (about the waders) Thanks Greg
  12. Have any of you noticed patterns to the changes in gas prices? When I lived in Toronto, I noticed that if I bought gas at night it was cheaper than in the morning by up to 5 cents a litre. I also noticed that the price usually went up on Friday and usually dropped tuesday. I have been watching in Calgary and noticed that the price increases are usually on thursday or Firday and the drops are Monday or tuesday if at all. I have not noticed a difference in the morning to evenning. Anyone notice a pattern might help us all save a couple bucks, by filling on a tuesday or wednesday. I suspect that the prices are going to rocket later this summer. Thanks Greg
  13. Can you sell the toys to get yourself out of the hole and keep your dream job? YOu have a tough decision to make. I agree that you need to look at the whole picture of your life. Recently I was faced with a similar decision. I opted to stay, and I am happy that I did. Look for some ways to have your cake and eat it too. Do you really need a 50" tv or can you get by with out it? can you sell your car and get an older model? Do you have 6 fly rods and use 1 consistantly, sell 5. Just posing some questions to help in your decision. good luck. My 2 cents Greg
  14. I tend to agree with protecting the environment, not by banning jet boats, maybe just 2 stroke engines, The boaters safety is supposed to cover the edicate part however writing the test at a boat show 4 times until you get it right maybe isn't the most educational. What I am really looking forward to is the fleets of Calgary's finest, floating the river on anything inflatable spewing garbage and "enjoying the river" I am taking the side of the environment on this one, not banning boats or other people's rights to use the river, just respect for the river and the other people using it. A jet boat is less irritating to me than the guy that throws a stick in the water for his dog (not in the dog park) and wonders why you are giving him a dirty look. Or the family that rolled up beside me the other day with 3 kids throwing rocks in the water and stomping around on the shore. Acually lets ban boats, dogs and kids from the river.
  15. If you go back a couple of pages on the Bow conditions posting and read them, you can see when the people posting there are having luck. Hatching is usually in the afternoon this time of year and I have noticed the most rising fish mid to late afternoon. My best fishing so far this year has been nymphing late morning and afternoon, but thats because that is when I have been getting to the water. Greg
  16. Great post Don. Good looking pictures there. Thanks for sharing. I bet the tiger are a real treat to catch. Greg
  17. Good video. Wouldn't mind seeing more. Thanks for posting. Greg
  18. This is a very interesting article, and you are right, long to read. I work at a large Canadian retailer, I have for 20 years. What this guy is talking about has happened in many other product mixes over the years. From tools to household furniture. Even in my store I have noticed many changes to our supply chain over the last 10 years. They went from 80% North American made to 65% North American sourced. This fly shop owner has some valid points, but the manufacturers are going to go where the money is. The consumers are going to go where the price is, most of the time, it is built into our society. You buy something and someone else asks "did you get a good deal?" Nobody replies "actually I paid $5 more because I decided to shop local" Do you know anyone that has lost their job in the last 5 years because a manufacturer has gone out of business? Unfortunately people beleive that the price is king and lets not worry about the consequences of buying something from China or India. Then wonder why their neighbor declares bankruptsy because the plant that they work at closes. In my humble opinion, my suggestion is this. Know where your money is going. When you are making a purchase look at where the item is made and who is selling it. If you can handle lining the pockets of another country because the price is 10 cents cheaper, then fine, that is your decision, just understand what happens when you do that. The North American manufacturing industry is now reduced to this statement on a label. "Assembled in Canada (or US) with foreign parts" Very few true manufactures are left here. The retail industry certainly has moved to a global industry. Anyone that works in the shipping industry can tell you that. I am conscious of this when I shop, but I don't always support my neighbors. I shop local when I can, but I can't always justify the price difference to myself. I frequent 3 Fly shops, 2 of which are locally owned. I buy the bulk of my flies or other stuff at the 2 locally owned shops. I shop at these 2 more because of the people that work there and the information that they offer. Bottom line: speak with your wallet. Even small items make the difference to the retailers. Thanks, my opinion. Greg PS: I do not shop at walmart at all, because I believe that they started the over seas sourcing trend on the large scale and made our lack of manufacturing what it is today.
  19. And here is the configuration that I used, but because it is a tire stem it will go onto any compressor that will fill a tire. Threaded on is better than a clip on type of attachment but it doesn't matter. The diameter of the fat end of the tire stem fits inside where the air pump adaptor would normally go just about perfectly, just hold it there while you inflate and pull it out when you are done. I had one that the tire valve was just a touch small to seal when pushed into the valve on the boat so I just wrapped some electrical tape around it and it worked great. This configuration would work great on an air pig or comressor, 12volt or 120v. I have an air blower on the hose with a quick coupler as well, but neither is necessary to make this work. Let me know if this helps. Greg
  20. So here is the tire stem I was talking about. You should take out the little brass thing (valve) in order to increase your air flow. see next picture for configuration.
  21. That would be a 3 gallon compressor. that he got for $30.00. He must have put quite a bit of pressure into it to fill the pontoon boat. You can also get just a tank that you can fill it up at a gas station, 6 or 8 gallon, that would work the same. They are called an "air pig". You can regulate the output pressure on either the compressor or an air pig so that it will only output to a certain air pressure, so you dont blow the bladder. Transprting these is safe when pressurized, just so they aren't bouncing around in the back of your truck or something, treat them the same as transporting a full propane tank. A little tip for using either of these and your compressors. If the input on the inflatable (boat) is one of the largere inputs. get a tire stem from a tire shop (the part that they mount in the rim to fill the air into tires), take the little valve out of the center so that you can see through it and put it on the end of your hose on insert into the larger fill valves, makes a great adaptor. Had to fill a bunch of stuff at my work including a pontoon boat. This method saved me hours with a manual pump, I used the large compressor. Thanks Greg
  22. When I was out yesterday I noticed a very large insect flying in the air. It was mid afternoon, Almost an inch long. Could this have been a stone fly? Greg
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