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Posts posted by birchy

  1. Man those are awesome! I need to put my camera to better use. Anyone want to offer me some pointers? I know my camera can do a ton, I guess I just need to start experimenting.


    Yeah, you just point at something really pretty and press the little button on the top. :P

  2. I carry an air horn when I am in bear country and let it belt every 5 mins or so. I have never encountered a bear (again..knock knock)

    The worst is when you are crawling around in the back of the pick up and you accidently kneel on it!! Quite loud in an enclosed place!!


    LOL!! Avert the danger by scaring the bear away but give yourself a heart attack in the process!! :lol:

  3. I've heard this as well rickr. Curious to hear what people have to say.


    I think the best suggestion I've ever heard is to give your hands a good scrub in the water you'll be fishing. If the water can have a scent to the fish, might as well have that scent on your hands.

  4. Well I bought the Maui Jims today for 1 bill. Took them down to the North Saskatchewan river to test the polarization compared to my el cheapo $10 Fishin Hole set. I put the el cheapo $10 Fishin Hole set on first and could see approximately 1 inch into the water. So then I put on the Maui Jims and man I was amazed! I could see at least an inch and a half into the water. I'm impressed!!! Well worth the hun!!


    Boy, that sounds.. somewhat sarcastic! :P

  5. Anybody use some kind of waterproof containers for their digital cameras?


    Last time out I had my wifes camera in my vest pocket and while reaching down to try and unsnag myself in thigh deep water I managed to soak the front of my vest including her camera!! Fortunately it's still working.


    Thinking about getting one of these:




    Has anybody tried one? Know if they work well?


    I find using a zip lock bag a bit too tedious myself..

  6. Looks good...with boards that have so many sections though, I always miss things cause I'm too lazy to scroll down to check what's being posted in the other parts. Best part of your other board was the 'last 50 posts' link. I just bookmarked it and went straight there every time I visited.


    Top right hand side - "View New Posts".

  7. At the boottom of the post reply box where you type in your post there is a grey browse button use it to navigate where you photo is on your computer and click it to select it and then click the green upload buttonNOTE MAX file size is 2MB

    OR you can post via an onine photo hosting sitwe.


    Or you can still post pics with tags like before. Something like this:



  8. So I was able to pick up a pair of polarized sunglasses this past weekend at Wholesale Sports for $60. They're made by "Optic Nerve" and seem to work (turning my head at a certain angle makes my LCD screen disappear). I haven't had a chance to try them out on the river yet but I'll let you guys know how it goes as soon as I do.


    They're actually "Carbon Polarized" sunglasses. I'm not sure what the difference is so hopefully they do the same thing!

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