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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Wish I could have attended... work was in the way this year sounds like you guys pulled it off and a huge kudos to you!
  2. real easy to use web page template and designs at www.tripod.com.. It only costs 5.99 US / month for an add free page. I actually ran (and I think it's still on that) the entire bowcrow web site when I was the owner of Bowcrow Fishing Adventures.... and had many comments on how people liked the design and flow of the pages. If you want I could do this for you... all I'd need is the text and pics you'd want in. Lemme know if ya need me to do it... (you'd have to open the tripod account though). Brian
  3. Man I really love the (censored) , especially where I think you are on it
  4. So what size and type of hook do you use for this pattern? I think I know where to find an old B-Ball for the tying mats.
  5. hilarious choice of words.... in spite of the topic, wouldn't you say? LOL
  6. I'm in. I'll send u my pics. If the cost of going in the side bets is a dozen flies... I'm in for that also.
  7. any chance of a non facebook vid? I hate signing up for everything.... Can't wait to see it though..
  8. I kept stats for 7 years on the Bow. The trend is definately there... that the pressure must be rising or stable for a good solid day of fishing... and higher numbers of fish. For a BIG brute... pressure usually was falling though. Ever notice how when you land a real monster you dont have a whole lot of other fish that day? Ever been having a crappy day... terribly hot muggy summer day ... where later in the day a t-storm passes over and after it the fishing picks up? T-storms are high pressure. When they are building (during the day) the pressure everywhere but inside the thunderstorm's cell, is dropping (like 50 miles away from it). Once it gets really close the pressure rises (and the fishing turns on... until you have to go run and hide). One thing I notice though, is that THIS time of year (summer) the trend is not as pronounced. Go try to fish the Bow in January when the pressure is falling and it's a nice day out. Good luck to you I say... I'll stay at home.
  9. Cool thread btw.... where did you come up with this stuff?
  10. Ladystrange your kicking out some serious vibes here.... LOL why do YOU need to know if SHE is single...
  11. It's the new generation of fish. You know, how human females have been steadily wearing less and less over the years??? The fish are just trying to follow suit...
  12. I guess I should remember that Gok (like me) makes a fish look small for some reason in the pictures. Tjat fish is probably a lot bigger than it looks
  13. Ok I just spilled my bowl of cereal all over the comp.... thanks a lot Best edit ever!!
  14. Nice fish, they call that one the 8lb'er? I think I must have gone over 8lbs at Bullshead a few times then, who knows I gotta get out there someday... B Charles said he'd hook me up
  15. Sometimes the temp drop associated with the rain just simply puts 'em down for a day or two... nothing you can do.
  16. "you know when you hit that last shot over the green .... I told you you should have used a wedge and not your 9 iron!!!!"
  17. Looks like a certain high mountain lake I love. Sometimes that happens very often Great photo captures!
  18. Korban, everything you decide to take up as a hobby, do you do it extremely well. Great shots.
  19. Hawgstoppah


    Make the call NOW. don't let it just slip by. Soooooo many of you guys say... "dang if I only had the number"... MAKE THE CALL WHEN YOU GET HOME... make it a WEEK later... just make the call. report where, when, and what was going on. The number of phone calls recieved is DIRECTLY related to the amount of consideration areas get for patrol, or even more officers in the future... so make those calls!!!!! Even if it happened a month ago!! PLEASE!
  20. Crap. My wife reads books. Does this mean I'll never win an arguement... ever??... I mean... isn't every man's goal in life to win just ONE disagreement with the wife?
  21. Cancelled Vacation that you have been planning for months = Find a new dang job when you get back Enjoy your holidays man!
  22. Congrats! Here's tipping a glass to many more to come *tips glass*
  23. Trev! Nice fish man I remember that fish well. It was sitting in about 2ft of water behind a small island. We played it downstream about 500 yards or more. That shot was taken on your camera I think... wasn't it?
  24. Great fish. I love those colors!
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