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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. LOL... *peeping out from behind a pile of spey rods... looking around carefully... running for the door* Can't wait to learn this Toolman... if were gonna hit up some bigguns this fall. I need to invest in some gear asap... Thanks for the advice all. I think that I will go with "too much rod" as opposed to not having enough at some point. Most of those big BC salmon / steelie rivers are at least 100ft across... so maybe a 15ft rod in the 9/10 wt category will do. Will it be heavy / bulky and hard to handle or if weighted properly with the real, will it be a pleasure to fish?
  2. Someone please tell me your sh**tin me about the Bow closure? I know that your probably pulling my leg, but if you aren't I might have to go to a plan "C" now. Maybe if the dude who won american inventor came by he could put that dealy, the guardian angel (awesome idea if you haven't seen it yet it drops fire suppresant on your christmas tree if it ever catches fire)... maybe he could put it on top of all the trees out there and we could go fishing again
  3. Just take him somewhere the fish prefer to rise rather than feed on nymphs or streamers .. LOLOL
  4. Blowing on it and false casting works well, as does switching flies (for a bit) and just letting the soaked fishy one dry out on your vest patch...
  5. Well think of it this way... in 2003 when I finally got back there in september... the fish looked healthy and fat and very contented. Didn't you guys just all start complaining about the state of the fish in the Livingstone? The phrase "you better watch what you wish for" comes to mind...
  6. One other quick note, might help the problem. Take out all your flies tonight and apply floatant to them. Let it dry on them. You'll notice a difference next time your on stream. It seems to sort of seal them, and make them a lot more bouyant.
  7. I've gotten a few like that up to about 20 inches... hard to tell size by your pic. If my old buddy Scott reads this I wonder if he still has a pic of one particular Bow river rainbow he got that literally made bullshead fish look like their on a diet!!!
  8. Just spent some time both in Idaho on the aforementioned snake river tailout (Pallisades, ID), and came back along US191 through Ennis. All reports are that the fishing is good... even superb.. at the Snake in Idaho (I think they call it the south fork of the snake there... can't remember). We delivered a home on the reservoir that the pallisades damn makes. The guys were saying that lake has something for everyone, browns, lakers, rainbow, cutt, bull, bass, perch, sunfish, etc.. kokanee salmon.. Stopped at a rest area south of Ennis (right along the Madison R.) and watched some guys pulling a few fish out from behind the rocks. The madison is a VERY different river... it's just one big long riffle, there are LITERALLY no slowdowns, pools, tailouts, nothing visible from the road at least. Very unique. I'd imagine that the fish mostly hide out behind all the rocks strewn all over the river. Would be a difficult pontoon ride... with all the obstrucutions.
  9. Geez MTB... you hit the nail on the head for what I was gonna say. If you have any guilty feelings about fishing, maybe it's in the way you handle the fish or something, but if your taking the utmost care and attention to doing as little impact on the fish or the ecosystem as you can, and still feel guilt, you probably should take up knitting (although, those poor sheep that we take the wool off all the time, is that humane to do?).
  10. Good good GOOD it's about time. Why does alberta always seem to be one step behind BC??? I support the new regs they got, and I am 100% behind this, or course.
  11. And I should also add..... that I would need it to be salt water resistant, as it would be the setup I use if I ever get out for bonefish or anything like that (tarpon etc)... or would it?
  12. I absolutely want to get into spey for my future steelhead / salmon outings. However... I am satisfied with my bow river equipment. So what line / rod wt and length would be ideal for purely steelhead, and possibly some pretty hardcore salmon fishing (I do get up to Alaska now and again)...
  13. Aww man. I'm pumped to go give that a try, and thanks to you guys... the wife gave it the green light for an upcoming weekend. !
  14. That shot of the cutt / forceps / fly there... is fantastic. I love it. Very original...
  15. When someone said... NICE BROWN... I thought he was talking about this! LOL... BIIIIG BROOOOOOOOONIE!!!!!
  16. Point made. I never thought of it that way. I was just trying to protect the river. Perch are not naturally occuring there... I do agree they do exist in small number much, much farther downstream (gleichen area and lower)
  17. Max pretty much said excatly what I was going to add to thyis. Make sure you false cast to get your distance right. And try a small dry / dropper (one of my favorites for picky fish like that is a #16 ehc, with a #20 red bloodworm about 18 inches below it on 5x tippet). One other important factor in your spooking fish, may be the size of line / rod. I use a 3wt for situations like that, and find I spook waaay, waaaaaaaaaaaaay less trout than I did with my 5wt when I used a 5wt for dries.
  18. So your saying that the perch stocked (yes stocked) into Carburn park, should be in the Bow.???? You of all people after me about this??... aren't you the one who is highly against any rainbows in the oldman / livingstone.... why would you get after me for keeping/killing some perch out of the Bow. After the floods of 2005 I got probably about 25 of them anywhere around southland drive. Some were returned to the ponds (if I was close enough)... most were not. Ask the boys from Edmonton , or that fish sundance lake, what perch do to trout pops...
  19. If there already screaming.... it's a moot point LOL
  20. If your swinging... fish downstream. If your stalking rising fish you can see.. fish upstream.
  21. LOL... yeah. Remember 2003 when all the guide boats kept floating down a 70 F bow river in the middle of the afternoon, yet the same fellows had the nerve to say the rest of us were hurting fish when fishing for them at specific spots in April? *sigh* We should make a board code of conduct... for all members to read and abide by. I'll bet there are people who drop in who do NOT know how much room to give someone, or wether or not it's polite to go ask someone which way there going etc.
  22. Maybe becuase of the way people crucified me on the old board for years over one incident where I got sick and tired of the way no one had any courtesy or respect for where I was fishing. Seems your damned if you do and damned if you don't.... (with regards for sticking up for yourself and what should be "your water" if anyone had any common sense left)
  23. dang dudes. Looked thru my stuff and can't find the 2 pics I KNOW i have of weird bow river stuff... one being a 30+ inch burbot, the other being a 25+ lb sturgeon... as far as the koi, perch, goldfish... etc... they all got killed promptly... aka bait chucker style with a big bonk from a rock and then a toss into the shrubs. I don't think I took pics of any walleyes either. Maybe tom (bow river hooker) can post his 38 inch pike taken on a float a couple years ago with me and steve schartner. It was a hoot. Funny thing was he was all pissed off it wasn't a trout..!!!
  24. Thx for that link. That's 2 hrs from home for me... and totally worth going to try. Is the lake weedy (surveyors) or is there nice beaches for the kids and wife?
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