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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Skate the caddis dry through them, that's why they are slashing and banging around. To do this stand slightly upstream of the fish, around a 45 degree angle back down to the risers, get a cast upstream of them, and hold your tip way up and let the fly skate through them, lots big slashy takes and if they are keyed on the movement, this will take them. Good luck.
  2. Another thing that hepled out when introcuding my kids to the sport is to not overwhelm them until they REALLY want to go, and then when they do want to go take them somewhere that it is easy to catch fish. Cataract Creek for example, or any number of small cutthroat streams. I took my gals to a small section of cutty stream last year where they got into oodles of fish and (I think) fell in love with it. They are asking to go again this year already
  3. In all honesty after having time to settle down and think this one through maybe the Bow is the best place for them. I can think of other much smaller, much more private waters where they would do REAL damage, and thankfully they have not or can not get onto them.
  4. That is one CHUNKY fish!
  5. did you even read my post before you hid behind another handle and started tossing verbal diahrea? I never called for a ban nor did I say I guide americans all the time. Matter of fact most of the folks I take out are good old canadian farmboys from alberta, sask or manitoba who cant believe how ignorant people are on the bow. Fact. Now back to your concocted twisting of the truth to attempt to make guides look like the idiots. We are the ones trying to protect the very resource you feel so strongly about. Didnt see your name donating to streamwatch lately.
  6. amen. I've had dozens over the years say they would not be back due to that very thing. they came for a peaceful fly fishing experience, not a gong show. hell I even had a couple folks last summer parked in a side channel fishing and a jet came and did a lap around us. another one did donuts around us just up from mackinnon's. this sort of stuff is a joke and puts off people from spending the tourism dollars in calgary buying food, fuel, fishing tackle, and a whole lot of other things that keep albertan's in business. so yes I feel pretty strongly about having no motorized boats on the bow above carseland, but I also realize they are extremely handy and a great fishing tool if used properly. It's kind of like quads... the asshats ruin it for all the responsible folks.
  7. aww that is terrible news. I hope they do re-open for the busy season.
  8. BCMI in Blairmore from a 3rd. I've even had clients of mine stay there. It's a decent price, decent hotel, nothing super fancy but there really isn't anything more "high end" unless you want to stay in pincher creek at the ramada or something.
  9. well I stand by my predictions made at the start of the season. We did literally nothing last off season save trading our most solid defensemen. It showed. We got outshot most games and had trouble getting the puck out of our own end. Kipper was a freekin STUD in net this year and the ONLY one who deserves a paycheck. I have been on the "blow the team up" side for at least a year and this season just served to anger me even more as a fan. I couldn't watch most games as these fat old "vets" watched younger players with more heart on opposing teams skate around their tired lazy old fat paycheck grabbing azzes. Until this team starts playing with the same kind of passion that *I HAVE* for hockey... I am done with them. Will I become a fan of another team? Probably not... but it sure is becoming hard to watch hockey at all. Look at the philly - pittsburg series right now for an example of how hocley should be played. I never saw a game like those ones all year.
  10. Sunday April 15th will be the last spring special date available. Word has come down from Richard that we are going to be moving into full pre-runoff guiding season shortly. If you have been thinking about taking advantage of the $275 special, Sunday the 15th is the last shot at it. After that we will still be offering the excellent rates we normally offer for our trips which are the best in the industry!
  11. Solid nymphing on the crow last weekend with a few chances on dry. Good dry fly on the Oldman, and excellent streamer action. Decent numbers of fish, and some very large ones already this year. I have both dates this weekend still available, still on the winter/spring rate as advertised. Drop me a line if interested. Cheers and tight lines!
  12. Awesome! Hey that must have been you with the tan dog .. you made a good choice to turn around as we bumped into a few more folks up that way and there were 4 of us. We did OK with a couple beauts too. Nice shots! That hive was freaky. The size of the opening made me wonder how bloody big was the queen bee?
  13. I might want to consider building an ark before June hits with that waterton snowpack. Those mountains just west of me are WHITE... it even LOOKS deep from 35km away.
  14. There has been some really solid dry fly fishing lately down south. The streamer / nymph action has been good as well. I now have a date open for easter sunday, April 8th, for Oldman or Crowsnest (or combination fo the two if preferred). If you've been waiting for an open date here it is. These winter / spring rates will not be around for too much longer. we will still be offering the regular $400 Bow river floats this summer though! Drop me a PM or call me the number is on the first post. Cheers and tight lines everyone!
  15. Through my observations I find this to be true on the Bow as well.
  16. Brilliant. some of the best I have ever seen, for sure.
  17. Well someone does have to play the devils advocate. Dutchie and all site sponsors pay pretty big bucks to be one of a few that are allowed to (or suposed to be the only ones allowed to) post links to ANY website, or company name, or website name, etc on here. Without that priveledge, why be a sponsor? From an advertisers perspective, if you pay for something (exclusive rights to it) and the company you paid allows others to use it freely, wouldn't you be upset? This guy may not be a "comapny" per se (yet), but you are still on here branding that name right now, for free. My 2 cents.
  18. The "stick from my ...." would be removed if people would actually pay up like the company I worked for did to post anything on this site which has company names, website names, or LINKS IN THEIR SIGNATURES. I honestly don't even know why Dutchie pays for the site when it seems nothing is being done about all the siggys which link to non-sponsor sites anyways these days. Plus I see adds in the sponsor section which are not from a listed site sponsor from time to time as well. Might as well get in on the free ride instead of paying to support this site? I mean come on folks. Support your site sponsors, the ones who PAY for this service. Telling us to lay off is ridiculous. My 2 cents.
  19. Rick, thanks for doing this. You know I will be involved. PM sent.
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