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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Seriously?! I was looking at those before.. looks like a heck of alot of fun right there! Toyota makes one too I think.. (overseas as well).
  2. Totally agree about the winter tires. IMO, if a person says there's "not that much of a difference", they most likely have never driven on a good set of winter tires. It should be law in most places in Canada.. Also.. Re: the "too expensive argument" - 2 things: 1. What price do you put on your (and others) life? 2. Up front it may seem like a lot, but if you average it out per mont over the life of the tire, it's pretty reasonable..
  3. This just in.. Callaway has contacted Phil Mickelson with news of a new line of clubs - Callaway ENW's (Elin Nordegren Woods). They're being marketed as "clubs you can beat Tiger with!" Phil is ecstatic.
  4. He's okay. Just an ear laceration. Nothing showed up on the CT scan.. Ballard must feel like an idiot.
  5. From the Florida game tonight.. Click here if the movie does not play. Temper, temper!
  6. Can't help but digging up an OLD thread. OUCH. Lost the Grey Cup because of a stupid penalty. That's gotta hurt.
  7. Here's a '78 on Kijiji Taco: http://calgary.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-S...QAdIdZ171602182
  8. I watched it on the plane home from Europe last month and didn't catch anything about an alternate timeline/reality (although I had already heard that). Did they actually explain IN the movie that it was an alternate timeline? Or was that just stated by the producers or whoever..?
  9. Hang em up by their eyelids until they blink!
  10. Sweet! I want one. Screw the Prius! This WAS my fishing rig until some under-achievers stole it and wrecked it:
  11. What I find disgusting Kris/PGK/Tako is the fact that you have been banned from this forum before for this exact reason - intentionally stirring up the brown stuff. Then you come back on here with a different handle and have the arrogance to say that you're SURPRISED by the responses you get. People don't forget dude. Different handle - same old BS.
  12. hahaha - You gotta give him an E for Effort! Click here if the movie does not play.
  13. Wow! Beauty cutts Humble. Thanks again for sharing.
  14. And still managed to lose. Craziness: http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=299642
  15. Wow! Just... wow! Sorry to hear this experience Jon. I hope you can trust me when I say.. we're not all like that!! I really hope your son get's over it and get's out there with dad again! In my opinion (and a number of others), as long as you're following the regulations and having fun, it doesn't matter what gear or method you're using.
  16. I haven't done any reasearch on this at all.. so I apologize if it's inaccurate in any way.
  17. But the latest news is that some scientists? found some DNA north of the electric border. They think they may have gotten through somehow.
  18. 100% serious actually. They're out there. Pacres - Anytime. Feel free to send a PM if you're interested. PS - Love hockey, golf, motocross, formula one, nascar, and pretty much every other kind of motorsports too.. Have a fascination with flying. Love Flight Simulator on the comp. Every few months I get on a kick to buy an RC Helicopter or Plane, but haven't actually gotten around to it yet. Just don't have the time for it all..
  19. Whoa, whoa, WHOA. You're being far too logical headscan!
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