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About flyfishfairwx

  • Birthday 11/04/1962

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  • Location
    SE Calgary, Alberta

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Cutthroat Trout

Cutthroat Trout (6/10)



  1. Got to tie at the Calgary Boat and Sportsman show, but gave all the PineSquirrelCheaters to the Hook & Hackle Club Fly bank, good cause and it pays to start off the year with good Karma.
  2. I've lived in Calgary since 2013, in Alberta since 1998. Originally from Saint John New Brunswick, joined the military in 1982 left it in 2006. So a gypsy for most of my life but a respectable one. I have been fly fishing since I was 7 years old, my mother died then and my father who was a bigger Gypsy than I am, left when I was 3 months, so my Grandfather gave me an old bamboo pole with a small section of fly line and leader with a Dark Montreal or Paramechie Bell wet fly and took me fly fishing LOTS!! When he went fly fishing for Atlantic Salmon I got to carry our lunch pail. this turned into a love of the outdoors and fly fishing of course, it has been my therapy for a lot of years.. I tied trout and Salmon flies for DOAKS Fly shop for a time until it was time to move again. When it came time to retire it was clear it would be Alberta, just not clear where or with whom.. Now very very happily remarried to the most wonderful Fly Fishing girl, Ladystrange or Tiana as some of you may know her. We are continuing on our Gypsy Fly fishing ways together.
  3. Fun to watch, and I do hope that some types of people follow his advise !!! hahaha....
  4. hahah Gold Bond In the Army fondly known as a "BJ in a Can" Even if this is a warm destination, do some warm ups and stretching, if you can start a yoga routine before going then I would suggest that.. you need to relax muscles not tense up to cast the big irons....
  5. Combo-Trude.. Good in swamps for catching leaches, poly-wogs,grasshoppers.
  6. Maybe they heard all about the free Passes for the National Parks this year and figured screw that I'm out of here before the unwashed hoards show up!!!
  7. Yep I signed up for this course.. looking forward to expanding the Knowledge bank.. thanks for pointing this out..
  8. Also Check out the sexyloops.com website, and Bulletin Board, lots of New Zealand types there.. Chat with a guy named Clark Reid.. One of the best guides..and there are lots others....
  9. Read up on that before you go grabbing gear etc.. I don't think that is an offence that you can do that with..the rules are fairly specific as to what type of offence and when you can. best to just get all the info and proof you can.. I work in the security field..
  10. Cool.... I reported two with in 15 mins, I was on the other side of the river walking the dogs.. automatic fine and you should have to drink a gallon of the river water and then Piss on your vehicle..
  11. And that is the best size to hold fish that way..... any larger and it is best to leave them in the water and not do the rise for the picture, let their own body support them in the water.. by lifting larger fish your use it's weight against it's self, holding where he did.. look at your photos critically and you will see ..
  12. Found a note on a camper door, stating "payment" for renting the trailer was inside, it was being run as a "arbnb" picked up the note took it to the CO at Beauvais Lake , they were very interested, allegedly the trailer owner had another property they were renting !!!! Same place as my last post on permanent campers took place.. Sigh, also had a group of Millennials move in next door to us and spark up a "Gas Lawn Mower" at 2200hrs (10 pm) to mow a place for them to build a fire... with no fire ring of stones... sigh the Castle area is beautiful but the people are ugly... BTW - NOTE: In case you're wondering you are not allowed to mow the grass of a meadow, or run a commercial accommodation rental in the Castle area.
  13. Cutty? It's hard to see the throat slash..
  14. He's using a Morrish Mouse rough spun deer hair , bottom trimmed flat, then black foam back pulled down and tied off at head, leather tail. works like a damn around these parts!! not saying where just these parts..
  15. That is awesome, for me Fly fishing, fly tying have been a therapy for over 45 years, physical and mental therapy, Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Canada has been around since 2007 here in Canada and has gone through several changes but still remains available to all that need it, here in Alberta there is a group of anglers that will still help those that need the healing therapy of the rivers. Awesome to see this film and hear his story , and damn nice catch.. cool Dog too!
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