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Everything posted by misterbig

  1. I will try the surgeon's knot. the leader is a RIO 9FT tapered leader 3X and the Fluorocarbon is also RIO which is 3X. I usually tie on tippet material to get extra life from my leader. I know for sure that the not failed because the leader is just an inch or so short of 9 ft. Flyfisher where do you buy Seaguar G max products. thanks for the info guys. m
  2. Looking for some help on the best knot to use to join fluorocarbon tippet to leader. I have been using blood knots but find when i hook into big fish i find the line breaks off right at the knot. I am left with just a mono curl where the knot was. I use around 5 twists per side and moisten before tightening. m
  3. very nice brown!
  4. Hello dryfly, the link to the strip and wind for some reason does not work. keep getting page not found error.
  5. a couple of ones i found on the web... very nice table top units. Options are endless. m
  6. Here is the desk i created out of scraps of hardwood and a purchased sheet of MDF, and doweling
  7. if the motor is 10+ HP it needs to have a license. Plus if you don't have one already you will need to get a operator's card.(pass the test, life time)
  8. Which fly shop carries Loop Multi rods. I am in the market for a new rod and would like to look at them. M
  10. I am in as well!
  11. no point using a throat pump on a large mouth bass. lol
  12. I take the CTrain everyday and I see it all. Ladies that demand, ladies that stand and wait patiently, ladies snagging chairs that were ment for other OLDER ladies, etc. I usually give my chair up. Oneday on the train Cruella Deville walks on the train with her long fur jacket($$$), her fur hat($$), make up 1 inch thick, huge diamond ring. she was maybe 40. She stood right beside me b*tching out loud(so the men sitting down 10 rows away could hear)how this world has no respect for women anymore. It was extremely bizzare. One guy left and she sat down. the person standing beside me now was a late stage preggo women who was supposed to get the chair...her comment was I was here first. Another lady gave up her seat. Rules I live by are elderly(man or women), moms or dads with small kids, pregnant women, folks hurt, or drunks that wants to talk. Everyone else it depends on the mood.
  13. is there a special way to attach the thingamabobber to the line.. I tried them but the thing kept sliding down. I feed the line through the hole once and pushed it to the top part of the leader. should i thread through twice??? m
  14. You will love them....best boats out there.
  15. He had a slipped disc. Doctor told him to try it. He said he would never turn back and it was the best advice he ever received. He also recommended one that had different angle settings as hanging straight upside down is pretty intense if it is bad. Slowly move to 90 degrees does the trick. I would talk to the doc and see if that would work.
  16. I will ask and get back to you
  17. I think you maybe surprised how little it takes. My neighbour will go from hardly walking to playing catch with his kids in 2-3 days. If he needs a little extra he holds onto dumbells. 30 min twice a day. M
  18. My neighbour has a inversion table and swears by it to solve his lower back ache. I am not sure if it will work if you are at the level of surjury though. Costco sells them for $300 bucks might be worth a try as long as your doc gives green light.
  19. Many posts state that is a nice hen, or big male, rooster, etc. How does a person tell them apart? Is there, different colors, specific markings, shapes,etc? Also are they really called hens and roosters like chickens? Just curious M
  20. Dave Scadden boats have sliding standing platform that slides under the seat. Looking at the pictures just realized that you boat is not a Scadden boat. Idea is still neet just need to find an alternate location for the assembly. Maybe to the bottom of the platform! Thanks for the details. M
  21. Very nice work. Does your sliding platform get in the way of the transducer assembly? Those magnets are the expensive? M
  22. I originally purchased 2 of the scotty units for my pontoon. when i took the pontoon out i started to use only the ones on the dave scadden side bags more. i mainly use it to hold the rod as i row vs. trolling. decided to save the $80.oo. If you are worried that the hard plastic is going to damage the toons maybe try to add some of that stick on felt to the bottom of the unit and have that rest on the toon. Anyway sweet boat.
  23. sweet video....I didn't know raccoons are native to alberta.
  24. Scotty has a mount type rod holder Just mount it to the frame that sits on top of the toons. (Do not wrap it around the toon. i talked to dave scadden and told me that it could cause damage as the toons as they expand during the day warm up. if they toons burst he will void warranty) when you say you can not use the fishing buddy traveling in water, do you mean going from place to place or when you are trolling or moving slowly? Was thinking of getting a fishin' buddy but wasn't quite sure if i should go that way or a portable one with a transducer. m
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