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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Dammit! Your arseholes got all serious there for a minute and made Toolman miss a pretty good burn I sent his way!!
  2. LOL! Awesome. I remember my uncle telling me a story.. once when he was at a NHRA Drag Racing event down in the US.. a few of them were talking about the insane amount horsepower that Top Fuel dragsters make (usually in the 5000-7000HP range).. A fella sitting behind them says "you think that's horsepower? How about a US Navy aircraft carrier?" and proceeds to talk about the sheer size.. AND how the "advertised top speed" and "actual top speed" are 2 completely different things. Pretty crazy stuff.
  3. No? He's having a heck of a lot better season that Erik Cole so far.
  4. Dude.. I suck at seeing fish in the water.. even with polarized glasses! haha
  5. That Bertuzzi goal was sweet man. I love that guy. I'm still choked the Oil didn't pick him up.
  6. Being covered in ants freaks the crap outta me. Happened a few times when I was a kid.. and now I'm scarred for life.
  7. Good job Lynn! But i'm still laughing from the previous "listen up bitches!" LOL
  8. I haven't fished since the Barnaby trip.. if there's a vote on this, I'd like to be considered.
  9. We actually found that Weedy1, thanks! She printed it off and brought it in to show them and they were completely fine with it.
  10. Making other people feel wrong, or stupid, for their choices is not going to effect the change you desire. Off-handed comments (insults) regarding Calgarians not showing up for these meetings, is not going to encourage them to show up all of a sudden. Instead, maybe you should appeal to a person's emotions regarding fly fishing and the waters they love. Maybe give some examples of concerns that have been raised at previous meetings, and the subsequent changes that have taken place because of those concerns. Maybe people will think "hey, maybe I CAN make a difference!" If you want others to try building cane rods, instead of saying (in not so many words) "unless you build rods from scratch, you are not a rod builder, you are a rod assembler", you might say "you know, I started off building rods the way you to, and it was very enjoyable. The natural progression for me was to try building from scratch, and I've had great personal fulfillment doing that. I think you would too if you gave it a try." or something along those lines. And you know what? If a person listens, then great! If not, it doesn't mean they're a bad person, or somehow inferior because that's their choice. Maybe you don't either, but it sure sounds that way when you talk down to people, and call their opinions "crap". I can't speak for everyone, but personally, I'm far too busy with other things in my life that are more important to ME. When it comes down to it, I'd rather spend time with my wife and 1 year old son than drive to Edmonton for a fisheries meeting. I'm sure you're a good man, with good intentions. And I definitely respect your years of experience and knowledge. I also know that it's easy to misunderstand a person's 'tone' by reading something that is typed. But I do have a problem with people stating their OPINIONS as FACT. The last time I checked, the gospels were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John... not Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Don. P.S. - sorry for the thread hijack tallieho.. i'm done now.
  11. How about a resolution that forces Don Andersen to preface every statement he makes with "in my opinion", or finish it with "but that's just my opinion". I'm thinking it'd be standing room only. ... But that's just my opinion.
  12. I learned that I didn't catch as many fish in my second year as my first year. And that it's a lot harder to get out fishing when you have a baby! (Sorry Dave)
  13. *bumpage* How're the calendar's coming along? Getting close to the new year...
  14. Beauty pics.. am I the only one that CAN'T see a brown trout on the redd in that picture??
  15. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=254200&amp...=headlines_main Pull the trigger Lowe!! Send that punching bag Stortini to the minors and insert Shanahan into the lineup. Preferably NOT on the 4th line.
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