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Posts posted by birchy

  1. I don't know about these guys man... it almost seems like they're not pinching the barbs to me. Why the h*ll would you have to reef a hook out of a fishes mouth with pliers if it was barbless?!


    And i'm really not liking how they let the trout flop around on the banks!! All the same guys.. and all on the Bow.


    Click here if the movie does not play.


    Click here if the movie does not play.


    Click here if the movie does not play.


    Click here if the movie does not play.


    Although in this one.. buddy does say "barbless" towards the end. Maybe it's just because it's 2 treble hooks on the rapalas..


    Click here if the movie does not play.



    Are videos enough for to report someone to RAP if there was an infraction?

  2. My dad wasn't much for fishing but the odd time one of his friends would drag him and I out for a trip.


    The funniest memory I have is a friend of ours taking out out to a lake out in the backwoods, had to take his 4x4 truck to get in to it. It was a beautiful, pristine, lake and we took his canoe out and were chucking hardware and bait for trout. The problem was that my dads friends canoe was really skinny and therefore really tipsy.. that, combined with the fact that my dad never learned how to swim, made for an interesting day!


    A few times the canoe got a little wobbly when one of us would move or make a cast, and of course you always have someone that over compensates and makes the thing wobble even more! Well sure enough, after awhile, the canoe got wobbly and first thing we were all in the water!! I knew how to swim just fine but you can imagine my poor dad... NOT knowing how to swim and then all of a sudden getting dumped into a lake!! He was freaking out!! Thrashing around when all of a sudden I stand up and realize we're only in chest deep water... so I'm like "DAD.. stand up!!" .. took him a bit to realize it, but then he finally heard me and got his footing and stood up.. haha.. We all got a good chuckle out of that one!


    Unfortunately though we lost most of our bait and alot of our hardware.. We're standing there helplessly watching all the trout go nuts picking off all the worms and stuff we had just dumped in the water!! We still have enough to continue fishing though so my dads friend decides it would be better if it was just the two of us in the canoe. So he decides to fish from shore as my dad and I paddle out a little ways and continue fishing. So after a little while we're fishing and wouldn't you know it? the same stupid thing happens again!! The canoe starts wobbling.. my dad over compensates, and SPLASH.. we're in the water again! Fortunately this was a shallow lake because again we were able to stand up without TOO much trouble. My dad was NOT pleased.. especially when seeing his friend laughing his @ss off while watching this whole thing happen AGAIN.. but this time from shore!! We never went fishing again with him and that canoe! LOL


    I had this thing when I was a kid where I was really protective of my dad and always got nervous whenever he tried something new for the first time (i.e. - trying to learn how to ski on one of the quad chairs in Killington, Vermont!) so this whole thing at the time was pretty stressful for me!! In hindsight though I think it's one of the funniest stories and every once in awhile I still see those friends of ours and him and I have a good chuckle about it. Unfortunately, my dad passed away 10 years back of a heart attack.... but this is one of those things you just never forget!! :)

  3. It was a hot summer's day, and Luke was in the marina fishing and having a few beers aboard his boat, patriotically named the "Fourth of July."


    He was waiting for his friend, Opie, to arrive so they could go for a cruise. Opie was late because he had to pick up his wife from her appointment with the obstetrician.


    Her examinations were cheap because the doctor - Juan - was Opie's cousin. Anyway, the appointment went over time and Opie was late getting to the marina.


    Luke had been drinking all this time, and was feeling no pain. When he saw Opie finally walking down the pier, he jumped up, staggered to the side of the boat to wave to his friend, and nearly fell in.


    Opie got there just in time to grab Luke.




    Moral of the story? It was O.B. Juan's kin Opie that saved Luke from falling to the dock side of the Fourth.

  4. Oh come on! A picture of a perfectly coiffed lady angler and the link in the post is www.fishingwithrod.com? And did you check the pose? Her name is April? You sure it isn't Mercedes or Chastity? Are you kidding? I can't even make the joke its so easy. Its like someone just put it up on a tee for me! Swing batter....


    April, if you are reading this, I don't mean a word. I'm just going for a laugh. If you are offended, I apologize. There is a contest we are starting and you get extra points if you take someone new fishing. Would you like to fish with me? I have a new waterproof camera.....


    Birchy, did you make all this up?


    I know.. it's too good to be true. Pick up the latest issue of The Canadian Fly Fisher magazine.. you'll see a clearly picture of her. She's just as pretty as that rainbow she's holding!!

  5. Hey Birchy..really want Brookies? save up and head to Labrador or northern Quebec..10 Lb Brookies not uncommon, AND my personal favorite...Ounaniche (landlock salmon) a salmon swims up river..man puts a dam across *voila*..best game fish i ever caught.. and these SOB's get BIG..I'm talking 20+ Lb fish that jump 10 feet out of the water a dozen times on a 5 min fight...so...go for the Brookies, stay for the Ounaniche...


    I grew up fishing Brookies..they are indeed the best of trout if you ask me....


    The only trout I ever caught growing up in Cape Breton. I think that's why I like them so much.. memories. AND I remember them tasting damn good too!

  6. Russells is having a 2007 fishing derby, enter any time, ends Sept. 30, you enter 2 pics of a fish, one with you and one with a tape measure, and you can enter one fish for each species of Alberta sportfish. Adult division is fly tackle only in public waters. Best of all, it's free.


    My little brownie is in that contest!! :lol:



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