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Posts posted by birchy

  1. Like pretty much everything in life.. I grumble to myself a bit, and then chalk it up as a "lesson learned".


    I'm new to this game as well, and have the reputation of being a "sponge" when it comes to learning. Every time out I learn something new, whether I'm catching fish or not. I've lost a few bigguns' this year so far, but each time I learn something.. I should have kept the rod tip higher, or I should have booked it down the shore to keep the fish from getting below me, or i should've re-tied that stupid knot! :P


    Those few times where you manage to put all that together and land that hawg.. wow, what an experience!!


    I've been at this since April, but man.. I'm 100% addicted! I love this game.

  2. Yurts and yak's milk and taimen, oh my!

    A scaley behemoth, caught on a fly!

    Fantastic throat-singing, ain't that the truth;

    The secret, I think, is that one upper tooth!

    That's one fishin' hole that I may never reach,

    But, at least I've seen the video;thanx, esleech!


    __Bob Loblaw__


    "No more rhyming, now I mean it!"


    ... ...

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, Birchy, but "a brown trout that fits in the palm of YOUR hand" would be about 18",yes?


    Keep it real, Birchman!


    __Bob Loblaw__


    BA hahaha!! Yeh pretty much! <_<

  4. Centered pupils = no stress or DEAD. This one was very alive.

    Downturned pupils = stress.


    OHHHHHH! NOW I get what you guys were saying about the centered pupils before! :) Guess I better go back and check some of my pics.. :unsure:

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