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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. A w&w guide doing the miles will use 2 pr boots a yr, 1 pr waders. Don't try to adhere extra patch/reinforcing to the waders as the area about the patch/reinforcing will become harder than the wader material and that transition will then fail. It's been done before and your waders end up looking like hell and leaking even worse and are no longer on warranty. Send 'em back. And no company is going to design waders for the 200 days/yr angler and give a 5 yr warranty. 1000 days is about 8 to 10 times what they're designed to warranty.
  2. and that is the discussion ender right there. It has yet to make it to the Minister, let alone have the Minister deliberate it. And you know how long a deliberation that would be given the present and forseeable political climate in AB. Maybe in 20 years there will be a seniors license, but it won't be for $. It will simply be a tracking device of use of our Fisheries. No Minister will ever approve charging seniors just to go fishing as it pertains to societal considerations as a whole, esp when the vast majority of much simpler, politically easier to implement changes were well shot down before reaching the Minister, let alone most of the few that then made it through to the Minister in the last round of license changes put forth by the FRT.
  3. Keep in mind to use RAP. The gov enforcement uses the calls as data points to distribute funding and placement of enforcement actions and officers. Even if nothing happens in your instance, it does have impact in the bigger picture. If we don't use it, don't show the need, we simply won't get actions taken. It's up to us.
  4. Wonderful fish. Congrats. Am wondering why you'd bother avoid fishing the spawn when you clearly fished through the hottest, driest weather and lowest, warmest water we've had in years?
  5. trying to see the bow part of that cutthroat. the only bow feature might have been a possible white tip on the anal fin in top shot (was simply backlit) but it is not white in photo #2.
  6. still missing the point. eggs can get trampled any time until fry emergence through april and post spawn adults are at lowest energy levels until early may. closure to jan makes no scientific sense. close until may 1 makes sense.
  7. Would you give a shirt that reads "My meat's legal" to your 6 yr old kid or your wife to wear???
  8. As an fyi from Dave's blog - just got this email from Colin over at the New Fly Fisher: 'Dave, I hope the summer is going well and biz is strong. We just got confirmation that CTV TWO in Alberta will begin airing The New Fly Fisher. Here are the details: Sunday, August 5 at 9am MT. It will air in this timeslot until Saturday, September 15 when it will switch to 8am MT. On Sunday, September 16, it will also begin airing at 8am MT. I would appreciate it if you could spread this info to all in Alberta who would be interested. Only shows shot out west will be broadcast. Cheers Colin Colin Mckeown Producer The New Fly Fisher 613-836-8295 www.thenewflyfisher.com'
  9. Make sure that you look into insurance coverage before renting. What's behind the companies, do they have proper insurance, how long providing the service, do they have the resources (ie - reliable, experienced people involved), etc. Renting a boat is one thing, having the ducks lined up to do it 'right' on all levels is a completely different game. Each facet of our industry is a separate business and each has its intricacies that have to be covered.
  10. Sounds like a good idea, almost as good an idea as a photo shoot over NYC with a huge, low flying plane doing circles over the city with a fighter jet on its ass.
  11. Not to pick, but doesn't this pretty much go against photo rules? The handling of the fish, on the rocks, barbed hooks, etc. Oh, and not to mention the fact that their ripping browns off redds. A moderator question, I guess. Or a move to the shack nasties thread.
  12. Their website has been down for some time and my emails are bouncing back. Just wondering if anyone knows what's going on with the company, if it's still around, or if any warranty work can be done by them still?
  13. This thread is almost only missing one thing. I LOVE JET BOATS.
  14. Jim is doing well after having three stents put in to clear blockages. They were able to catch things early enough that it was as favorable as could be. He left hospital this morning and is home now, hopefully resting as comfortably as he can with Lynda and three love pups.
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