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About Foothills86

  • Birthday 06/16/1986

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Oh god, not this again... Lol Fished a pieroway once. Then built a z axis for less than the sticker on the pieroway.
  2. I would love to see these films, count me in.
  3. I like to slap it! Slap it down hard and make them notice it.
  4. Hey guys, we still need a controllers and a couple judges possibly. If you are available it is a great opportunity learn how events like this work and to see top anglers in action. I will be working Thursday and Friday, and would like to see a few more members from the board out there. Thanks guys and girls, Brian
  5. I was a good boy this year and Santa seemed to notice. This years haul included 4 boxes of Cuban Cigars, a 5 pack of SAXX premium boxers and 8 hours tattoo time. Hopefully the jolly fat man was good to you this year. What did you guys and gals recieve this year?
  6. pretty pathetic, sad reality is this is probably more common than we think.
  7. got to love acrobatic rainbows, had some get airborne on me yesterday on the crowsnest. Absolute favorite fish to catch.
  8. Would do it again in a second, i wonder what people hiking in the valley thought of our constant YUUUUPPPPP ing, they must have figured we were crazy. YUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!
  9. Finished packing mine last night, willbe nice to hit the mountains and meet some new people. Bought a new line last night as well....... 6 feet from the tip is a big factory defect..... Guess ill have to return it, glad i noticed it now and not once we were on the lake.
  10. Imperial all day long, the Dickerson taper is one of the best out there. I had the same rod in a 5wt and loved it
  11. I couldnt believe how healthy this fish was, 22 inches long but the girth and thickness across the back made it a heavy fish. Longest fight i haveever had on the bow by far, the increased flows probably added to it though
  12. Hit the river for a couple hours despite the call for rain and high water, had a hard time fishing the spot i was at. eventually found space to cast and picked up a few fish. Great test for the new Z -Axis 5 weight build that was just completed Never had a Sage before and with the upgrade to the ONE rod, I picked up a z axis blank at half off, took it for its first drive last night at policemans and man are they a great rod. I would never pay retail for one but i would buy a blank and build one no problem.
  13. I would take a small file or a scriber if you have one and rough up the outside of front hood of the reel seat, make some good scratches in it, that way the epoxy has some rough edges to bond to, not just a smooth surface it will eventually pop off of again. Put some epoxy inside the cork handle where the front hood will sit, sqish it in there and make sure its all lined up. Any excess epoxy should be cleaned up with de natured alcohol. Do this and it should look just like it did before, and it will last a heck of a lot longer.
  14. SNAKEHEAD!!!!!!
  15. I was out today trying out my new sonic pro pants and was in my fishcat 4 all day with no issues. Never had to worry about getting wet, but i am a pretty light guy and float pretty high in my pontoon
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