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Posts posted by birchy

  1. Looking at the regs.. it looks like there's some Brookies to be had up towards the headwaters of the Elbow River.


    Elbow River

    from headwaters downstream to Elbow Falls (16-22-6-W5) & tributaries except Quirk Creek.

    June 16 to Oct. 31 – Brook Trout limit 2; Other Trout limit 0; Bait Ban.

    Nov. 1 to June 15 – CLOSED


    I haven't been up to this area before.. is anyone familier with the area?

  2. i picked up a 17" rainbow from the zoo saturday morning on a #14 phesant, i was just dead drifting


    They let you fish IN the zoo?!?!? Jeepers.. most people go there to look at the animals man!! :P

  3. What about a type of an Alberta scavenger hunt ?? give a deadline of September and the first 10 guys who complete their lists with pics goes onto the second round of best fish.











    Suckers???? :lol:



    That actually sounds like alot of fun! Especially for those of us who enjoy all forms of angling.

  4. Maybe you could do a biggest fish contest.


    Being in my first year.. I know there's no way in heck that I'll catch a bigger brownie than the vets on this site, so to make it fair, maybe break us up into "divisions" based on years of experience or something like that.

  5. Thought I would add to the excellent advice already given.

    A sucessfull tactic I use when attempting to land large trout, is to get as high up on the bank as possible. Then I pressure the fish upwards, with the force bieng exerted on the trout through the top of the head. This keeps the hookset secure, with a good contact angle, even if the trout gets downstream of me. The trout will react by opposing the force exerted and will try and swim down deeper in the water column, rather than running downstream or midstream, further away from me. Pressuring the trout from above and keeping them in the faster surface current, tires them quickly and keeps them closer to you. Bieng high above the trout also gives you a better opportunity to prevent the trout from wrapping, severing your line/leader on obstacles in the drift, or rocks that are protruding above the surface and prevents them from going to the bottom and doing all of the above.



    Makes complete sense!! I'm definitely trying this method next time out too!

  6. Take The Bait

    It was a cold winter day, when an old man walked out onto a frozen lake, cut a hole in the ice, dropped in his fishing line and began waiting for a fish to bite.


    He was there for almost an hour without even a nibble when a young boy walked out onto the ice, cut a hole in the ice not too far from the old man and dropped in his fishing line. It only took about a minute and WHAM! a Largemouth Bass hit his hook and the boy pulled in the fish.


    The old man couldn't believe it but figured it was just luck. But, the boy dropped in his line and again within just a few minutes pulled in another one.


    This went on and on until finally the old man couldn't take it any more since he hadn't caught a thing all this time.


    He went to the boy and said, "Son, I've been here for over an hour without even a nibble. You have been here only a few minutes and have caught about half a dozen fish! How do you do it?"


    The boy responded, "Roo raf roo reep ra rums rrarm."


    "What was that?" the old man asked.


    Again the boy responded, "Roo raf roo reep ra rums rarrm."


    "Look," said the old man, "I can't understand a word you are saying."


    So, the boy spit into his hand and said, "You have to keep the worms warm!"




  7. Does anyone have any experience with this rod?( 7' 6" Graphite 3 Weight EMERALD MATRIX FLY FISHING ROD) It sells on ebay they claim it is comparable to a $300.00 rod

    Thanks Wayne



    I don't know about the brand but I'm always a bit leery about things when they say "it's comparable to something more expensive".. if it was truly comparable.. then wouldn't IT be $300 as well?


    My opinion anyways...

  8. this is an awesome post with loads of great info thanks for sharing guys. You've helped me, so i'll offer one of my secret spots. First you go to the Bow river then you go to that spot along the bank where the fast water meets the slower current and it makes that nice shiney seam. Now in this particular spot i like to use my go to fly huge black clouser with a small trailing brown and white clouser cast out, retrive, set hook and apply info in above thread. I hope you don't have trouble finding this spot it's by the big tree with the leafs on it and theres a grassy bank to.(but seriously i'll stop being a dork now and just say thanks you just gave me a great fast forward to landing more fish)



    I've been to that spot... sorry, but it's not that secret! :P

  9. here's my input on this. While the good ol' sjw is great... it's really much easier to use lighter flies.. as far as adjusting to the depth your in. Take this example. Many times I fish 2 small nymphs. I tie them on with 6lb tippet material. Off the back of the second nymph I tie about 12 inches of 4lb tippet and tie a knot or 2 in the end of it. Then I add whatever weight I need right there. It hardly ever snags up, and when it does, your going to lose some split shot and a small section of 4lb leader as opposed to losing 2 flies. It really does work, try it out ;)


    I'm assuming the answer is no since YOU do it.. but wouldn't the fish have a greater chanced of seeing the weight - and not biting - with this method?

  10. Great advice guys!! I've learned a few things from this as well. The last big rainbow I lost (the biggest rainbow I've ever had on my line 20"+), I was fighting fine until he went downstream and I didn't follow him down.


    Lesson learned. :)

  11. thanks for the responses. will springbrook fix my rod or will they just try to get my $25 and give me a new 1/2 a rod? all i need is a cheap quick fix which surely shouldnt cost as much as $25??? what about Roggie's?? does he fix fly rods? anyone got his number?? thanks again




    My understanding is that the $25 is for shipping. The rod repair itself is free and covered under warranty. I would imagine they still charge the $25 when people come in directly to avoid causing a stampede.

  12. So far the conference has been amazing... it's probably about 100 times bigger than I ever imagined! (Microsoft Tech-Ed.. yeh, i'm one of those "computer nerds")


    Orlando is really cool. I've been pretty busy so far but did managed to get to Sea World and the Universal City Walk so far. Thursday night they have the Islands of Adventure attraction at Univeral completely booked for us attendees! Crazy.


    I've been taking pics like a japanese tourist so far! :P

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