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Everything posted by sirocco

  1. ...
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  3. Took a well deserved vacation this past week and spent some time on a few B.C. waters... Fish were cooperative. Enjoy!
  4. That's the best trials riding I've seen in years! I love this stuff. Keep posting.
  5. Wicked, nice one Terrance!
  6. TFO has a new reel out this year called the Prism II. Same price range of the Mayfly but a much nicer reel in my opinion.
  7. Very impressive flies. Those collars look awesome. What are you using on the heads of those intruders? Is it white deer hair?
  8. My first guess is trevally. But it is just a guess.
  9. The bottoms up uses foam on the back hook to give it a jigging action. The circus peanut is a little different. Kelly cuts the rear hook off. Nice tie man!
  10. Canadian.
  11. Conor, the Snowbee is a decent system. It does what it's supposed to and it's solidly built. But it's not the nicest looking reel and it's a little heavy. I can't recall exactly what the cartridges are made of, but although they appear to be very strong they do feel like plastic, if that matters to you at all. I only used mine a handful of times so unfortunately I can't give you a really comprehensive review. Hope this helps!
  12. Hey Terrance, Tear Mender is awesome stuff. I picked up a bottle at Canadian Tire in the camping section. I think troutfitters also carried some at one point.
  13. I'm down for this! We could do a st. patty's theme or something and tie green flies?
  14. I know I could test this but I figured I would just ask. I realized tonight that I've never really taken note of which orientation a fly assumes with a conehead on it. Does it naturally ride normally (bend-down) because of the extra weight of the bend? Or does the orientation alternate? I've been tying zonkers with bead and cone heads so I need to make sure the fly is riding the correct way.
  15. I like thornes as well. Good return policy and free shipping anywhere in the world.
  16. Hey Terrance, I'm rockin a presentation 2000 and I love it. It has the same jaws as the more expensive renzettis, but uses a cheaper metal in the construction of the unit itself (aluminum I think). It works great for streamers which is what I tie mostly but does equally well with dries and small stuff too. The only thing is that it doesn't come with a material clip, and the design doesn't really allow for good positioning of an aftermarket clip, so if you really think a clip is important then I would advise against getting this vise. In reference to Conor's post, the 2000 is more of a 5-10yr vise, and the next vise I buy will probably be a top of the line job. But with the money I saved I was able to spend the difference on more materials, so that was a bonus. And I don't see the vise wearing out for a GOOD 5-10yrs.
  17. Great review SilverDoctor. I really like my korean made reels as well. That's a fine looking piece of machinery!
  18. Nice fish Courtney! And a nicer looking fly to boot.
  19. Packing it with the cone head itself would probably do the trick.
  20. Barry Mitchell's Trout Highway has a section on fish growth. I can't remember any details though.
  21. Suntoucher, I've been using this stuff - http://www.thornesmanufacturing.com/index....78&Item=253 It's not as heavy as lead but is heavier than lead-free in my opinion. It also has a smaller diameter than lead-free, so it's easier to stack it up and add weight. Dirt cheap too. Cheers
  22. At that price range I would definitely think about another Redington. I have an 8'6 3wt CPS that I really like. It might be worth looking at the TFO Finesse 8'9 4wt (~$220) as well.
  23. The fruit of my labours this winter.
  24. I'll throw in another vote for Grafton's. They do custom tailoring. Like the others said, italian fabric and made in Canada.
  25. SilverDoctor, To be honest I'm really not sure. It's very possible that they used to distribute the Professional Series, but not anymore as far as I know. The current line-up, to the best of my knowledge, is: Lefty Kreh Signature Series Finesse TiCr TiCrX Axiom BlueWater Deer Creek Switch Deer Creek Spey Signature Spey two-hander (only one model... not in the catalogue). the SG (limited production rod with a fiberglass-like feel... also not in the catalogue) Cheers!
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