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  1. Ya know i had this happen to me this spring on a big brown on a dry, and when I seen the hook was strait it gave me alot better feeling as if the knot had broken. If a fish straightens your hook, just plain and simple he tested your gear to the point of failure. He won this time. But thats what keeps us coming back. To try and get a picture with that beast. Congrats you are now officially addicted to this sport. Ahahah ahhaha Matt
  2. I have a regal vise that I am wanting to sell! It is a couple. Years old but still holds every hook I put in it from, size 20 dries to 1/0 streamers. It comes with a base, and c clamp. I'll let it go for 100 Obo, a new one retailers for around 400. Pm me if interested. Matt
  3. Sweet fish! Who's the guy wearing the goofy hat! Ahaha hah Nice job Brian Matt
  4. SIMMS!! That's all Matt
  5. Depending on how much and how long you stay at the spots it can easily be a 10 to 12 hour day! But you can make it in 7 and half 8 with minimum number of stops! I've never done the float with no stops so I can't tell you exactly how long it would be that way but I'm sure someone on this board can! Matt
  6. Wedge pond?? Is the ice off at all?
  7. Hi all, Was great to get out today with all you Spey boys. Was nice to meet you all, and thank you so much to all the guysbwho helped me out, tool man , dutchie, lornce, and all the other guys I don't remember! Was great to cast some of those sticks, now it's gunna be even harder to make. Decision on which one to buy! But I hope to see you all soon, maybe a Spey float trip with a couple drift boats next time! Just give me a date and time and I'll bring my boat!! Thanks a lot boys!! Matt
  8. Hi all, Just curious to as knowing how many people on this board used or would use a fly shop in the nw of the city? I live in the nw and I dread driving down 30 minutes on a good day just to grab that one material that you need in the middle of that killer fly you are creating. I think to myslef sure would be nice to drive half the time or less to get it. Just curious to know how many would use a fly shop in the n.w.? Thanks Matt
  9. have a good day silverdoctor , i have been fishin with dutchie many times, i own his old boat, ill have to get out with you this year sometime. just pm me anytime for a float
  10. You Can make these floats as long as you want! Usually police to make takes about 8 to 9 hours depending on how much you stop to get out and fish.
  11. spey rods can be very productive from a boat, especially with streamers because you can cast to the banks without being to close, and not spook those big easily spooked browns, that lay on the banks! qiuck casting when nyphing to!!
  12. if you are even thinking about getting into someones drift boat with a pair of studs, DONT! if you own your own boat and are not affraid of damaging it then go ahead, but there is nothing that pisses me off more than people scratching my boat, with studs!!! I have one big chip in my floor( which has the black simms grippy bottom) and everytime i wash it i see it and it is slowly getting bigger! all because someone was to lasy to take out their studs!!! :$*%&:
  13. i started with felt boots, then recetly upgraded my waders and boots, i have simms g3 guides , and the freestone rubber sole boot! so far i love the rubber way better because when im fishign mountain stream without rocksnot i feel like im glued to the bottom, and really i agree with FNG that rock cnot is rock snot and alagae is alagae no matter what material you put on the S**T you will slid around like your drunk. And the Rubber wears way better than felt!!! Just my two cents though
  14. yeagers unsinkable pheasant tail hares ear caddis green drake
  15. "troutchaser", or "trouthunter", and maybe "betsy blue", or "bitsy blue"
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