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Posts posted by birchy

  1. brian, that is a legendary tale!!!!! the man just kept on casting people!!!!!!! :o


    i think it also shows that bears arent going to just come charging out of the bush at you, they would rather make you piss your pants the easy way!! LMAO


    i wonder how many bears have seen us anglers that we just had no idea was watching us.


    Lynn, you have probably been close if you fish the racehorse area often enough, just that the bears saw you first and avoided you.


    Dont fall victim to the Bearanoia!







    This is what I've been wondering. Those grizzly's we saw at K Lakes last week.. we would've had no idea they were there if a car load of people didn't stop and tell us. I bet they walk by fisherman all the time and the fisherman don't even know!! Crazy.


    Almost makes me think it would be somewhat safe just to ignore them and go about your business. I guess unless you unwittingly get between a sow and her cubs... or the cubs walk on the other side of you.

  2. Hey birchy, don't know if you're camping at Kikomun, but that lake there and more to the southeast have smallmouth bass in em (mabye check regs to see if they're open)....take a big bully fly and let me know how it works out....I've caught one there on a spinning rod and they fight pretty good!!


    I'm headed south, but I don't know if I'll be fishin'...we'll probably scope it out and go from there...stayin' at my parents in Claresholm anyway.


    That's exactly where we're going. CDock and I pulled 150+ bass out of Baynes Lake last summer in about 3 hours.

  3. if it was 2 maybe 3 then I would say its a pretty good deal...... 1 guide for 12 people though I kinda feel would not be enough. I feel he would be to busy riggin rods to actually place 12 people on productive spots let alone teach people to fly fish as well and I would assume your co workers will mainly be newbies right? But on the other hand I am not an authority on the subject..........


    I think they'll be mostly noobs.. but can't say for sure. Out of the 4 of us in my direct group, only 1 hasn't fly fished before.

  4. No effin way!!!!

    I would have passed out and been grizzly appetizer.


    I have been around sharks plenty.. While I have tons of respect, I can't say I'm scared of them and don't let their presence stop me from fishing where I want. I just take precautions. Bears on the other hand HORRIFY me. I'm sure it is a familiarity issue, but whatever. Your ammo is what, pepper spray? What about a sawed off 12 gauge? Or two? Or better yet a grenade launcher. I have a hard time seeing myself fishing in grizzly country. Maybe I can bring Hawgstoppah and let them sniff him! You game Brian?


    The solution is very simple rickr... Make sure you bring at least one person with you, and make sure you're a faster runner than they are! If you bring a group.. make sure you're faster than at least one of them! :lol:

  5. LOL....


    I told my wife a story I never really told anyone before, becuase I didn't want her to be afraid every time I go into the woods. I got sniffed, yes SNIFFED by a griz once. Kept my cool, though.... however, you know how they say you can get so scared you pee your pants? 'Tis true :blink::blink::blink:


    That's insane dude!! Seriously?!?!

  6. Hey everyone,


    Every summer my work has a "summer celebration" where our office is closed and everyone takes part in various activities during the day. This year a walk and wade fly fishing event has been included.


    The gentleman who is organizing the event has been instructed to go with the "lowest cost provider" and has arranged for a company in Banff to take us out on the upper Bow in the Canmore area. I'm not going to mention the company name in case someone who works for them is on here. :unsure:


    The deal they have worked out right now is for a minimum of 12 people and a price of $140/person. Which would include their fishing license and any equipment needed.


    To me this looks like a great deal, but I thought I'd check and see what you guys think. As well as check and see if any of the guides on this site might be able to do better?

  7. i'm just curious...with everything that causes cancer nowadays, can you still flyfish from a plastic bubble??...it's getting to that point where we can't even do what we enjoy without worrying about getting cancer...crazy...


    I'm convinced that BREATHING is a carcinogen these days.

  8. you should tie up a big brown and gold streamer call it the Tim Horton, tie it on a double hook with a double trailer and you got a Tim Horton double double.


    Just when I think you couldn't be stupider.. you go and say something like this.. ... ... ...






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