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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Looking at the results of this post, banning jets / motors will never happen. I happen to be all for a ban above carseland, but if 35% of this forums users (a very fly fishing oriented user group) think that jets are ok or use jets on the river, then there is just no way. The jets don't "hurt" the fish so there is no real reason for banning them other than selfish interests, mine included. They do ruin peoples dry fly evenings sometimes, they do ruin folks peace and quiet, but I guess if you are after than then the time has come to look elsewhere than the bow river.
  2. Great work!!! Welcome to the addiction!!!!
  3. sweet fish. I too thought it would run a bit more than 5lbs, it's what, at least 23 inches, probably more, and FAT. My guess is 7-8lbs. Of course from pics it's extremely hard to tell. I've seen fish taped at 30 that look like babies in pics, and fish taped at 24 that you swear in the pic are 30's! LOL
  4. Looks like you've taken that one day last spring learning how to set the hook to heart!! good to hear it! Glad you are having success out there! The bow really is fishing well, just had two great days friday & saturday
  5. it's always great to remember the best friends we have along life's journey and the good times spent.
  6. back when I used to do extended 5 day or more trips I used the larger coleman 5 day coolers. My ice blocks were just starting to unfreeze at the end of a week if I was careful with how much I opened them and how I packed them (the meat coolers where ALL frozen product, etc). As others have said I'd imagine anything with thick walls will do the trick.
  7. have fun, stay within the regs, respect others, and fish whatever legal methods you think will catch fish without worrying about what the next guy thinks of your methods.
  8. I can see both sides of the fence but in all honesty if an eagle starts swooping at me I think I'd have backed off. Kinda of like hauling a few salmon out of a river in alaska and being confronted by a bear who is interested in your catch. Give it up. LOL (can't we all just get along tho? everyone does have a right to an opinion, and everyone also has a right to debate, but can't it be kept clean and in good humour?)
  9. Having learned of a theory of WHY officers often do this I cannot blame them. It's a lot safer to have someone believe you are giving them a break by fining them for the most serious offence and pointing out a LOT more they COULD have been fined with, and the officer walks away with the folks probably feeling grateful they didn't get more in fines. If the officer fines them and throws the book at them, the people are angry and this puts the officer in a potentially dangerous situation. I'd rather our officers play safe and play smart than throw everything on everyone. At least they are out there trying to do their jobs.
  10. Thanks for the great forum! I agree that being the hosts must be a thankless job, but I'd like to offer my thanks for a job well done.
  11. Yessir, the school of hard knocks teaches the best lessons for sure. If I could go back, and be where you are right now, go make money while you can, and save enough to pay for a top quality degree type of education when the oil & gas sector slows down again. That way you'll most likely be exiting or nearly done school and well educated and employable on the next upswing.. and the money you make now can pay for both. I have a brother in law making insane money right now up there, and he's home every friday/sat/sun to calgary. Can't beat that.
  12. awesome! saw a few in alaska from LONG distance, you were so close! fantastic!
  13. On a side note... I am no biologist but.... I think these big run offs are great for the fish. They clean out the smaller spawning streams, clean the silt out of the larger rivers too, and provide higher cooler water almost all year. All that silt from the spray lakes issues last year should theoretically be blown out this runoff as well. Hopefully our summer hatches (evening caddis) will be better on the Bow. Never saw a whole lot of good evening action all last year myself. Another huge flood in 1995 changed the way the south fished. After the 1995 floods the crow fished fantastic in 1997-2002 or so. The best I have ever seen it fish. After 2005 the Bow itself has fished extremely well starting in about 2008 up to now. These big floods take their toll for a few years, but when the rebound comes it fishes lights out. Rivers and fish populations are a cyclical thing. IMHO the crow could use a good "washout" right now, it's been sluggish for a couple years compared to what we got spoiled with. Another river I fish quite often was the highest I have ever witnesses it ever being. But last fall it fished very, very well. The fish should be OK, they know where to go and hide.. crazy as it sounds but if you know the places the trout go and hide during runoff, you can do better on a day out now than you can when the masses think the river is back to "fishable" conditions.
  14. True. I was told this a few times, that even a detailed waiver form wasn't going to stop that if it ever did happen. I used to use a waiver my lawyer drafted up that basically said so much as even by direct neglect on my part, I was still not liable. Neglect is such an open ended word.
  15. I carried insurance when I worked with my own company. I never did ask about it when I worked for another outfit last year, I just assumed. Probably not the wisest thing on my part, I'll admit.
  16. I must be unlucky then, out of the 4 rods I have broken, all have happened while fishing. One on a bad cast with a streamer that tore off the rod tip, and the other three while fighting fish. They do break. I also guided a fellow who just picked up his brand new Peiroway rod... nice stick, felt nice to cast for sure, but it also broke on him during the day. It was a cool day, maybe they are not too good for the winter. Durability score for me was low, but the rod itself felt very nice, casted smooth, accurate, and without much effort.
  17. for right now start stocking up on golden stones... brown, black, olive and yellowish chennile rubber legged stones work well. Grab a couple of dry fly stoneflies as well. Size #4-6 usually works for me. other good flies to have in your bag right now, #14-16 elk hair caddis, brown body #14-16 hare's ear nymphs #14-16 caddis emerger (fish them through risers on a downstream swing if you cant get them to take a dry) Leeches, san juan worms, bow river buggers, pheasant tails, a bag of split shot and some strike indicators and you are all set to start getting into the fish.
  18. I worked with Kai on all my multi day adventures with bowcrow when I owned it. His is a class operation, nice lounge to relax in and BS at the end of the day and Kai is passionate about both the fishing, and the service. Can't reccomened him enough. Also, if you need or want to be farther south maybe try palmer ranch? A few days fishing the lakes will leave you in good spirits for sure!!
  19. leaving the bow right now is insanity, but yes I have on good word that the salmons are aroun d and that the river is clear enough to fish them (the crow that is). Expect a wee bit of shower activity on saturday a.m. cheers
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